
I love you

The moment she opened her eyes, Ethan's sleeping side profile is what welcomed her. Seeing this, Lexi heaved a light sigh before turning her head towards the windshield. 

Currently, they were still inside Ethan Lu's car but, it was already parked in the hotel's parking space. When Lexi slowly sat, the jacket that was covering her slid down which caught her attention.

'Sissy, what time is it?' Lexi inquired telepathically before she glanced at Ethan's sleeping figure that was perched on the driver's seat.

On the other hand, Churu was sitting on the car's hood. The moment she heard Lexi, she turned her head to see Lexi's tired countenance.

"Past midnight~ you have already arrived two hours ago but Mr. Main task was afraid to disturb your rest~" As usual, Churu's response had a few more extra information that Lexi didn't ask.