
The rising revenant

a man who dies in an accident. when he wakes up he finds himself in a mysterious place. He find out the he is some kind of mark one and he has to fight the encroaching darkness and bring peace. See how he uncover his secrets and deals with the challenges in his journey.

methestranger · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Chapter 11: A World Consumed

Relief washed over Elias as Elvenford came into view. The rising sun cast a warm glow on the village, a stark contrast to the chilling journey he'd endured. Yet, as they drew closer, a sickening feeling curdled in his stomach. The vibrant colors of Elvenford were muted, replaced by a sickly gray pallor.

"No," the cloaked figure beside him gasped, their voice laced with a tremor of fear.

Elias quickened his pace, a dread gnawing at his insides. Reaching the village outskirts, his worst fears were confirmed. Elvenford was no longer the haven he remembered. The once-vibrant buildings lay in ruins, their wooden frames gnawed by monstrous creatures. Grotesque shapes lumbered through the streets, their forms a twisted mockery of life.

These were no longer the wisps of darkness Elias had faced – these were creatures of pure malice, their bodies a conglomeration of shadow and bone. Razor-sharp claws scraped against the cobblestones, and their inhuman screeches echoed through the deserted village square.

Panic threatened to consume him. Where were the villagers? Had they escaped? Had they…? The image of Elara's vibrant smile flashed through his mind, replaced by a vision of chilling despair. A guttural snarl tore him from his thoughts.

A hulking figure, twice the size of a man, emerged from the wreckage. Its body was a grotesque amalgamation of warped flesh and obsidian scales. Glowing eyes burned with malevolent intelligence, and drool dripped from razor-sharp fangs. It let out a roar that shook the very ground, sending shivers down Elias's spine.

The cloaked figure beside him, for the first time, faltered. "A Shadow Stalker," they whispered, their voice filled with trepidation. "We need to get out of here."

But retreat was no longer an option. A pack of smaller, feral creatures, their eyes glowing with malevolent hunger, surged towards them. These were twisted versions of the forest creatures Elias had seen before – twisted wolves with razor-sharp claws and eyes that gleamed with unnatural hunger, and monstrous ravens the size of eagles, their beaks dripping with a sickly green ichor.

Elias instinctively channeled the whispers, his voice resonating with a power he barely understood. A wave of energy erupted from him, pushing back the pack of beasts. But the Shadow Stalker remained unfazed. It lumbered towards them, its every step shaking the ground.

The cloaked figure, with a sigh that seemed to carry the weight of ages, stepped forward. "Go," they commanded, their voice no longer a whisper but a powerful command that resonated through the very air. "Find the others. There might still be hope."

Elias hesitated, torn between his newfound purpose and the desire to help his mysterious savior. "Who are the others?" he shouted above the din of battle.

The cloaked figure raised a hand, their form shimmering with an otherworldly light. "The Order of the Dawn lives on, young one. Find them. Together, you might still be the world's salvation."

With a final push, the cloaked figure unleashed a torrent of pure energy against the Shadow Stalker. The ground trembled, the air crackled, and the creature of darkness roared in defiance. But the force was too strong. The Shadow Stalker recoiled, its massive form dissolving into wisps of darkness that dissipated into the air.

But the victory was short-lived. The cloaked figure, their form flickering like a dying flame, turned back to Elias. "Go!" they urged, their voice raspy with exhaustion. "There's no time…" Their words trailed off, their form dissolving into shimmering motes of light that drifted upwards towards the tainted sky.

Grief, raw and potent, threatened to consume Elias. He had lost his guide, his only link to the Order of the Dawn. But amidst the despair, a flicker of determination ignited within him. He wouldn't let their sacrifice be in vain. He had a purpose. He would find the remnants of the Order, fight the encroaching darkness, and avenge Elvenford.

With a final glance at the smoldering ruins of the once-peaceful village, Elias turned and sprinted into the ravaged forest, the whispers now a chorus of rage and determination guiding his path. The world beyond Elvenford lay shrouded in darkness, teeming with monstrous creatures born from the encroaching corruption. But Elias, the marked one, would not falter. He would become the storm against the darkness, a beacon of hope in a world consumed by despair.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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