
ch 1 origin


// Is it true that " a man can protect himself while a great man can protect others" that quote itself is far too broad. in this world, a great man is among thousands of people if not millions. achieving that is not an easy feat. Among thousands, it's a miracle that more than 10 can achieve that.//

in a large crowd, there is always a person that shines more than others. that person is a man among men, a true leader, a friend, and more than that a family. this will be a story about a man not born a chad at heart but raised by a great parent with the best upbringing they can give, which will make him into a chad who will raise others with him to become the best version of themselves. " A TRUE CHAD "

it all started with a break-up with a girl. on the way from school, the mc named Lucio was confronted by his girlfriend.

"let's break this up," said the girl

the words of the girl alone made a huge effect on, in the morning of that day was already devastating for the mc. added by when going to school he got wet by a car running over a puddle on the road along with that he received a piece of news that his dog died. he was truly devastated that day

/plack/ with a slap, Lucio was enraged

The girl was fanning the flame on already devastated Lucio

" on all days you have to do that today! if you have another thing to say I will slap you again! if not then shut up then get lost!" mc yelled at her

after that mc silently walks to his house with tears running down from his eyes. upon reaching his home he was greeted by his mother at their front gate with a hug.

" sorry lush our dog lynd died early this morning. he was pinned down by a car when he escaped from our house. I only found his dead body during my morning walk, sorry lush I neglected my duty." said Lucio's mother while crying

both of them cried while hugging at their house front gate. after crying for a while they were seen by Lucia's father hugging and crying.

" Why are you both crying? what happened?" asked his father

" our dog got rammed by a car this morning and the driver got away..." explained lucios' mum.

"let's go inside," said, Lucio's father.

after everything that happened, they sat at their kitchen table and eat quietly. both lush parents don't know how to console him all they can do is be quiet while eating. after eating lush wash his hands and wait for his parents to leave the kitchen so he may wash the dishes and clean the table. after that, he quietly go to his room on the second floor and straightly jumped to his bed facing down and cried. he cried hugging his pillow for hours and hours. his dog lynd was his very first dog and best friend he got it on his 6th birthday. he keeps remembering all the fun times with lynd making his night even worse. after hours of crying, his eyes began to dry and due to the exhaustion that day he fell asleep just a second.