

Hamza sat uneasily in front of Sani, beads of nervous sweat forming on his forehead. The camp's tense atmosphere weighed on him, amplifying his discomfort. Suddenly, a cacophony of voices erupted, announcing the arrival of food. The terrorists, with eerie unity, echoed the call.

Hamza's gaze darted toward the source of the commotion, and his heart constricted as he recognized a group of women in full niqab, accompanied by girls. Among them, his eyes locked onto a familiar figure - Zara, his sister. His breath hitched, and an involuntary gasp escaped his lips.

Sani, noticing Hamza's sudden reaction, turned his inquisitive gaze toward the boy seated beside him. He questioned, "What happened?"

Hamza, shaken from his thoughts, hesitated momentarily. He met Sani's probing eyes, which left him no choice but to reveal the truth. His voice quivered as he confessed, "That is my sister."

Sani, now fully focused on the group of young children, asked, "Which one?"

Hamza's trembling finger pointed at Zara, and Sani, glancing at the boy beside him, reassured him, "Don't worry, she will be treated well."

A perplexed Hamza couldn't help but question, "Why are you treating me nicely?"

Sani raised a calming hand, silencing Hamza's inquiries with a simple response, "Because you remind me of what I was."

Zara, on the other hand, trembled with fear. She found herself standing near a bonfire where a stern woman instructed them to serve the people. Lost in her thoughts, she scanned the area frantically, desperately trying to spot her brother. The woman's impatient voice jolted her back to reality as she demanded an explanation for Zara's delay, snapping her out of her reverie.

Zara stammered an apology and hurriedly began serving food to the men and boys gathered around the fire. Amid the chaos, she felt the weight of someone's gaze upon her. Raising her eyes, she locked gazes with her brother, and an instinctual cry of joy and relief threatened to escape her lips. However, Hamza subtly shook his head, urging her to remain composed. Zara's heart swelled with happiness and sorrow, and she continued to serve food, her actions accompanied by a hidden smile.

Meanwhile, Hamza's relief at seeing his sister alive was palpable. Thoughts of escape dominated his mind, and he offered silent prayers for the military's swift arrival to rescue them.

As the convoy continued its journey, Major Abdullahi's voice cut through the tense atmosphere. He inquired, "Any news yet from our man inside?"

The soldier by his side responded, "Nothing yet, sir."

Major Abdullahi fell into deep contemplation, his thoughts obscured by the looming urgency of the situation. In a soft, almost whispered tone, he murmured, "We are running out of time."

With a firm resolution, he issued the order, "Stop the vehicle here. We camp here tonight."

His soldiers acknowledged in unison, "Yes, sir."

Later that night, within the confines of the military camp, a soldier stood up from his post. His movement didn't go unnoticed, and a fellow soldier nearby questioned, "Where are you going?"

The soldier on sentry duty replied, "I want to take a piss." He nodded at the other soldier, who understood and let him pass. As he moved further away from the camp, he found a secluded spot. There, he discreetly retrieved what appeared to be a satellite phone from his pocket.

With a sense of trepidation, he dialed a number and waited anxiously. A voice on the other end greeted him, "Greetings, my Shekau."

The man identified as Shekau inquired, his tone serious, "Any news on who the rat is?"

The soldier, his voice laced with caution, replied, "No, sir. He is being careful, sir."

Shekau, clearly perturbed by the situation, sighed audibly. He then said, "Okay, be careful. We shall meet again, my brother."

The soldier replied solemnly, "Yes sheaku"

Shekau echoed the sentiment, "very good"

With their brief, cryptic conversation concluded, the soldier made his way back to the camp, his steps filled with a mix of determination and apprehension, knowing the gravity of the mission he was entrusted with.