
The rise of the shadow monarch in tensura

A person born in Tensura world doesn't reincarnate or been summoned into this world, and he doesn't know the future or the past, so let's see his path in the ancient times of the Tensura world where the first heroes and demon lord started to rise, unique races that exist in the past of this world and more. This is my first fanfic and English is not my language

Helo_Hiiiii · Anime & Comics
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The end of master and student relationship

Third Pov

In Sylvia's house

"Gugu gaga" the little girl with snow-like skin, jade eyes, and long pale blue-silver hair made a sound with a smile

"She is so cute" Sarion said with a loving smile

"You are right" Sylvia said with a soft voice but her expression changed and she became serious while walking towards the guest room

"What happened?" Sarion asked confused while trying to understand the situation

"I am going to meet someone so stay with Elmesia" Sylvia said

"Are you sure?" Sarion asked without the wish to listen to his wife

"Yes" Sylvia said without hesitation

"Okay" Sarion said unhappy

After some time walking in the corridor she opened the guest room with hesitation and saw her student

"Long time we didn't saw each other Sensei" Zenon said with a cold tone

"Indeed" Sylvia said while taking a chair and sitting on him

"So why did you come to my house?" Sylvia said with an angry expression

"You speak like I care about this so calm down" Zenon said with a cold voice and his eyes became even colder

"Zenon, don't forget to respect the one who raised you!" Sylvia raised her voice

"The one who raised me is myself while you only taught me and this is the only reason to respect you but I repaid you enough I took a big amount of your people and saved them from death and I also helped the 13 countries of elves to build them self after all you didn't think why no one of nearby nations didn't have problems with the establishing of a new player? From where do your people get all the resources that helped them to build their nations? And I can continue with this for the whole day!!" Zenon said with a high voice after that Zenon stood from his chair and said

"Sens no Sylvia you gave me information about Twilight so I know that you also would give Twilight the information about me after all I know you are good enough" Zenon said with a disappointed tone

"I am not going to do with you nothing but from this day all our connections are going to be fed so remember if you are going to do something against me or my people I am not going to show you mercy" Zenon said blankly and teleported away

Sylvia after some time of being alone started to cry

"Why? Why do I need always to make these decisions? Why every time that I make this decision I need to lose someone important to me?" Sylvia asked herself with unstoppable tears