

"Do Dreams come true?" and I am not talking about those dreams of better life, I am talking about those Subconscious dreams that you have once in while and after waking up forget about it. Well, Kelly's dream came true. the dream of his death as he looked at the haunting abyss that is swallowing him whole he thought about the events following up to it. One seemingly normal day Kelly and his Classmates are summoned in a whole new world to protect it from a Demon King not know the deception and mysteries hidden behind the veil and on his first expedition to a Mid-Grade Dungeon he is going to die, Kelly looked at his side and thought "Better than Dying alone". But, how would he and his partner in Death could know that their journey has truly begin now. Unbeknownst to them, stepping foot into the treacherous depths of a Mid-Grade Dungeon is only the beginning of an extraordinary odyssey. Follow Kelly on his journey as he go against Kings, Emperors, Gods and World itself and conquer his own fate, while also collecting beauties on the way. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Hi, there Author here I know synopsis are little bit off... ok no excuses even I don't know what i have written. honestly I can't explain the story in synopsis there is lot going on so if you like please give it a read. it is a slow pace at the start because I have to explain many things so bear with it. i am a new writer so it'll be really helpful if you leave comments on how should I improve. I have taken inspiration from ARIFURETA:FROM COMMON PLACE TO WORLD STRONGEST, so there would be some similarities but fear not the characters, plot and even world building is different. if you read it till now thank you again and enjoy the read. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ I don't have a discord channel so if you want to contact me join my telegram channel link is below: https://t.me/Rise_White_Conqurer

Nightmare_Kaushik · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


After venturing through the dim and unfamiliar passage for some time, their group finally emerged into a breathtaking sight. The transition from the gloomy stone hallway to the bright and dazzling marble passage was like stepping into another world. The walls were adorned with ornamental candlesticks, casting a warm glow that illuminated the surroundings. Unlike the previous area, this passage was meticulously maintained and exuded an air of grandeur.

As they walked further, Kelly couldn't help but be captivated by the ornate decor and exquisite artwork displayed along the walls. Intricate paintings and meticulously crafted suits of armor added to the splendor of the place, creating an ambiance that felt truly majestic. The realization that this extraordinary setting was a part of their new reality hit Kelly with a jolt, reminding him that everything unfolding before his eyes was indeed real. Suddenly, Agawa moved closer to Kelly, walking side by side with him. After, walking in silence for a while he finally spoke,

"Kamimura, how are you feeling now"

'Jolly good! Mate.'

Kelly thought sarcastically,

'Anyway, there is now way he came here to ask me just about my well-being.'

All of a sudden, a memory flashed in Kelly's mind—the place he had seen before arriving here, and how Agawa had been present there too. It made him think that Agawa might have brought him here to discuss that very incident. With that in mind, Kelly responded to Agawa's inquiry.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was only hit by that orb once, and it hurt like hell. I can't even comprehend how you got out unscathed with all those orbs surrounding you," Kelly explained, recalling the intense pain he had experienced.


However, Agawa's reaction was puzzling. Kelly could see question marks figuratively floating above Agawa's head, and after a brief pause, Agawa responded.

"What are you talking about, Kamimura? What orbs? As you can see, I'm fine," Agawa replied, confusion evident in his voice.


Now it was Kelly's turn to be confused. He thought back to what had happened, questioning whether it was just another dream. However, the vividness of the current events and the intense pain he had felt earlier made it difficult for him to dismiss it as mere imagination. The circumstances seemed too real to be a dream, leaving Kelly uncertain about the nature of his experiences.

'Then, why didn't he remember anything?'

As Kelly pondered the situation, he considered the possibility that Agawa's lack of memory could be attributed to his unconscious state during the event. It seemed plausible that Agawa had no recollection of what had transpired. Kelly continued to scrutinize Agawa's face, searching for any signs of deceit or feigned ignorance, but there was genuine confusion in Agawa's expression. It became increasingly clear to Kelly that Agawa truly had no understanding of what he was talking about.

"Kamimura, what! Why are you staring at me like this?" Agawa asked, clearly taken aback by Kelly's intense gaze.

"Sorry, it seems I am a bit confused," Kelly replied, trying to divert attention from his suspicions.

For now, let's keep it to ourselves, he thought. Kelly didn't want to reveal his concerns and explain something. When he himself was in need of an explanation.

"It's okay, we're all feeling confused," Agawa responded, trying to reassure Kelly.

"But are you really?" Kelly inquired; his curiosity piqued.

"What do you mean by that?" Agawa asked, puzzled.

"I mean, come on, we're in an unfamiliar place, surrounded by people talking nonsense. Everyone is on edge and at their wit's ends. Yet you haven't lost your composure even once," Kelly observed.

That was something Kelly couldn't comprehend, no matter how much he pondered over it. How could Agawa remain so composed, as if he were taking a leisurely stroll in the park?

"Haha... I suppose you're right," Kelly chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. "But think about it, we've been summoned to another world. What else can we really do about it?"


Kelly was at loss of word for once, he couldn't comprehend how Agawa could take things so lightly, how can he even accept this load of bullshit so easily, without any hesitation, after taking some time to swallow what has been said to him, he questioned Agawa.

"What? Are you seriously telling me that you accept the fact that we've been summoned into another world? How can you be so willing to believe it without any evidence?" Kelly's voice betrayed a mixture of confusion and frustration.

As an otaku, Kelly himself was more open to the possibility of such fantastical events, but Agawa's nonchalant acceptance of the situation seemed unfounded. He needed an explanation, a rational justification for Agawa's easy acceptance.

"I mean their language"

"What... their language? Wait a minute." Kelly's mind raced to process the implications. How were they able to understand each other if they were supposed to be in a completely different world? Hope flickered within him, but Agawa quickly extinguished it.

"The movement of their lips didn't match the words we heard. The meaning is simple: what we heard was in Japanese, but the language they spoke was different." Agawa's words cut through the confusion, leaving Kelly with a deep sense of disappointment.

Kelly's eyes widened in realization as Agawa explained the peculiar phenomenon. The language barrier that should have existed in this unfamiliar world seemed to be nonexistent for them. Agawa's words hit him like a revelation.


"You just asked 'how are you' right"

Kelly asked that question in English but Agawa was able to hear it in Japanese, Kelly was ashamed that someone had to point that out to him, Kelly recalled the moment when the old man first spoke. He had been too overwhelmed to make sense of it, but now he understood. He had initially heard the words in English, his preferred language, but Agawa was hearing them in Japanese. It was as if their minds were translating the language automatically, bridging the communication gap. Kelly knew Japanese like back of his hand but if asked which language he was most comfortable in he would without a doubt pick English and right now too. Whatever Agawa was speaking he could hear it in English when he was without a doubt speaking Japanese.

The realization left him even more bewildered about the nature of their current predicament.

"And that's not all too"

'There is more.'

Kelly thought to himself, astonished by Agawa's observation skills. In a time of confusion and fear, while everyone was grappling with the unknown, Agawa was calmly analyzing their situation. It was a display of astuteness that commanded Kelly's admiration.

"Ever since I came here, I can feel a surge of power running through my whole body, and not just any power I feel like I can cross a mountain with a jump or destroy anything with a single punch, it's something I haven't felt before don't you feel it too"

Agawa's words piqued Kelly's curiosity even further. Kelly was not sure what to make of that. He described a surge of power coursing through his body since their arrival in this new world. It was not just any power but something extraordinary, a sensation of immense strength capable of feats like leaping over mountains or demolishing obstacles with a single punch. Kelly hesitated for a moment, but trusting in Agawa he tried to feel it too. Closing his eyes, he focused on his own body, trying to sense any trace of this newfound power. As he opened his eyes, a shocked expression overtook his face, confirming Agawa's statement.

The realization of their shared transformation brought a mix of wonder and apprehension. Kelly couldn't help but wonder what other surprises awaited them.

"Yeah, you're right. I don't feel anything extreme like you, but it feels like I've become stronger than before, significantly stronger. What is happening?"

"Not only that, try focusing on your senses, and you'll see what I mean." Agawa's voice carried a sense of excitement. Kelly followed his advice, concentrating on his senses, and to his amazement, he felt a surge of heightened awareness. He could hear the subtle sounds of his classmates breathing, discern the different scents of their perfumes, and if he focused enough, he could even see far beyond his usual visual range.

"Whoaaa", Kelly exclaimed, impressed by the newfound clarity of his senses.

"I know, right?" Agawa replied, a hint of excitement in his voice.

"But why are you telling me all of this shouldn't you be better off discussing this with your friends about this"

While Kelly was thankful for what he was told he didn't know what to make up of the fact that Agawa was discussing this with him instead of his close friends, to this Agawa gave an unexpected answer.

"Well, you are the only one I can talk to about this if I explain this to Ayase or Tokito they will freak-out and I don't think they can Handle it very well, and you are… Well how to say this, well adverse in this topic so, I wanted your opinion on all of this, this kind of things always happens in a light novel plot right so, what do you suppose Is going to happen next"

'Well, he is right, I and Sumire are the only people who can answer that and he was able to tell that Sumire was in no shape to answer that, so he came to me. But again, this is not a light novel and the protagonist is far from dense.'

Kelly looked towards Agawa as, he thought that.

"If we are going according to the usual route, I guess we are lucky that we didn't end up summoned by an evil god or ended up as slaves and remember those people were happily talking about how they are saved so, I think we lucked out on that one but if my hypothesis is right…"

"What then"

Agawa asked worriedly after reading the expression Kelly was making.

"No nothing I feel like I'll jinx it, if I say it, anyway whatever it is we will hear it sooner or later"

"Yeah, you are right and I think our wait is over"

As our conversation came to a halt, the old man also came to a halt and turned back. He directed his gaze towards Agawa and spoke.

"Here we are esteemed hero please follow me and we shall speak without any disturbance here"

When everyone looked in the direction the old man indicated they could see a door large enough that even giants could pass through it, not to mention how extravagant and grandiose it was.

"Open the doors"

Old man said in a commanding tone to the soldiers standing around the gates. And after a while one of the soldiers started muttering something which to Kelly sounded like a magical chant and after the soldier finished chanting wind shot forth from his hands and the doors were pushed open because of the force Kelly and his classmates couldn't believe what they saw they were so enchanted that for a moment they forgot the predicament they were in.




"What just happened"

"Was that magic"

Seeing the reaction, he expected the old man to smile and be satisfied. After that he walked into the room where there a large table enough for them all to sit comfortably was kept, old man went to the head of the table Agawa and his friends sat near him whereas, Kelly took the back of the seat where he could observe all his classmates and Sumire timidly sat next to him after all of them took their seat the old man clapped his hands and countless maids entered through the door after the magic, now the maids, most of the boys gazed longingly at the beautiful maids. When the girls saw that, they glared at them coldly, little by little the atmosphere in the room was relaxing and after gazing over all the students once again the old man finally spoke.

"Once again, I extend my warmest welcome to all of you, esteemed heroes. I am the pope of the holy church in this kingdom, Lotario Cotni. It is an honor to make your acquaintances." The old man who called himself Lotario Cotni broke into a good-natured smile, his cheerfulness lighting up the room.

"Now, I understand that each of you must be grappling with immense confusion regarding the circumstances that have brought you here. I assure you, I will provide an explanation, starting from the very beginning. I humbly request your patience and attentiveness until the end," Lotario continued, his tone inviting curiosity and attention. However, the explanation he presented was so generic and unreasonable and seemed oddly familiar, as if lifted straight out of a fantastical plot.

In short this is what he said- first the place they were in is called Armenian Kingdom, where humans and GOD live together, there are many species living in this world but mainly humans, demons, demi-humans, elves and dwarfs inhabit most of the major continents. The Armenian Kingdom resides in the southern continent whereas demons reside in the northern continent.

Throughout history, humans and other races had always maintained a tumultuous relationship with demons, locked in an eternal conflict that spanned countless ages. As the pope addressed the group, he tactfully avoided divulging the underlying reasons behind this strife—a fact that Kelly keenly noted. Instead, the pope described the horrors unleashed upon humanity by the demons, their brutality and malevolence eerily reminiscent of tales plucked from the pages of fantasy novels.

Notably, the demons possessed remarkable individual strength that far exceeded that of any other race, effectively balancing out the disparity in numbers. Their formidable power stemmed from their immense mana reserves, rendering them exceptionally perilous adversaries.

The Demon Empire, once dismissed as a feeble entity, emerged as a new power on the world stage. United under a single ruler, the demon tribes formed an empire, initially they were largely ignored by the rest of the world due to their previous weakness and tribal structure. And, for the past 250 years, peace had prevailed between the demons and other races—not through diplomatic relations, but rather through an unspoken understanding to mind their own affairs.

However, approximately five decades ago, the Demon King initiated sweeping changes to their national policies, rapidly advancing the empire's growth. The demon army swelled in numbers and strength, attracting the attention of neighboring kingdoms who, were alarmed by their growth. Yet, a significant shift occurred ten years ago when the Demon King forged a pact with the Calamity Dragon Emperor, a fearsome entity residing in the northernmost reaches of the demon territory. This alliance prompted a drastic alteration in the demon empire's foreign policies.

As the pope continued his narration, a somber expression clouded his features.

Dragons, the apex predators of this world, wielded powers comparable to that of gods themselves. Among them were the revered Dragon Emperors, four in total, each representing one of nature's fundamental elements. Despite their status, these powerful beings chose not to involve themselves in the affairs of this world. However, the same could not be said about their kin.

The Demon King, in a momentous turn of events, married the daughter of the Calamity Dragon Emperor. While the Calamity Dragon Emperor himself would refrain from meddling in worldly matters, that doesn't mean he wouldn't protect the Demon empire should it face invasion. This declaration stirred nations across the continent, and the Demon King subsequently altered his foreign policy. The number of soldiers stationed at the border doubled, and approximately five years ago, they launched attacks on surrounding countries. many of the smaller nations neighboring the Demon Kingdom capitulated, while even the mighty empire, the most powerful nation, suffered territorial losses.

"Despite being a small nation EUDAEMON KINGDOM boasted strength far superior to that of most nations neighboring northern continent, I have heard their army was very strong and they had mixed multitude of races living together in harmony which gifted them with a diverse army and had a very unique governance" pope's expression distorted as he talked about many races living together in harmony.

"A great country like that was cast into utter ruin, The demons had no need for human prisoners. At the time of the attack, the majority of EUDAEMON'S people were slaughtered by the demons. The ones who survived were then picked off by the demons' human hunts, women were raped or sold off to as slaves. There are a lucky few who have survived to this day, but the population of EUDAEMON has been decimated" the pope said as he wiped the tears from his eyes and told the horrors that befell that nation and its people.

"Human hunts? No way…"

"They committed a genocide i-im-impossible"

Hearing pope's explanation everyone wore pale looks, the very idea of human hunt's struck fear into their hearts, as they heard the tale some of the student's vomited their insides out, whereas most of girls held their body close trembling at the mentions of the horrors befell on the women, even Kelly was not immune to this he felt aghast and repulsive just by thinking about it, it was quite clear the demons of this world were different from the sort that commonly appeared in novels. There was no working together with creatures of that ilk for peace or the greater good.

"Wh-what about the children"

One of the students finally gathered the courage and asked but the pope only hung his head down and shook his head, the meaning of which was conveyed to everyone there, the student who asked fell off from her chair putting a hand to her mouth and sobbing.

"How could they? How could they do such monstrous things, even to children!" Agawa's voice erupted with anger as he abruptly rose from his chair. His usually calm demeanor shattered, leaving everyone around him bewildered by the unexpected outburst. The intensity of his words fueled the growing anger towards the demon race. From the corner of his eye, Kelly caught a glimpse of a faint grin forming on the pope's lips as he resumed speaking.

"That, I'm afraid, is the true nature of these demons. They hold nothing but disdain for humans, treating them as mere prey. Their evil knows no bounds, and their power is their only noteworthy attribute. They would rather strike us down than engage in any form of negotiation or compromise," the pope's voice carried a tone of desperation as he turned his gaze towards Agawa, his words laced with a pleading undertone.

"The invasion of the demon army may have slowed for now, but we stand on the precipice of a future where not just this nation, but the entire human world will be trampled underfoot by those merciless demons. I implore you, great heroes, to protect our nation and humanity from these vile beings who kill without remorse. Without your intervention, our fate will be no different than that of EUDAEMON KINGDOM," the color drained from the pope's face, his voice turning somber. His plea seemed pitiful, but to Kelly, it felt sly and repulsive.

'What a complete load of bullshit. None of this story adds up. I do feel sympathy for the people of that Kingdom, but asking us to believe this without any proof is absurd. If only Agawa was in his right state of mind, he would see through the holes in this man's story.'

After a brief pause, the pope posed the question once again, his eyes fixed on Reiji.

"Great Hero, would you be willing to accept the task of saving us all?"

Silence filled the room as Reiji lowered his gaze, lost in deep contemplation. Kelly's eyes darted around, taking in the resolute and determined gazes of his classmates, including Sumire, who despite her fear, showed a willingness to help. Knowing Agawa's personality and demeanor, Kelly had a strong hunch about his answer. And as if confirming his prediction, Agawa finally spoke.

"I will undertake your request," he answered.

Kelly sighed inwardly as his prediction came true.

"And don't forget me, no way in hell am I letting you go alone," Hiroya firmly answered.

"Guess I'll have to come too. Don't know what will happen if I left you two to your own devices," Haruka spoke after both of them. Swept along by the flow, the rest of the students naturally agreed to join the fight. Kelly closed his eyes, his heart heavy as he saw the satisfied smile on the pope's face. The weight of it all sent shivers down his spine. He slipped his hands into his pockets and tightly clenched the lighter he kept there, seeking strength from its presence.

Calm down, Kelly reminded himself, recalling his grandfather's words. "First analyze, then take action." With that in mind, he began formulating his next steps for survival.