
The rising of a Cute Gamer

A 34 years age a man after died by bus accident,and find him self as a reborn as a girl.this werid fate how !change for Minato life ? witness with us.

Loku_Das · Fantasy
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2 Chs

1.Death not an ending, it's new beginning.



[ At 6:00PM ]

In a windy night

Minato's Boss : Hey, Minato go to the scenod floor and pick up all choclate Boxes.


Minato : Hyi ! Hyi !

Boss, here is the choclate boxes.

Minato's Boss : ok,good work.

Hyi, Minato i heard you getting married soon.so when i can meet your lovely wife ! ! ?

Minato in awkwardness:I'm still single boss.

Minato's Boss:Oh! Oh! You're already 36yrs old when do you care for your future.


[ At 9:00pm ]

Minato leaved from his working shop,at towards his home.

Minato work near his house.its convient & time saving.

In that day Minato going for home, it's suddenly wheather become chill out side .

Suddenly, snow fall started. minato looked at the sky with sigh! !


shouted loudly~~

Why !


My whole life became a circus. I'm the Clown of this circus, it's been 26yrs mummy & Daddy you left me.left me alone in this circus World, where no one treat me like a human ,Here everyone, everything, like dires state.

All about past memories Minato life suddenly become dull,& he finally realised , there are no loging for his living in this world.

Suddenly snow fall dropping became heavy & fast,minato came into sense. Stated walking toward his home. Suddenly Minato see a mirror shop & there coming some dim lights That' attract Minato eye's..

Minato slowly approaching to this shop.

Suddenly an old women form behind shouted theif! Theif!

Minato: grandma I'm not a theif . i just curious,i never saw you before,in near my house .did you? Just started new shop?.

Shop Owner : (old women) i see.. you &i fated meet each other. There will be more mettings are waiting for us.

Minato: uhh .. i didn't understand, what are you! exactly telling me!

Shop owner: here is the mirror 🪞, that show ,you your life hidden path & reflection,. Just 5yuan.

Minato: just five yuan.is this old freek didn't cheat me ?. Right.!

Shop owner: i didn't cheat you my poor son.

Minato: Damn! Did she Just read my mind?,how it's that possible, it's just may be a coincidence.

Shop Owner : it didn't a coincidence,my son

Minato: uhh....! uhhh!!....

Shop Owner : you live you life very hard & dies state,& still survive. Do your good work.good bless you.


After purchased this mirror .

Minato leave the place toward his house.

Then, a bus with full Speed coming toward Minato,then,bus hit Minato.

Minato lying into the road,& thinking



I always wanted to die.but when bus hit me i ..i....i want live..

My eye's become Black,.huh?! ! Now it's completely black. So how it like being died alone. Mummy & daddy i m coming,we will meet soon.





I'm alive..! I'm alive!

Uhh! Uhh!

But why my hands are so small ,wait don't tell me I'm reborn as a baby.

Someone approaching me ,

oh! !

Did she Just kiss me 😳! ,who is she?.

Oh did someone just kiss me also! My forehead ,who is he?

Oh,my princess look how beautiful is she.so adorable & cute,oh! My she is just look like you.

Wait!. A minute,where am I ,what happing?

Did this man & women tell me princess?

Don't tell me I am reborn as a girl.

No .no no

It's not possible what kind Life is this?

I'm ..... I'm..... a boy..

But the way are those people looking at the way me know, that one possible , I'm a girl.

<Minato)< p>

Self checking is important!!

Lets see, oh no!. it's not there my 7"dick is gone,now what I'm see.

Forget it. Forget

Never think about that again. This felling give highly embarrassment.

At least in this world ,I'm not alone.

I have my family.

So it's not that bad.

God give me a second chance,after my death.

So, Death not an ending, it's new beginning.