
The rise of the shadow monarch in tensura

A person born in Tensura world doesn't reincarnate or been summoned into this world, and he doesn't know the future or the past, so let's see his path in the ancient times of the Tensura world where the first heroes and demon lord started to rise, unique races that exist in the past of this world and more. This is my first fanfic and English is not my language

Helo_Hiiiii · Anime & Comics
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The 3 great deed

Sometime after the fight with the Orc lord I walked to the south and entered to territory with many trees but still less from the Jura forest compared to the Jura forest here lives humans and then I felt something strange

'[Genius of the generation] what it is?' I asked him

<Answer: I don't know> he replied to me

So, I decided to see what it is and started to run in the direction I sense it, and then I saw a gigantic tree pumping from its roots and pulling out from its leafs gigantic amounts of magicules

<Answer: exists the possibility that this tree maintains a stable amount of magicules in this world>

The tree was 400 meters high and 100 meters wide and then I saw dead parts on this tree and asked in a mix of surprise and shock

'[Genius of the generation] Why the tree is dying?'

<Answer: its looks like the tree not only needs magicules but also water and other things to survive, and its look like that this era cant anymore feed the tree> he replied

'So, if you are theory is right the balance of magicules in the world going to be destroyed?' I asked

<Answer: yes> he said

'So we need to move this tree to another place' I thought

'[Genius of the generation] use [perception] and other skills to find the best place for the tree while I am going to move the tree' I ordered

<Answer: understood master> he replied with serious tone

Then I used [astronomer] and weakened the gravity on the tree and fly to the middle of the tree and wished to start to fly with the tree but then I heard a voice in my head

<Answer: master can't do it> [Genius of the generation] said to me

'But why?' I asked in a confused tone

< Answer: while the master going to fly with the tree, exists a high possibility that the master damage the tree even more>

[Genius of the generation] replied to me

So I put the middle of the tree on the back of my shoulders in laying position while [Genius of the generation] navigated me

3 days and 3 nights passed, and this was the most terrible 3 days I ever had the tree was extremely heavy and I need been extremely careful to not damage the tree even more

<Answer: master this is the place> [Genius of the generation] replied to me

"Thanks, gods this hell ended" I said with a happy tone

I put the tree on the ground and used earth magic to bury the roots under the soil and saw that the tree start to recover slowly, then I looked to the sunrise and anticipate my next deed