
Tight budget, I pressumed?

Just then, Mia Chen heard her phone rang, resonating throughout the whole empty hallway. Glancing at Morris Liu and then to Lexi, she saw Lexi briefly raised her right brow, gesturing her to answer the call.

"Well, Miss Chen? Won't you answer?" Smirking, Lexi insinuated. "Is it something that we shouldn't hear? Don't worry, we respect your privacy." Lexi added.

Slowly, Mia Chen picked up her phone and saw a familiar contact person; it was one of the media people she hired! Picking it up, Mia Chen said nothing and let the person speak.

"Miss Chen, are you sure about the room number? The people inside are not Mr. Liu and Miss Yang but different couples! They said they will sue us!" From the other end of the line, a panicking man exclaimed through his shaking voice.