
The rising revenant

a man who dies in an accident. when he wakes up he finds himself in a mysterious place. He find out the he is some kind of mark one and he has to fight the encroaching darkness and bring peace. See how he uncover his secrets and deals with the challenges in his journey.

methestranger · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Chapter 5: Whispers and Secrets

Sleep, a fragile comfort, evaded Elias. The horrifying vision of the Fae Wyrm's attack gnawed at him. He tossed and turned in the makeshift bed, the silence of the room broken only by the pounding of his own heart. As dawn painted the sky in hues of rose and gold, exhaustion finally claimed him.

He dreamt of Elara, her emerald cloak swirling around her as she spoke of a chosen one and a world on the brink. He woke with a start, the dream leaving a lingering sense of urgency. He craved knowledge, a way to understand this strange world, the Order of the Dawn, and the Mark of Xulthor that burned faintly on his skin.

But Elvenford, despite its idyllic facade, felt like a closed fist. The villagers were kind, offering warm meals and shared stories, but a veil of secrecy hung heavy in the air. Elias decided to start his exploration with the old woman he'd met by the well. He found her hunched over a steaming pot, muttering under her breath. As he approached, she looked up, her rheumy eyes glinting with a strange awareness.

"You seek answers, young one," she rasped, her voice like dry leaves rustling.

Elias hesitated. "How did you know?"

A knowing smile played on her lips. "Some things are felt, not seen, child. You wear your mark openly, a beacon to those who can sense such things."

Taking a deep breath, Elias blurted out his questions. "Who are you? What do you know about the Fae Wyrm? And the Order of the Dawn, where can I find them?"

The old woman's smile faded, replaced by a grim expression. "The Order is but a whisper on the wind these days, child. Scattered and hunted by the growing darkness. As for the Fae Wyrm… they are creatures of nightmare, driven by a hunger that consumes all."

She gestured towards the well. "This village, Elvenford, was built upon a powerful wellspring. Its magic fuels the ward that protects us from the shadows. But the well's magic is waning, and with it, the ward's strength."

Elias felt a surge of dread. "Is there anything I can do? I… I channeled some kind of energy before, when I fought the boar."

The old woman's eyes narrowed. "The mark… it awakens a dormant power within you, child. A power you must learn to control. But be warned, wielding such power is a dangerous dance."

Their conversation was interrupted by a booming voice. A tall man with a thick beard and a kind smile approached them.

"Anna," he boomed, his voice warm like summer sun. "This must be our new arrival. Elias, wasn't it?"

Elias nodded, both relieved and wary of the newcomer.

The old woman, Anna, introduced the man as Korvus, the village elder. "He may be of some help, young one. Korvus is a wise man, steeped in the lore of Aethel."

Intrigued, Elias turned to Korvus. "Is there anything you can tell me about the Order of the Dawn and the Mark of Xulthor?"

Korvus's smile faltered for a moment, a flicker of something akin to fear crossing his face. "The Order… their teachings are… forbidden knowledge, young man. But perhaps, given the circumstances…"

He hesitated, then continued in a hushed tone. "There are rumors of a hidden temple, lost to time, deep within the Whisperwood. Legends say it was a sanctuary for the Order, a place where they studied the ancient magic to combat the darkness."

The Whisperwood. The name sent a shiver down Elias's spine. Everyone in Elvenford spoke of it in hushed tones, a place of tangled shadows and lurking dangers. Venturing there wouldn't be a simple walk in the woods.

"The Whisperwood is no place for the faint of heart," Korvus warned, his voice grave. "It's a labyrinth of ancient trees and treacherous paths, guarded by creatures both natural and…unnatural."

Elias squared his shoulders, a newfound determination hardening his resolve. "I have to try. The Fae Wyrm… they're coming, aren't they?"

Korvus nodded grimly. "They are. And if the rumors are true, the Whisperwood may hold the key to stopping them. But be warned, young Elias, the path you choose will be fraught with peril."

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