
The road to becoming a God

The demon clan, which once ruled all realms of Hongmeng, has been lost in the years. The human race has replaced it. After burying the glory of the demon clan, it has become the new master of Hongmeng world. Ten thousand years later, the way of cultivating immortality is popular among the people, and many dormant aliens are secretly gathering strength to prepare for counterattack. An ordinary young man has opened his brilliant life through continuous efforts

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93 Chs


If you want to make a rune, of course, you can't make it out of nothing. On the contrary, because this rune technique is specifically aimed at the Five Elements Technique, and the materials used are all made of special materials. It has been established as a rule. Although Shen Shi is not very old, he was half forced to learn this rune method for many years since he was young. Of course, he knows the materials for making runes from the bottom of his heart

First of all, we need a special rune pen. The rune pen is usually made of tough and spiritual materials, especially the monster bones. The higher the level of the monster, the stronger its ability to absorb the spiritual power of heaven and earth, and the better the rune pen made of its animal bones; Secondly, it is the most basic carrier of the rune. This rune paper is not the ordinary white paper that used to draw runes in Xilu City by Shen Shi himself. It really needs to be made into a rune, which must be infused with spiritual power to form a special rune of the Five Elements Technique with a special rune array. Therefore, the rune paper must also be made of spiritual materials to withstand the spiritual power. Because the five element spells are different, the power is different, and the rune paper used by the five element spells of different levels is also different, such as the most common first level spells, such as "fireball" and "water archery". Because the least spiritual power is required for the least power, the rune paper needed is also the most common "yellow rune paper", If the power of the second level, third level and five element method suddenly increases, if you want to make the corresponding rune, the rune paper used must also be changed to "red rune paper", "green rune paper", and so on. Of course, the quality of the rune paper is higher, and the cost of the material used is also higher.

In addition to the two most important materials, the "vermilion" used to draw the rune rune array is also needed to make the rune. This kind of thing is not too rare. Shen Shi remembered that when he sold the rune pen and rune paper on the first floor of the West Lu City, the shop usually gave a bottle or two as a supplement.

The materials are roughly the same. But the main rune pens and runes need to be made of spiritual materials, so they are expensive in the past. In addition, the runes are difficult and complicated to make, so the price of runes has always been high in Shen Shi's memory. Even if ordinary casual repair knows that it can save time and effort sometimes, it can't afford to buy them.

At the moment, the white strip on the green board clearly wrote the words "self prepared materials". Shen Shi's heart sank, and then looked down carefully. Sure enough, there were a few words at the end of the strip to give some guidance. It was nothing more than self prepared runes and runes, but they were all available on the island in the gate. The lowest level runes and yellow runes together were about one rune and five runes, and one copy of five spirit crystals. As for the cinnabar needed for drawing runes, It is also a generous gift of friendship.

At the end, especially when I saw the price, Shen Shi turned around and walked away. The five Holy Crystals didn't sound very expensive, but they couldn't hold the runes and runes. These things are consumables. Needless to say, one piece of rune paper is missing. The runes, especially low-grade runes, are very easy to wear and tear because they are not tough enough. They are usually worn out when they are used less than 20 times.

Under this premise, the price of five Holy Crystals is too expensive. Moreover, runes have always been famous for their complexity and difficulty. Pingyue is very prone to make mistakes in drawing runes. Once one rune is wrong, the whole piece of rune paper will be discarded. So Shen Shi thinks about it for a moment, so he can't do it and has to give up.

"Destroy the merchant..." When he walked back to the front under the whiteboard, Shen Shi scowled and cursed the Lingxiao Sect's art hall in his heart.

The number of teenagers standing in front of the whiteboard is still quite large. Shen Shi looks around and sees that Sun You, He Xiaomei, Jiang Hongguang and other three are still standing there. Then he walks over and says, "What, do you see anything suitable?"

He Xiaomei and Jiang Hongguang both shook their heads slightly. Sun You sighed and said, "After looking at them for a long time, I feel that the tasks above are almost the same. It seems that they are really the ones my brother-in-law told us to do better."

Shen Shi frowned, pondered for a moment, and then said, "Why don't we go and have a look?"

The other three looked at each other and nodded.


"What, full?"

Sun You was a bit shocked and looked at the smiling senior sister in front of him.

This elder martial sister, dressed in the clothes of Lingxiao Sect disciples, is slim and beautiful. She looks five or six years older than them. It's the time of youth and beauty, and she seems to have a good temper. Standing in the White Crane Hall, she is responsible for receiving these new martial brothers. For many years, she has been happy to come and talk to her.

When Sun You and others came to her to register several tasks mentioned by her brother-in-law, they just said the first thing they thought was the best pill making after discussing it over and over again, the elder martial sister told them with a smile that the Pill Hall only accepted 40 people today, but now it is full.

"This is too fast..." Sun You, Shen Shi and others looked at each other, and felt a little bad in their hearts. Shen Shi hurriedly took a step and said: "Where is picking up the shells? Is that the task given by the array hall?"

The elder martial sister looked down at a pamphlet in her hand, smiled slightly, and then said: "The array needs 30 people, it's full."

Shen Shi was silent. He Xiaomei was worried beside him and said, "Where is the feeding of animals? The task issued by the Holy Animal Hall?"

Glancing at the record book, the elder martial sister smiled and said, "Oh, what a coincidence! The Beast Hall is full of 40 people."

"This..." The four teenagers stood aside, speechless for a moment.

After a long time, Sun You muttered, "Damn it, how can it be so fast? There are so many tasks on the white board. Why does everyone seem to be trying to squeeze into these places?"

He Xiaomei and Jiang Hongguang were silent. They seemed confused and puzzled. But Shen Shi thought of the words he had told his father when they left:

Is it true that all the elites and intelligent people in the world are gathered together in the cultivation of immortals? Even if they are so young, how many intelligent people are there? In addition, Sun You, who was born in an aristocratic family, will be secretly taken care of by some hints. What about other aristocratic families? How large is the scale of the vassal family of Lingxiao Clan?

He took a deep breath, but Shen Shi still felt a kind of inexplicable pressure, just how many things he had experienced. He did not lose confidence, but clenched his fist secretly.

"I said, why don't you go to the Red Beng people?" Shen Shi smiled and said to the other three partners.

Sun You thought for a moment, nodded and said, "It seems that there is no way out. Other tasks seem to be very troublesome. Why don't you go and have a look? If it is really difficult to peel shrimp there, let's come back?"

He Xiaomei nodded and agreed. Jiang Hongguang seemed hesitant, but at last, it seemed that the other three people intended to go, so they agreed to go and have a look together.

The Red Beng people live on the east side of the Black Fish Island, some distance from the Black Fish Market, but the road on the island is flat and easy to walk. It didn't take them much time to walk to the seaside village which is directly called "Red Beng Village".

From a distance, you can see dozens of strange houses on a flat beach, large and small. Most of them use four thick logs to break into the beach. Only six or seven feet above the ground can there be wooden houses. Ordinary people can even walk freely under these houses.

At the moment, people in that small village are shaking. Strange red clam people with red clam shells can be seen everywhere. But in addition, there are more than a dozen new disciples and teenagers similar to Shen Shisun and others here.

Seeing this scene, Shen Shi and others were stunned. Sun You was a bit surprised and said with astonishment: "No, there are so many people robbing here? I didn't hear that the task robbing on the island would reach such a heinous level before?"

Shen Shi tugged at Sun You, who was still in a daze, and walked forward quickly. He said, "Come on, we'll really lose here later..."

Sun You was startled and quickly followed. He Xiaomei and Jiang Hongguang were also surprised. They followed them and walked quickly to Hongbeng Village.

When they just stepped into Hongbeng Village, to be honest, the four teenagers were still a little uneasy. After all, this was the first time they had contacted these "demon families" closely since childhood to college. However, when they looked at the people of Hongbeng who were walking around, although they were not very hospitable, they didn't seem to be ferocious. Most of them looked like they didn't break the river, These youngsters have become more daring.

In addition, those teenagers who have surrounded the front are more courageous, so they quickly walked to the place where there are many people. Shen Shi glanced aside all the way, and saw that most people in Hongbeng Village were leisurely. A few smart looking Hongbeng people even took the opportunity to set up several stalls on the roadside, on which were placed coral, pearls, various strange minerals and even rare sea animal bones. They were rare things from the sea, and seemed to be preparing to do business with these Terran disciples.

However, it is obviously not the time to watch these things carefully. A group of four people hurried to the middle of the village, where they saw a place similar to an altar, with a strange looking statue of a sea animal enshrined in the middle. I don't know what kind it is. Anyway, Shen Shi didn't recognize it at first sight.

At the bottom of the altar, there were a dozen teenagers in a circle. In the middle stood several people of the red mussel race. The leader was an old man who looked familiar. Shen Shi thought about it. He remembered that it was the old man who had seen the old man and the young man at the Green Fish Fair before. He turned his eyes and saw that the red mussel girl was also standing behind the old man. In addition, there are three or four people of the red clam race standing beside them. They look taller and are all adult men of the race. At this moment, they look very happy with smiles on their faces.

"Don't crowd, everyone." The old man laughed, motioned for the youth around to be quiet, and then stroked his beard and said, "You can come here. The so-called is to earn Holy Crystal. It's very simple. Look, everyone." With a wave of his hand, two young red mussel men had already carried up two large bamboo cages. The "chattering" sound was heard all the time, as if there were many unknown insects crawling around.

For many years, the eyes of the boys had been lost. The boys generally felt nothing, but the faces of several girls in the crowd suddenly became somewhat unnatural. He Xiaomei, who stood beside Shen Shi, was suddenly frozen, and her eyes seemed inexplicably frightened.