
The Ro dropped

This is going to be my first fan fic. The main character Jack Saber after dying at an early age of 18 will get another chance at life when he is reincarnated by a God of unknown with a system and some wishes to live his newly found life to his hearts content. P.S the worlds the MC goes to range from worlds like Danmachi and Fairytail to Pokémon. This being the case because I want to make it like that however I might just make separate fan fics like a series from world to world. But we will see how it goes.

JackbladesFF7 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

CH 4 Purchases

Kyra opens the skill store first for Jack. Jack sees that their are some titles.

1 Experience point 0

2 Current world money Valis 1,000,000 ( While this might seem like a lot even though it is in this world you can not get much from this amount besides low grade weapons and armor and food and a place to stay).

3 System points 1,000

Jack notices that it is empty and gets very confused. "Hey Kyra why is the skill store empty." Kyra explains *The store is empty because you have no experience points with which to purchase skills. You need experience points which you can gain from completing missions or killing enemies. You also only get system points through missions or transferring content from this world into system points.* Jack a little upset "Oh". Kyra a little sad for him explains that *While you can not directly purchase skills right now you can learn some from certain events or skill books found in the regular item shop.* "Then can you take me to the item shop" Jack says excitedly. The items shop opens and Jack is overwhelmed by the amount of items and information that comes with it. Jack currently under mental stress " Kyra can you organize it for me so my brain does not hurt when I view it" *Sure* Kyra says.

(Item shop format)

Affordable items





Unaffordable items





Jack slowly goes through everything and notices some free items as well as some items that cost upward to 1,000,000 system points. Jack curious asks "Why are there free items in the shop?" Kyra explains that * Neireon wanted you to have some items as like a starter pack that he thought would both benefit you and your style as well as some of your favorite items you have seen from other anime/games.* Jack ecstatic gives a silent prayer to Neireon thanking him. Jack grabs the five free items and goes through them.

The five items are a full body mirror, a vault suit, a scythe, a armor set, and a interesting pair of gloves. The first one Jack takes out is the full body mirror to see what he looks like. The first thing he noticed is that his height relatively stays the same at 188 cm or 6 foot 2. But the rest of his body is drastically different he has a slightly tan skin and his face is incredibly handsome. His hair a medium length as it goes down to his eyes until he puts it back to go over the top of his head while some strands still go over his fore head. His hair is a black color with streaks of dark read throughout. His eyes are also a dark red that seem powerful but almost dormant looking. Then looking at the rest of his body he notices he has a slim but muscular figure that while looking slim shows much strength and power. After that he looks at his male member and his happy about the size before putting the mirror away happy about his whole body. If Kyra could face palm as Jack looks at himself she would have.

The second item he puts on right away as he recognizes it is a vault suit from fallout. Specifically from Vault 111 and it has the same design except from the blue and gold coloring though. The color on presently is mostly black with streaks of dark red that match his eyes and hair. Putting it on he looks at the vault suit stats.

(Just to keep it simple all stats when it comes to armor and weapons max out at 1,000 for this record world. However this number can be improved based on weapon an armor abilities or other skills that might increase that number)

Vault 111 Vault Suit Black/Red edition

Can be worn under any kind of armor. Is impossible to break or scratch. However if the attack to wearer is to powerful the vault suit makes an opening revealing the persons body to the attack. This being the case of why it does not break or show signs of any kind of damage as it avoids the hits that would normally break it.

Physical Defense 100

Magical defense 700

Scythe [Name]

The third item is a scythe when planted in the ground it is taller than Jack. The scythe is shaped with a spear like end at the bottom of the staff. The top of the staff has two sides one being smaller that the other as it curves on both sides with blades. The scythe is colored black with golden highlights spread throughout the scythe. Besides the color scheme it looks a lot like the scythe of Ruby Rose from RWBY. This excludes the gun portion of that scythe. The scythe also gives off a somewhat villainous aura. Jack then sees that he can add a name to the scythe thinking about the anime RWBY he decides to call it Grim.

Physical Attack 600 (Can be improved)

Magical Attack 600 (Uses dark magic due to the name of the scythe and that is a famous weapon used by the Grim Reaper. Can also be improved.)

The next item was a set of matching armor that can fit over the vault suit mentioned previously. The armor looked like adamantite armor and heavy. However when he put it on over his vault suit it was light and flexible. It had a dragon scale design to it. The colors where a mix of a predominately grey with streaks of dark red. While it did have a helmet Jack didn't want to wear it. The armor set included a helmet, chest piece, two arm gauntlets and two leg gauntlets. It also came with a matching pair of boots that only whet up to his ankles.

Dragon scale armor set [Name]

Physical defense 300 (Has the natural defense of a small young dragon while there are grapes in the armor it protects all vital areas and some joints. This allowing the user to have free mobility. This allows the user to use his agility dexterity and perception without worry. Can also be upgraded)

Magical Defense 300 (Has a higher resistance to fire but can still hold back weaker forms of magic. Can also be upgraded)

Abilities as the armor is hit and takes damage it builds up energy to let out a fire kinetic blast in the direction the user wants it to go whether all around wide spread or at a single point. Jack seeing he can name this one as well named it Dragneel. After Natsu from fairy tail due to the nature of fire.

Jack then goes to his gloves and equips them. Seeing what the gloves are he almost faints and has to stop himself from fanboying. While he can not name the gloves he would not want to any ways.

Alucards Gloves

These gloves have been through many blood soaked battles. Giving the user better attacks in hand to hand combat. While the gloves were not used in this way the gloves absorbed the aura of many battles over thousands of years. This being the case it gives off a very demonic and blood thirst vibe that when it glows in combat. The gloves are white with a red symbol and writing on the backhand that he can not read. The red glow originates from the symbol on the back of that hand.

Physical Attack 1,000 (Only based off own users prowess with hand to hand combat)

Magical attack 1,000 (Only based off own users prowess with hand to hand combat and amount of magic put into them)

Physical defense ??? Indestructible

Magical defense ??? Indestructible

(A/N while this might seem overpowered this only applies to his hands so while he can block all attacks with it. This does not help with attacks his hands can not reach to or sneak attacks)

Being very happy he pulls out the mirror again to look at himself and is very pleased and giddy. Kyra starts to laugh again making Jack blush. "Kyra what items would you recommend I buy with my current gear and system points." Jack says to her while still blushing and looking at himself and finally putting the mirror away. Kyra going though everything in a matter of seconds says *Jack you should buy all these skill books I have marked. They will not only help you gain skills with your current weapons but also help you survive in this forest until you choose to go to Orario in I assume 6 months. Also I marked some indestructible practice dummies for you to practice your technique on.* "Thank you" Jack says excited to start getting ready for his journey.

Jack then looks through the items marked and buys all of them making his System points go down to 300. The skill books were on scythe wielding, multiple close quarters combat, hunting, camp building, and survival tactics. Costing 500 system points. While he got two of the dummies for 100 each. Jack was able to read all the books in an instant and acquire the new skills that came with it.