

No one knows exactly when it started, but people began to run incessantly, gripped by fear of an impending catastrophe - a devastating flood that would sweep across the earth and take with it everything in its path: lives, homes, agriculture, and entire civilizations. The flood would leave the earth barren and desolate, until life slowly began to take root once more, and the cycle would begin anew. Throughout history, people have been acutely aware of the danger they faced, and they ran for their lives. But despite their efforts to escape, they often found themselves fighting a losing battle against the flood's immense power. Whenever the flood happens, it leaves behind evidence of its incredible might - remnants that varies in form and shape depending on the type of flood. People soon discovered that they could absorb these remnants of power, using them to fight for their survival and to rebuild what had been lost. This is a timeless story of humanity's struggle against the overwhelming forces of nature. It is a journey of discovery, as people seek to unravel the secrets of the great catastrophe and the countless civilizations it has destroyed over the course of history and beyond.

Voider · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


~~Rumble~~ Rumble~~~

The earth was shaking and the sound of trees falling is heard every second, while thinking he's going to die any time now, Bo did not! Minutes passed, nothing happened but the sounds only kept on getting louder and louder, so after some time Bo begin to calm down and forced himself to withstand the heavy feelings he's currently experiencing.

Out of the crack between the hills, Bo saw a scary sight, an avalanche of animals running in his direction and more in the horizon, they came in different sizes big, small or gigantic even, they fly or crawl, every animal is running in the same direction with the same expression of terror on their faces, like they're escaping something. Bo realized the sensations he felt was not him alone but every living being in the region or maybe more.

With no time to waste he took his axe with him and run leaving everything behind, only survival matters. While running, animals begin to catch up but they paid him no heed, something impossible in normal times, taking his chances Bo focused on a black rhinoceros and jumped on its back, "whew, this is crazy, I don't know what's going on but I will survive! Survive! Survive!": Bo.

While the rhinoceros was irritated that a fly like him is riding it, it could care less about that now, so with a frustrated heart it kept on running and running, escaping from what? Bo doesn't know yet.

The march was majestic, all animals running in the same direction and it only kept on growing as the numbers of escapees increased, until finally, Bo found some humans in between the other lifeforms, from their attire Bo knew they're the eagle tribe, a group of black-skinned people, their specialty is to hunt wild eagles and tame them, some of them use the eagles tamed for scouting so they're known as they go to for any kind of information in the area. Hastily Bo jumped from the rhinoceroses' back and strode towards the groups of humans to knew what is happening.

"Hah, hah, fellow souls, I wonder if you could enlighten this ignorant one, what is the panic for?": Bo.

The group that Bo went to already noticed him, and even though you could tell he's still a teenager, his great physique and the scars covering it, also the fact that he was riding a rhinoceros like nothing only indicates one thing, a great warrior is approaching, so putting on a respectful face a black-faced and bulky middle-aged man falls back to Bo and says: "Oh great warrior, calamity strikes, taking lives of our brothers, we have nothing left": The middle-aged man said.

"Speak clearly, what's going on!!": Bo shouted, noticing the fear in the man's voice.

"Everything was normal, until we felt a sudden terror, shaking our souls, tacking our courage with it, and then, then a…. a river of water came crashing down our little tribe, we could not identify the source from where it came from, it's just like it happened out of thin air, after the feeling of fear subsided, I thought it's a gift from nature, but the river was strange, while it is made of water, the water was heavy like rocks, everything it passes crumbles and get destroyed, the cottages we built, the plants we raised everything is Gone! Gone! Gone!": the middle aged-man shouted.

As the man kept talking and describing the tragic destruction of their tribe, he forgot his earlier respectful tone and became more and more crazed as if just now realizing what really happened.

Bo just decided to ignore the man and speed up after a simple 'thank you', "judging from their numbers a lot of them must have died, this is really deadly, I have to survive this, definitely": Bo internally said to himself.

~~ Crash, Splash, Booom~~

Suddenly, a great commotion started in the back of the massive avalanche of creatures, people screaming and wailing, the roars and grunts of the animals, the hissing of gigantic snakes, the chirping of the aerial animals, it was a chaotic sight where you could hear and smell the fear that is spreading around. Bo found the courage to look behind, then he saw a sight never will he forget, if he survives that is.

A great body of water clear as the blue skies, spanning across the horizon, with great speed and power passing through all. Wherever the river goes the earth fractures, the mountains crumbles and tress becomes splinters of wood, animals get swept and crushed by the power of this river, it's like watching thousands of red flowers blooming here and there and then wilting in a matter of seconds, a beautiful sight to be honest, that's what Bo thought about first, but Bo knows those are no flowers, those are human lives, those are the animals he feared all his life and could not approach, those are the life of this planet, gone just like that, whatever might they may have, whatever wisdom or knowledge they know, everything is useless in front of this calamity.

"Nature is angry with us, it will cleanse the earth from the filthy, the oppressors and all who goes against what was said in the ancient tomes."

While Bo was petrified by the sight of life fading away like it's worth nothing, he heard something disturbing, hurriedly turning in the direction of the sound to see who said those words, Bo finds nothing but a red silhouette shuttling through the crowd and disappearing in a flash, but Bo was sure of one thing, while it was humanoid it definitely was not human.

"I swear I saw two tails in the back of that person, I must be crazy with all that is going on."

Even though Bo tried to justify it as an illusion, or a result of his fear controlling him, in the back of his mind he knows what he saw and heard is important, back to the moment, a crisis is approaching Bo, but in all honesty, there is nothing to do in front of this natural disaster, all his experience surviving the jungle could not help him out of this situation.

As the flood keeps on approaching Bo and taking the thousands of lives behind with it, Bo, unlike the people beside him who succumbed to despair and surrendered to death, he kept on running and looking back from time to time, searching for a way to survive, his motto in life was "never give up, face your problems directly" which saved him countless times from near-death situations just not as near as like now. But the despairing situation leaves nothing to chance, there is no magical power that will bring him out of this, even the flying animals cannot escape, as the flood kept on rising and rising until it connected the ground with the sky leaving no space untouched by its might.

As Bo watches the water approaches him faster and faster, all the solutions seem to disappear, until a ray of hope shines behind him in the depths of the water flood, 'literally' he saw a white light inside the vast blue.

Any kind of hesitation left Bo at that moment, bracing the pressure of the water he dives headfirst in death directly, something courage is not enough to describe. In only a few moments, Bo felt a crushing despair, he knows he will not make it to the light before he become another blooming red flower in the sea of blue. But he persisted and only thought of going inside the light, forgetting pain and all other sensations, the only thought inside him was "Survive, survive, I must survive!!!"

While inside the body of water, Bo faced an omnidirectional pressure that crushed his bones in one breath, then his internal organs became a mush that kept on dispersing outside his body and disappearing to dust instantaneously, next where his eyes that popped up and with them the light went out for Bo, he could not see nor feel a thing, only a pack of skin and crushed meat and bones, he should be deader than dead but weirdly, the thought of going inside the light kept echoing inside the water, it was his soul leaving his body, his soul was not crushed, like a diamond compressed and polished to maximum toughness, it persisted with one though until it went inside the light and disappeared alongside it. Bo's body could not handle the pressure and like any other creature it became a red dust accumulating in the flood's bottom.