
The rise of the shadow monarch in tensura

A person born in Tensura world doesn't reincarnate or been summoned into this world, and he doesn't know the future or the past, so let's see his path in the ancient times of the Tensura world where the first heroes and demon lord started to rise, unique races that exist in the past of this world and more. This is my first fanfic and English is not my language

Helo_Hiiiii · Anime & Comics
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Umbra Britain

10 years later in el-dorado (capital city)

Many years passed since the horrific battle and people started to forget the horror after the fight, many people started to declare themselves as demon lords but for Zenon today was an important day this day his country going to be established officially

Edward entered my room and said to me in a tired and lazy tone

"Sir Zenon Umbra Britain was officially established and divided into five parts center, north, east, south and west. Every part has a city center El-dorado is the city center of the center part and all the country, Asgard in the eastern part, Atlantis in the north part, Camelot in the west part and Avalon in the south part"

"Edward you're quite good at naming" I said with a smile

"Nah, I'm only good at stealing names" he said tired

"You speak like you done everything alone" I said

"If not for Testarossa, Kagali and Suzuki's help I would never ended this" he said ready to cry

"You can take a break" I said with a kind smile

"THANK YOU SIR ZENON!!" he said to me and started to cry

Third POV

The city of El Dorado is the capital of the country. El-dorado has many buildings of more than 10 floors in the city with English style and is used as the administration center of the country

The city Asgard is the center of the east, a city surrounded by mountains that give a beautiful look, the city is the center of mining and heavy industry of the country

The city Atlantis is the center of the north and lies on the beach, the city is the center of farming and international trade in the country

The city Avalon is the center of the south, the city built in Japanese style, Avalon is the center of the light industry, education, technology, etc. of the country

The city Camelot is the center of the west, This city is built in fantasy style and is used as the magic center of the country