
The rise of the shadow monarch in tensura

A person born in Tensura world doesn't reincarnate or been summoned into this world, and he doesn't know the future or the past, so let's see his path in the ancient times of the Tensura world where the first heroes and demon lord started to rise, unique races that exist in the past of this world and more. This is my first fanfic and English is not my language

Helo_Hiiiii · Anime & Comics
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The start of the fight

I and Testarossa stood before Basara who lost his mind, his power was lower than the power of Milim in a rage mood but still enough powerful to give a headache 

I don't do it because of the intention to help Basara but with the intention to make him own me, from the information that sensei and Oceania gave me Basara is one of the creations of Twilight so exists a high possibility that if something happens he is going to support Twilight and in order to avoid a fight with him and the creation of second front I help him.

Dagruel is a good friend of Twilight so I also wish to make him own me in the same intention as the help to Basara, avoid the second front with the giants and now I have a good opportunity to do this and weaken Twilight's side

If Twilight also loses the support of giants his side's fighting power is going to weaken. The Siren race full under me like the Enkis but Twilight has on his side the ancestor of the Enkis Ashley and also all the Vampire race with his daughter and four other powerful vampires, Guran isn't going to support Twilight after many of his kind is under me and he cares about them the same with sensei but I need always remember that Twilight can have secret tramp cards

'Okay, it's time to concert at the giant case' I thought and looked toward Basara who continued to rampage 

"Testarossa, put the barrier" I said while continuing to look at Basara

"Understood" Testarossa said and after that, I with Basara was locked in the barrier

"It's time to fight" I said and started to walk toward Basara and Basara who noticed me started to run toward me