
The rising revenant

a man who dies in an accident. when he wakes up he finds himself in a mysterious place. He find out the he is some kind of mark one and he has to fight the encroaching darkness and bring peace. See how he uncover his secrets and deals with the challenges in his journey.

methestranger · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Chapter 1: The Unfamiliar Wake

The damp chill seeped into Elias's bones, a stark contrast to the sterile hum of the hospital room he'd spent his last moments in. Disoriented, he blinked, trying to focus on the blurry shapes around him. Lush greenery pressed in on all sides, the air thick with the sweet scent of unknown flowers. Panic clawed at his throat. Where was he? How did he get here?

Memories flickered – the screech of tires, a blinding flash of light, a suffocating darkness. Then, nothing. He was dead. He remembered that much, the crushing certainty that had accompanied the flatline. But this wasn't the sterile white oblivion he'd envisioned.

A twig snapped behind him. Elias whirled around, heart hammering against his ribs. A woman, shrouded in a cloak of emerald leaves, emerged from the foliage. Her eyes, the color of polished amber, held an unsettling wisdom.

"Elias Thorn," she spoke, her voice a rustling of leaves. "Welcome to Aethel."

Fear choked his voice. "Who are you? Where am I?"

A faint smile touched her lips. "I am Elara, Guardian of the Wilds. You are in a world far from your own, child."

A world of…? Elias's breath caught. Elara's cryptic words sent a jolt of terror through him. This wasn't a dream, this was…real.

Elara's smile dimmed. "There is much you do not know, young one. But time is short. The veil between worlds weakens, and darkness stirs."

Darkness? Demons? The whispers from his grandmother, a woman who dabbled in the occult, flooded back. Elias had scoffed at her tales then, but now, a cold dread coiled in his gut.

"You are not here by accident, Elias. You were chosen." Elara's gaze intensified. "Do you remember what happened before…your transition?"

The accident. The screech of tires…and a blinding light. But something else, a flicker on the edge of memory…a symbol, a sigil etched onto the side of the oncoming truck. It felt significant, but why?

"I…" Elias stammered, frustration clawing at him. "There was a symbol. On the truck."

Elara's eyes widened. "The Mark of Xulthor. You have been marked, child."

Marked? By what? Elias's mind reeled. This was insane. Yet, the lush, fantastical world around him, the woman wreathed in leaves, it all felt terrifyingly real.

Elara knelt before him, placing a cool hand on his forehead. A surge of energy coursed through him, chasing away the lingering chill and sharpening his senses. Images flooded his mind – a desolate wasteland, monstrous creatures with glowing eyes, a figure shrouded in shadow. Fear, cold and primal, washed over him.

"That was a vision, Elias," Elara said gently. "A glimpse of the world you left behind, and the one that threatens to consume Aethel."

Terror choked Elias's voice. "What…what do I have to do?"

Elara's expression softened. "You are not alone, child. There are others who fight the encroaching darkness. The Order of the Dawn will guide you."

With that, she rose, her form shimmering for a moment before dissolving into the foliage. Elias was left alone, the weight of her words pressing down on him. Reborn in a strange world, marked by an ominous symbol, and thrust into a battle against an unseen darkness. He was utterly lost, yet a spark of determination ignited within him. He would survive. He had to.

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