
The Ritual - The Moon Queen Book 1

In this fast paced, steamy romance, meet an entirely new breed of Werewolf. A Queen, Alpha Female, mated to an Alpha King, but much more than that, Kai Rivers is transformed into a Moon Queen, a rare and all-powerful type of wolf. Directly descended from the Moon Goddess herself, with power comes responsibly, and a lot of trouble. Learning who you can trust, is more trouble than not trusting anyone at all. Kai has grown up, anticipating the day she'll find her mate. Her one true love, designed for her from the Moon Goddess. She has always had a perfectly clear image of how her life was going to turn out, she would train for her Ritual, she would meet her mate, she would stay here with her pack as long as her brother and mate allowed. Until she finds him. Gabriel Zion Black. A possessive, unruly Alpha King who flips Kai's destiny into a parallel. Goddess help her.

torieileen7 · Fantasy
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35 Chs


A Moon Queen.

My mind flashed to when I had snapped at Gabriel in the bathroom the other night. Why he opened the door. His wolf obeyed mine. I was shocked. Were there any other Alpha Kings on this continent? How many were there in the world that I had to keep my eyes peeled for? Was this why it was so easy to put Pryor on his ass? Was this part of my over emotional week I've had?


His answer gave me a small flutter in my stomach, almost as if my wolf was trying to come back.

"Well, then I'm not either...." I spoke softly.

Moments passed and we were silent, neither knowing what to say, I watched the ice swirl around the cup again.

"I can tell something is on your mind," Gabriel spoke in a tone I didn't recognize.

"I'm just thinking about everything.."

"Don't lie to me." He was cold, like something had just pissed him off.

"My wolf is gone, and that means you can't claim me until she's back. It also means, if she doesn't come back soon, I could die." Your wolf is a major part of who you are, I've heard the horror stories of werewolves disintegrating to nothing and dying from going crazy. Usually, by a pack member ending their misery.

"What's her name?" His question shocked me, she hadn't ever told me her name though. Honestly it was quite rare for a wolf to name themselves.

"She doesn't have one," I replied.

"Yes she does, she's a queen."

I tilted my head in confusion, did that really matter, was that a deciding factor?

"Mine is Eros." I gazed at him in awe, "don't worry, she has one too."

I turned my head at a car horn, someone had walked out in front a car. It was a women, she was gorgeous. She had insanely long legs, and her hair was dark brown with light highlights. Her eyes were on Gabriel and I, but she disappeared behind the next building. A shiver ran down my spine and I nervously pushed my hair over my shoulder.

"What... is that." Gabriel's voice was stone cold.

I looked over at him, and his facial features were as hard as his voice sounded. He was eyeing my neck and I inhaled slowly, "uhm, its uh, battle wounds?" I said not very confidently.

Gabriel stood up and grabbed my hand, pulling me from the table. He walked me across the road, and started making his way down an alley, parked on the other side was his car. He was walking so fast I was nearly running, "wait, slow down, where are we going?!" He opened the passenger door and basically threw me inside, slamming the door behind me. I watched him storm behind the car, he stopped and ran one hand through is hair. Stress obviously in play.

I jumped when there was a loud bang that came from the back of the car, Gabriel grabbed his hand that he had just slammed down onto the car, rubbing his palm with his thumb, not in pain, but more stress. He walked to the driver side and got in the car.

"Who's hand print, is on your throat?" He was seething at this point.

I looked down at my hands, "it was train-"

"WHO'S hand, is it?" He yelled, I had never heard the King yell.

I sat silently and he grabbed my left arm, just above my elbow. He pulled me across the counsel and inhaled deep.

"God his scent is all over you," he snarled, Eros was coming out in his voice this time. He pushed me back into the seat, "was it him?" I could feel the anger turning to a blind rage.

I gulped, "y-yes."


Emotions were so thick in the air you could cut them with a spoon if you wanted.

"I'm, I'm sorry." I cracked, I didn't want to apologize, but I was trying to get my wolf back.

"I was stupid..I put myself in harms way to try and get my wolf to come back."

"You what....?" A new found concern trying to hide in his eyes.

"I was trying to get my wolf to come back.."

Gabriel put the car in drive and took off, now I was scared.

When he drove past the road that would take us to my pack, I relaxed, he wasn't going to confront Bex and I was relieved I didn't have to get in the middle of them. The farther we drove, the less tense Gabriel was. The only problem was that we weren't heading towards his either. Maybe he was just going to kill me now and send me on my way.

We pulled into a drive way, to a gorgeous house in the middle of the woods. It was very modern, the top half mostly black, and the bottom made completely from floor with ceiling windows. There were random chestnut wood accents around some of the corners and I looked at it in awe.

He got out of the car and walked around the front, opening my door. He offered me his hand, and I took it, hoping for sparks to fly like they did the first time he touched me but nothing came.

"COME BACK TO ME. I'M GIVING YOU WHAT YOU WANT." I screamed at my wolf, my eyes were welling with tears. Gabriel lead me to the door and put his thumb over the thumbprint reader, fancy.

He sighed, "I built this house for the day I found my mate. I didn't think I was supposed to have one, but building this, saved me from losing my wolf. Maybe it will help yours come back."

"You're not mad..?" I hesitated.

"I'm furious," he met my gaze, "I know you slept with him, but I can't hold it against you because we weren't officially claimed by one another. I know he is the reason she left. Then, you have him strangle you out, in hopes she'll come BACK?!" The volume of his voice increased as he went on. He let out a hefty sigh, "but I also know the pain and heartache you've endured the past day or two."

Hot tears were streaming down my face, how could this possessive of a man, who knew all my secrets from the past week, just flip a switch and want to help me.

Gabriel lead me through the entrance of the home, it was beautiful. No carpet anywhere, just hard wood floors. They were dark, the house was unfurnished except for one couch. He sat me down.

"Lay down," he commanded, "and rest your head in my lap."

Although I felt so strange, I did as he said. He was probably the only person besides myself, that could get her to come back. He was what she wanted after all.

He relaxed his left arm over the back of the couch, his right was playing with my hair. Periodically he would rub his thumb over my eye brow. It was so soothing I could have fallen asleep.

"Think about when we first me, and focus hard on my scent," he whispered, "think about how your body felt when we were in the bathroom and I kissed your neck.." His voice trailed, and I could tell he had talked himself into thinking about it too.

My breathing slowed drastically, close to sleep. About an hour had passed and I was rolled on to my side, my face buried in his shirt. He smelled so good, and his hands consistently stroking through my hair made me weak.

"Do you remember seeing me before you even walked into that palace," he questioned.

I nodded and he continued, "I saw you too, and I didn't think you could feel the pull yet, but you turned towards me.." he took a breath, "and I couldn't look at you in that meeting, because I knew what was going on, but when I made you go into that stairwell, I took your choice away." His voice was low, like he was disappointed in himself, "and for that, I'm sorry."

I sat up, I didn't feel forced into this, and I surely didn't want him to think I did. His eyes searched mine and he opened his mouth to say something again, but I put a finger over his lips, "shhh," I put a hand on his cheek, "I still had a choice, I didn't have to meet your gaze in that stair well, I could have kept my eyes shut.." I winced, a sudden headache emerging. It took over my thoughts and I groaned, laying my head back into his lap.

Then, Gabriel's scent felt stronger again, like it was wrapping itself around me. I felt warm, and dizzy.

"Look at me," his hand trailed through my hair again. I turned my eyes to him, and a familiar stirring in my subconscious pushed its way through. I winced again, closing my eyes, it wasn't a pleasant feeling, but I knew it was her.


My eyes jolted open and Gabriel froze, "her name is Reia."