
The Rising of the Emperor of Hell

In the beginning, Shangdi created the heaven and the earth. In seven days, he made the greatest of all his creations. A few years later, humanity worshipped its creator and respected its progenitor while I, Lu Xifa, the greatest of all the heavenly angels, was forgotten with time. When I tried to take my life, I ended up back in Genesis. Now, in my second life, I will cultivate to take over heaven or die trying. Check out the story of Lucifer, the fallen angel, told in the Xianxia style of Chinese novels.

NekoYasha · Fantasy
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10 Chs


I have lost count of how long it has been.

It's my third day of training, today I ate three fruits from the Garden of Eden and after a short recovery, I was able to balance on one foot on the top of a tree.

This training is to increase MY stamina and concentration.

I feel that I can fall down at any moment from here, how can I, a heavenly angel, be so weak?

I always thought I was the strongest of them all, but I could hardly do 1000 push-ups, and today I am about to fall from this tree.

Oh, shit!

If it wasn't for these fruits, I would have given up on the second day of cultivation.