
Pettiest award

One hour later...

Churu bit her bottom lip as she stared down at his sleeping face. Earlier, she only did what she had done out of desperation. However, why does she feel a little flustered while looking at him?

"It's nothing... this is nothing..." She murmured as she touched her thin lips. She could feel her cheeks heat up once again just thinking about the texture of his lips. 

"Ahh...!" Churu shook her head profusely. She needed to get whatever silly thoughts that was corrupting her head out of her mind. Alas, she only got a hold of her thoughts when she slapped herself thrice. "It's almost morning, I should head back to Lexi's house." Churu said, exhaling a heavy sigh. 

With that said note, Churu headed to the door and unlocked it. Shortly after, she went back to the side of the bed and checked his life energy again.