

"If you want to survive in a world where you become the prey, you have to learn how to hide like a pro. How to run because your life definitely depends on it." - Jaq The (ST)Ripper Surviving was all that mattered to August, a girl in her twenties, settling in New York City, inside her apartment where no undead could touch her. However, after days in her apartment, August accepted the fact that everyone has turned into the undead. Losing all her hope, she found no meaning in life, and attempted killing herself. However, the world was yet again cruel to her it made her meet her greatest love of them all. Whom also saved her from her death. August was on the hunt to find her younger sister, who was across the country. However, in hopes they will encounter her safe and sound, they found her dead. She may have not turned into the undead. But, someone else killed her. Will August survive after uncovering what truly happened with her sister? Would she find out the entire truth?

PHOENIXR · Fantasy
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4 Chs


OCTOBER 14, 2012 [AREA 51]


Another day at the lab, another felony, another experiment, and another disappointment.

Or so I thought.

"This is entry 1106 the first successful examination took place at ten o'clock sharp, researcher Simon Bennett and I, Xander Hawkins an analyst, had prepared to make a mutiny over the world, we intend to make a virus, and let it out around the globe," I say upon the camera.

I took a long pause; I thought of my five-year-old little girl who was waiting for me to arrive home, and my teenage boy who had always been so obscure from me for the last two years because of his mother's death.

I thought maybe by letting this disease out, maybe the world would finally resolve, and maybe it would be a better place. Bennett had been asking me for the past week what the virus's name was going to be, he and I had been working on this project anonymously for five years, but no successful experiments, at least not like this one.

"Five years of research, a hundred and six tests. Today is a wonderful day. Maybe, one day I will regret it, but the world needs change, and this, this will change it." I said my remarks before ending the recording.

Soon, the world will see my creation, the world will see

The Undead.




After two hours of waiting for a response in the subject Bennett and I have interjected the virus in, we have seen symptoms, and by subject, I mean, person.

It is cruel, indeed. However, from the way I learned, a wise person once said; in order to change something significant you have to sacrifice something insignificant, something that has no value to everyone yet has value to you.

Besides, my wife had agreed to this. She was the one who brought us to experiment on her two years ago. It was completely her intention, and here I am being the terrible father I am, as I go home with guilt in my chest and my lovely daughter jumps into my arms as if, I am the safest place she has ever been in. Which I'm not. Because deep down I know I am responsible for my wife's death.

"After two hours, the subject's first symptoms are blood, their nose bleed non-stop, along with an observation of Dr. Bennett's, the subject seems to have a problem with hearing, maybe something erratic is irritating it, maybe, sheer exposure to light? Or vibrations? Sound?" Bennett and I, examine more on the subject and state it upon the recordings.

However, I kept hearing the word "maybe," it was unsure and unsteady.

And that was going to be a complication.

Because how would we know how to eliminate or say, kill them?

Yes. I forgot to mention. Them. Subjects. Undead.

Yes. We have infected a lot. In fact, almost half of the A-wing are now infected. Which is at least twenty to twenty-eight folks. Therefore, Bennett and I had to figure it out on our subject, our experimental for the last two years. My wife.

"We have kept everyone in A wing on lockdown.

Infected or not, they're all going to die." Says Bennett.

I sighed, this is the change I wanted. This. And I for sure had to be ready for it.


After the day had passed, I went home to my children.

I was tired and completely demolished from work. And I felt guilty again, seeing Alexandra, my five-year-old girl, so eager to have me home, just made me want to tear up.

I love her, but I made a promise. And I was going to keep it.


OCTOBER 16, 2012


I lay down on my bed; it was quiet after the kids went to bed, and you could hear the bed creak. At midnight, around 1:40 am, my phone rang.

I groaned.

That one time, I could actually sleep, and the phone rang.

I grabbed it and answered. I didn't even have the time to look at who was calling.

"Dr. Hawkins speaking," I say.

"Dr. Hawkins, it's Simon," Bennett says I could tell he was nervous by his shaky voice,

"The lab, Doctor, it caught fire."

My eyes widened. Body full of shock, I stood and immediately grabbed my coat, hopped into my car, and drove to the lab, I don't even remember a bit how I got into my car or how I even stood when my body was frozen, my mind focused on only one thing. The lab. The lab. Fire. The undead. The undead. Moira. My wife.

I don't remember if I closed the front door, or even brought the keys with me, or even if I was wearing the appropriate clothes. While I sat there, I was anxious and out of my mind, my heart was through the roof. I don't think it's even right for me to be driving.

When I arrived, the firefighters had gathered and were already outside the building.

They approached me and asked me questions I couldn't even answer. Bennett ran to me and he had this facial expression that I can't quite explain. He was flustered. And he moved around back and forth, explaining how he was at home as he apologized over and over.

I wanted to see for myself, that is why I rushed here. I wanted to see if they were dead and if fire could kill the undead. Because I'd be happy to know they were dead than alive while they weren't contained. Of course, it would mean our whole five-year hard work was for nothing, but it would save me and my family some time to run.

Although, I was wrong.

I was too late.

I couldn't save them. I couldn't save Moira.

I made a mistake.



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