
Chapter 43: Deliverance


The vampire lord and I arrive at this forest and we begin to search for our other three men. We open the trees that lead us into the forest, the ground is a muddy mess from the thunderstorm that we just had, but this does not stop us. We continue through the forest, there are puddles of muddy water throughout the forest, we step around them and tree branches have fallen to the ground, some are sharp and some aren’t. Some of the trees look as though they have been struck by lightning, the tops of the tree branches are hanging, and they look like they are going to fall to the ground.

As we continue to walk, we come upon a big pile of branches and mud. It’s so dark that it makes it harder for us to see from a short distance, so we walked up to this big pile and then we kinda kicked it. As we kicked it the branches flew off and when we looked down at it, it was one of our men, “DEAD.” I looked at the vampire lord with a scared face and said.