
The Schoolgirls' Attack Part I

Bai Zhe prepared breakfast the next morning as usual, but he did not touch any of the food. This was because it still contained contaminants that he had to eliminate if he ate it. He would eat only when he had to have a meal with his parents and avoided eating whenever he could.

He left a note on the table as usual before using the floating technique to jump from roofs and rooftops, as he always did to go to school. He was more careful this time. He did not want anyone to see him.

After arriving at school, Bai Zhe spent time practicing his qi on the rooftop until it was nearly time to take his exam. Then, he stopped and went to the room where the exam was being given. The exam lasted until 3 p.m.

“Bai Zhe looks relaxed. That’s strange,” a male classmate of Bai Zhe told his friend who was standing next to him.

“Right. He usually looks like he’s taking bitter medicine when he does an exam. Why does he seem different today?” The person who was speaking to him agreed with his friend that Bai Zhe was really different today.

Bai Zhe could not care less about his classmates’ conversation, because it was utter nonsense. He would rather spend his time doing something else.

‘I need to buy a smartphone and a laptop today, so I can use them to research this world,’ the boy thought while he was calling a taxi to go to the shopping mall.

‘Well, this sort of vehicle is convenient. I should buy one for use in the future,’ thought Bai Zhe. That was just his first impression after sitting in the car.

It was not long until the taxi arrived at the mall. Bai Zhe, whose face was now as pale as a sheet, paid the fare and hurried to get out of the vehicle. He gingerly staggered over to a bush before squatting and trying to cover his mouth. Yes, he was carsick. Though he really wanted to vomit, his stomach was empty. There was nothing to be retched up anyway.

‘Bloody hell, I have ridden in carriages and carts. I have even flown in the sky. But I’ve never felt this sick. Maybe I underestimated this ‘car’ thing too much. I should probably ride it more often.’ He mentally cursed the taxi. He intended to familiarize himself with cars in order to overcome carsickness.

Right after fully recovering from his nausea, Bai Zhe headed to the mall’s information counter to ask for the electronics department.

‘Hmm. That is Xi Lua’s grandson.’ Bai Zhe noticed a small stage set up in the mall’s assembly area. The person standing on the stage was Xi Mo, whom he had met the other day.

He saw a lot of women lining up and handing pieces of card to Xi Mo for him to write his name on. Bai Zhe knew that this was an autograph signing event for artists or celebrities.

“Hello, Mr. Xi Mo,” said Bai Zhe, walking up to Xi Mo, without any of the security guards in the area being able to grab hold of the boy. The only thing they could grasp was the empty air. This situation really caught the attention of Xi Mo’s fans.

When Xi Mo and Qi Fong recognized the owner of the voice, they signalled the guards to let Bai Zhe pass.

“Hello Master Bai, are you here to do some shopping?” Xi Mo stood up before extending his hand.

Bai Zhe shook the model’s hand, knowing from this body’s memories that this gesture was to accept the other party’s friendship.

“I’m here to buy some necessities. I spotted you, so I came to say hi because we’ve met before. But I think I’m disturbing your fans. So, I better get going,” answered Bai Zhe.

Bai Zhe turned to look at Xi Mo’s fans who were waiting to meet the model, feeling the frustration directed toward him.

The moment Bai Zhe directed his smile to the fans, their displeasure completely disappeared. Many of them had to lower their heads, their faces and ears turning red.

“All right, you have fun,” said Xi Mo as Bai Zhe walked off.

The fans started talking about this mysterious boy whom Xi Mo called ‘Master Bai.’ One of them could not hold back her curiosity any longer, so she asked him about it.

“I’m sorry. This might sound impolite, but who is this Master Bai you talked with earlier?” the fangirl asked.

“Oh, he is the calligrapher whose works were announced as national treasures the other day,” answered Xi Mo.

The fans understood immediately. They remembered the news, but it did not show the face of the artist of the 2 pieces of art.

“It turned out that that boy is the artist.”

“Here, I took his picture. He’s quite handsome, actually.”

“Let me see. Hey, his uniform looks like the one used by the junior high in my neighbourhood.”

“Huh? But he looks so mature. And he’s tall, like a high school boy.”

“Ah, if I had known, I would have asked him for an autograph.”

While Xi Mo’s fans were talking about Bai Zhe, the boy arrived at the electronics department. He was wandering around in the smartphone zone.

“Hello, may I help you? If you want any particular model or brand, feel free to ask.” A pretty salesgirl approached Bai Zhe promptly.

“I want a smartphone. Which model is popular?” asked Bai Zhe.

“Oh, we have a variety of models. Let me assist you.” She looked very enthusiastic because her heart was racing when she was near this boy who was a customer.

Bai Zhe asked the salesgirl many questions and had her teach him how to use a phone. The salesgirl patiently taught him the basics of how to use one step by step. One thing that made Bai Zhe feel uncomfortable was that she was too close to him—so close that he could smell the faint scent of her perfume.

‘This must be his first smartphone. Judging from his clothes, his family must be very rich and also strict.’ The reason why she thought that was that Bai Zhe looked like a wealthy person’s son. His mannerisms and his speech were different from her other customers.

“You can learn the rest from video clips on the internet,” the salesgirl said.

“Oh, I have to activate my phone number and register for an internet package too, right?” asked Bai Zhe.

“Yes.” The salesgirl was still smiling.

“I will buy the phone you recommended to me then,” Bai Zhe said.

“Thank you very much. You can come to me if you have any problem with inserting a sim card or activating the internet,” said the salesgirl.

“Sure thing. I have to bother you now. Do you mind, well…recommending a good laptop?” asked Bai Zhe.

“Of course. For general use or gaming?” asked the salesgirl.

“Umm, just for general use and surfing the internet,” answered Bai Zhe.

“Then I recommend this model.” She guided him to a laptop; it was the best-selling model, suitable for general use.

Of course, Bai Zhe asked about the basics of how to use it and how to connect to the internet; the rest he would learn on his own from the internet.

“Here are your products, sir.” The salesgirl handed the bag which contained the laptop and the smartphone to Bai Zhe.

After Bai Zhe took the bag and left the department, a salesman, who was her friend, came up to her to ask about the customer who had just made purchases.

“Wow, you got yourself a customer with deep pockets. He was just a junior high school student, but he had money to burn,” said the salesman.

“His family must be very strict. He barely knew how to use a smartphone or a laptop,” she said.

“You were very patient today, weren’t you? You usually walk away when a customer asks a lot of questions,” he teased.

“Hehehe. It was because I thought he was a rich kid, so I gave him the whole nine yards. He tipped me 2,000 yuan,” said the salesgirl.

“Lucky you. You should buy me dinner,” the salesman said.

“Nope. I will keep it in case of an emergency. There’s no use in buying you dinner. Hehehe,” said the salesgirl.


As for Bai Zhe, he went to the shop of a mobile service provider to activate his SIM card and register himself for an internet package. He asked the staff in the shop to teach him how to insert the sim card and connect to the internet on his smartphone.

After he finished his errands, Bai Zhe headed back home and used the internet to learn in detail about how to use his smartphone and laptop.

4 Hours Later

Bai Zhe could deftly use the smartphone and laptop. His thought of learning on his own through the internet had to be halted suddenly when he sensed that his parents were in front of the apartment.

He quickly hid the smartphone and laptop. His parents would mistakenly think he was a spendthrift if they knew he had bought these things.
