
The Rise Of The Void God

After awakening god-like powers Neo had to become as powerful as the God's who first handled said powers. When he couldn't meet the standard, he must now protect his family after he himself escaped death

GhostofChristmas · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

Another Loss 3

As it was Neo behind him, covered in blood, as he had a crazed look on his face before Neo spoke


"Yo, long time no see, eh? weathers nice for your demise."


he said with a wide smile on his face as leviathan would back up in horror and confusion before realizing


"You...did you use holy magic to heal your wounds?"


as Leviathan would back up a bit as Neo replied




he said as he spread out his arms as he would start laughing




he said as he would cackle more as Leviathan stopped and stared at him as he thought to himself


"Is he high?"


before pulling out his blade and covering it with holy magic to enhance the attack's potency. Neo just stared at him in confusion as leviathan spoke out


"Don't you dare get cocky now, you bastard!"


he said as he would launch several attacks at Neo with no stopping, as neo would just avoid them with no effort before punching him in the gut, sending him flying into the air As Leviathan would let out a cough, he noticed that Neo had grown stronger than before, as he thought to himself


"What is this power!? it feels like I've been hit by my own strength, but doubled no tripled no Quintupled by a huge margin."


he said as he gritted his teeth as Neo would appear behind him as he pulled out his blades as well as he smirked as his blades began to glow white as he would launch a horizontal slash as a huge beam of light would engulf Leviathan as it split apart the heavens as the eye opened up again as the tornado that was brewing was sliced in half as Neo would smirk and say


"Holy magic light fang."


as there was a giant explosion as after the clouds were erased Leviathan would be seen sent into the wall with his armour broken as there was a huge gash on his chest as he would bleed slowly and cough out blood as he tried to regenerate but would fail as he was now confused by what was happening as Neo approached him and would speak


"What's wrong? can't Regenerate anymore? come on, get up and fight me properly and don't hold back you sack of shit."


he said as he would walk away from him with his back turned as leviathan would think what he was just hit by now


"Lunar fang is a demonic magic-enhanced black and red horizontal slash capable of nullifying magic. Light fang is a holy magic-induced horizontal slash that ignores physical strength and defense but targets the soul itself. And I can't heal anymore for Some reason. Wait, don't tell me that I'm losing my holy magic!?! no I'm not only losing that; I'm losing everything, even my stamina and strength! this is bad, but I feel like there's something wrong with him. He's still smiling; even with this state, I should be stronger than him, but I'm sure that this attack is going to kill him for sure."


he thought as he would clench his blade and would get up again as he smirked and started powering up as darkness and light energy erupted from his body as he would stare at Neo, who would be standing still, staring at the sky, as leviathan would be happy since he's distracted as he called upon his true weapon




as his blade would turn into a lancer as his armor would then morph into a more draconic armor with scales as his lancer would glow white before being turned into pure darkness, representing his fall from being pure as he would take a stance as his power would increase his pupils turned yellow and shaped like lizards, and his eyes turned pitch black as he would exhale smoke, charge at Neo and speak




he said as he would thrust his Lancer at Neo only for Neo to side step it as he missed completely landing into the gate destroying it completely as more eyes appeared everywhere around them as Neo would just keep laughing as leviathan would growl and charge at him again and would send multiple strikes at Neo as he would miss every single as Neo easily dodged them while having a non serious facial expression before he grabbed leviathans arm and would throw him across the area landing into the garden of as Leviathan would get up and cough out golden blood as he looked up at where god's throne was before he flew towards it breaking every single barrier Between the garden of Eden and god's throne as he would let out a roar as he appeared instantly Infront of Neo who would just flick his finger as he was launched back into a wall his Armour badly damaged as he got up slowly as Neo looked at him and smirked


"I knew that attack wouldn't kill you cuz I didn't put any energy to even hurt you! but you look like you've been more than hurt."


he said as his eyes Glew a light blue as the sky turned orange as many eyes appeared in the sky's and stared down at them as leviathan would look at them and would then realize what he's going up against as he would start shaking in his boots as his eyes widened as he felt fear fear of a mortal who became a demon as he started sweating profusely as he pointed at him as his hands were shaking


"W w wait, you're the one g g g god was talking about..."


he said as he stared at him in horror and would back up into the wall


"S, stay away from me! p p please! I'll even repent! just go away!"


he said as Neo would be confused on what's happening as one of the eyes would speak in a loud voice and echo through the heavens


"So, you really did that, huh? you're crazy but I respect it This mortal was the one you were so busy creating, hm?"


as a voice came from the tornado, as a humanoid figure made out of light would appear out of it


"Indeed, he is the one mortal who the angels and demon's fear—a mortal who has the power to rival with us God's or even surpass us—the one and only project that I call ANNIHLATION—a being so strong he'll be able to reign over the void and what I say will come true! and you know it from firsthand, Shiva, as you saw me create the infinite universes by commanding it to be created!"


as the light figure spoke, the eye would close and disappear as lord Shiva would float down from the sky with his 4 arms, as one of the upper hands was holding his weapon and the other upper hand was holding a flame as he looked at Neo. As Neo looked back at him confused, he would then feel a calming presence as he would be even more confused as he would draw out his sword but couldn't find the strength as he passed out on lord Shiva as lord Shiva would smile, pat his head and speak


"This mortal Neo is quite strong but not at our level yet I'd like to train him."


a lightning would strike the ground next too Shiva as Shiva would keep his calm demeanor as he would look at the lightning bolt as he would sigh as Zeus appeared next to him as leviathan would just stare at them all in confusion as he felt an overwhelming aura as he fell on his knees and begged god for his forgiveness as God looked back at him and spoke


"And why should I forgive you? I cannot forgive you for trying to fight me and killing many of your brethren's and even your best friend, whom you fought together with and who was created alongside you I cannot forgive you for killing angels nor can I forgive you for blasphemy against the divine."


as Zeus would stare at Shiva and speak


"Lord Shiva may I join in on you training him?"


as Shiva just nodded and kept patting his head as God raised up his arm, ready to send leviathan to the abyss, as he would then stop as he felt something grab his arm as it was Neo as he clenched tightly on his arm and yelled out




he spoke out in a thundering voice, as God would just sigh, smile and pat his head as he would walk away and say


"Do what you want child I'll let you be the one banishing him to the abyss but I'll let you get away with talking to me like that for now since you don't know any better"


as Neo would just approach Leviathan as he broke out Shiva's grip without him noticing as Shiva couldn't help but be shocked that he didn't even feel it as he just shrugged and stared at him as Zeus also stared at him as the sky split open as every single god in every mythology came down from the sky's and stared at Neo as he raised up his blades to the sky as he would combine them together in and would take a deep breath as leviathan now knowing there's no more turning back would unleash the full power of a fallen angel as he would turn into a demonic form of a large giant sea dragon as he charged at Neo as Neo's blade started glowing black and white as he would then try to bite him as a huge energy exploded from Neo's body pushing him back as his fangs were broken and his upper jaw was broken as well as Neo would then speak


"Combining holy magic with demonic magic is like combining light magic with dark magic but if you still don't understand Then imagine what happens to the world when a moon covers the sun,"


as Leviathan would slowly recover, he would charge at him again, this time launching a massive black and red beam of energy, as Neo would then say




as he slashed down as the beam that was launched was sliced into 2 pieces, leviathan would be hit by the attack as he would be sliced into 2 pieces as a trail of white and orange Colored energy would be left behind as Leviathan wouldn't be moving. God looked at Neo and would then approach Leviathan and speak


"Those who believe in me and trust me will never lose; just remember that."


he said as he would walk away as leviathan would begin healing up as he would reform but would be unconscious as Neo charged at him and grabbed his face as he spoke


"The one who will be sending you to hell WILL BE ME!"


he said as he would smash his head on the ground, breaking it and creating a hole as he jumped down from the hole with leviathan as they would go at speeds so fast time doesn't even flow when they reach the abyss as Neo would Smash his head into the ground even more before throwing him into a lake as he looked at the abyss and just chuckled and would summon a small flame on his hands and said


"Let's light it up!"


he would then throw the flame on the ground As everything would erupt into flames, mountains would turn into active volcanoes, flowing rivers would turn into lava as the river would burst into flames and lava, and leviathan would burn away. Neo would then jump back up to heaven 


[The Journey back home]


he looked at god and would power down into his mortal form and would smile and pass out from exhaustion as God would approach him and pick him up and carry him in his arms as the rest of the rebellions we're taken care of by Michael and his angels as Michael would approach god alongside Raphael and Gabriel and would take a knee and bow there heads to him as God looked at them and smiled and blessed them with power as God would then send Neo back to the human realm in his own timeline as he would be teleported in his grave as his grave would erupt and break into pieces as Murania, who was about to go into prayer, saw the event and immediately called in the knights