

"Do Dreams come true?" and I am not talking about those dreams of better life, I am talking about those Subconscious dreams that you have once in while and after waking up forget about it. Well, Kelly's dream came true. the dream of his death as he looked at the haunting abyss that is swallowing him whole he thought about the events following up to it. One seemingly normal day Kelly and his Classmates are summoned in a whole new world to protect it from a Demon King not know the deception and mysteries hidden behind the veil and on his first expedition to a Mid-Grade Dungeon he is going to die, Kelly looked at his side and thought "Better than Dying alone". But, how would he and his partner in Death could know that their journey has truly begin now. Unbeknownst to them, stepping foot into the treacherous depths of a Mid-Grade Dungeon is only the beginning of an extraordinary odyssey. Follow Kelly on his journey as he go against Kings, Emperors, Gods and World itself and conquer his own fate, while also collecting beauties on the way. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Hi, there Author here I know synopsis are little bit off... ok no excuses even I don't know what i have written. honestly I can't explain the story in synopsis there is lot going on so if you like please give it a read. it is a slow pace at the start because I have to explain many things so bear with it. i am a new writer so it'll be really helpful if you leave comments on how should I improve. I have taken inspiration from ARIFURETA:FROM COMMON PLACE TO WORLD STRONGEST, so there would be some similarities but fear not the characters, plot and even world building is different. if you read it till now thank you again and enjoy the read. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ I don't have a discord channel so if you want to contact me join my telegram channel link is below: https://t.me/Rise_White_Conqurer

Nightmare_Kaushik · Fantasy
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28 Chs


So, to control Nature they need to have something more, something supernatural. Something that was not present back in their world but here it is. The Power of Mana. Mana the main component that differs this world with theirs. Here mana exists everywhere around them even in the air they breathe and all living beings of this world are born with it, even after death your body decomposes slowly because of the mana present in your body. But even so it's present in everything that doesn't mean it can be used by everyone it's not easy to control, forget mana in the surroundings even controlling all the mana inside your body is a great feat to achieve. This mana a supernatural existence which allows people to achieve superhuman strength is an enigma. Most people don't even question it.

'Well, of course they don't. It's like asking why they have air to breathe or why do they drink water when thirsty. Only people like us will find it weird and try to question the sanity behind it. Well even in our world we didn't question the existence of air in Middle Ages.'

And Kelly sorely lacked mana, the vital energy that fueled magical abilities. His mana reserves were woefully insufficient, limiting him to meager displays of power. At best, he could generate a feeble electric current around his hand, capable of nothing more than a mild paralysis. However, expecting someone to simply stand still and allow him to make physical contact was nothing short of wishful thinking.

His situation was akin to possessing an AK-47 rifle without knowing how to unlock it.

'if things stay as they are, Daichi's words will becoming reality. Forget about the demons maybe I couldn't even defeat children from this world.'

While he was wallowing in despair. Someone tugged on his sleeves as if sensing his emotions.

"Right! No need to lose heart I got you too with me!"

Kelly said those words as he moved his hand and placed it on the top of a crow's head. As he kept on petting its head, he found myself calming down. Yeah right, no need to freak out I still have him kelly thought.

"After all! You are more powerful than me aren't you buddy"

Turns out even though my Lightning magic has no future whatsoever. My summoning magic works just fine and Mr. Crow here is my very own summon.

Where all others types of magic works on natural phenomena. Summoning magic is the only exception its completely different from all the other types of magic. While with other magics, you need some amount of mana to trigger them with summoning you need no mana it doesn't even matter if you have mana or not. Summoning magic entirely depends on the other aspect of the status 'SOUL STRENGTH'.

As explained before soul strength means the strength of your soul or the amount of stress your soul can endure. So, when activating summoning magic if the summoner's soul strength is equal or less than the summons then only the contract can be completed.

The reason you can't form contracts with beings of higher soul strength was simple, when forming a contract both individuals souls overlapped with each other. Simply put they are connected through soul. A bond which can't be broken when formed until one of them dies. Therefore, as a summoner your soul strength plays a major part. For example, kelly's soul strength is 50 which is a numeric representation thanks to status. So, If he choose to form a contract with someone of lesser soul strength let's say 25. Then he will only be left with another 25 of his soul strength to form another contract. Conversely if kelly form a contract with someone whose soul strength is more than 50 then it will put an incomparable strain on my soul in which case either he will die or his lifespan will be shortened. With an additional benefit of your, summon being out of your control.

'Normally people with summoning magic have higher soul strength also. Like the Hero, but there have been some unfortunate incidents of people with low soul strength to have summoning magic. In that case it is preferred they summon only one with all their soul strength and train them to become stronger.'

"Isn't that right! Mr. Crow"

And all that brings us back to kelly's summon. Which is in fact a crow, I know it doesn't sound all that amazing to have a crow as a summon when the hero summoned a dragon. But that doesn't make Mr. Crow powerless contrary he is even more powerful than those snot nosed knights.

There is a huge difference between the soul strength of humans when compared with beasts. Usually, beasts have low soul strength and that's resulted in them having low intelligence conversely humans have higher soul strength compared to beasts. It doesn't mean they are powerful than beasts. It's just because they are highly intelligent species compared to beasts. So, even though a low-level beast has soul strength between 5 to 10 they are generally stronger than most humans.

"Which makes you a very powerful beast out there! Isn't that right! Aww…" kelly said as, he started patting his whole body with both hands. And in response he yawned and nodded boringly, as if answering kelly.

'So, cute!'

Kelly thought as, je kept touching his fluffy feathers.

"But I guess I should find a better name for you soon!"

Kelly said aloud what he was thinking deep down. While he kept on saying Mr. Crow, he was anything but that. For starters he was huge, even bigger than an albatross and instead of a crow's signature black colour he was all white. He even has three dark red eyes. This species of beast is called three-eyed raven. And aside from their power what makes people truly fear them is their skill.

'PATRIFICATION', they possess a B-Rank skill and combine with the fact that they can fly it makes them truly frightening creatures.

"However! After forming contract with me you became my familiar so, I can't lump you with those other beasts now can I!!"

Kelly is his musings thought back to the crystal that allowed him to summon his familiar.

"Anyway, what even was that crystal"

"Were you perhaps talking about the summoner's crystal"

Kelly just muttered aloud without any intention of getting any answer but to his surprise someone answered him as he turned back to see who it was. Kelly found a familiar face staring right back at him.