
The rise of the shadow monarch in tensura

A person born in Tensura world doesn't reincarnate or been summoned into this world, and he doesn't know the future or the past, so let's see his path in the ancient times of the Tensura world where the first heroes and demon lord started to rise, unique races that exist in the past of this world and more. This is my first fanfic and English is not my language

Helo_Hiiiii · Anime & Comics
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The civil war of the dwarfs has started and ended in six hours. The military technology of dwarfs was much more developed compared to the Western nation but still inferior to the technology of the Enkis. The dead bodies of the dwarfs who fell in the battle were taken by my shadows under the cover of the battle but they left some corps so that they don't suspect that someone is stealing the dead bodies of their comrades. But in the end, Guran joined the battle and ended it without a problem.

Guran has a very dwarf-like, tough-looking body, with the height of a human covered in an armor of muscle that hides surging energy beneath. His skin is tanned brown characteristic of his race, and has jet-black hair.

'Master the shadows got 27,873 dead bodies of the dwarfs' Suzuki said to me through [thought communication]

'Order them to put the bodies in the [Monarch domain]' I replied to him

'Understood master' Suzuki said to me in an emotionless tone and cut off the [thought communication]

I waited some more hours before appearing before Guran

"Who are you?" he said concerned and ready to fight

"Don't worry I am here not to fight" I said while raising my hands with a jokily tone

"My name is Zenon Matt" I said with a smile, he looked surprised but his face changed to serious again

"You are the one behind the rebellion" he said angrily

"You know that even without my help there will be a revolution" I said with a smile

"What are you forgot here shadow monarch?" he asked me seriously

"After the failure of the revolution I planned to take these stupid revolutionaries to my future country" I said with a smile while taking a chair and sitting before him

"And why do I need to give them to you?" he asked me

"Because you cannot keep these revolutionaries under you and with your reputation high the possibility that you only going to deport them so it is better to give them under my care and in this way they don't go to make you or your people problems" I said with a smile and after that he sword appeared in his hands and he attacked me in his max speed but I successfully dodged the attack

<The ultimate skill [king of Smiths Hephaestus] has been copied with [pride king Lucifer]> [Solomon] said to me happily

'Skill maniac' I thought

<It's just your imagination> he said to me angrily

'Yes yes' I thought

"You can take them but if I discover that you treat them badly I am going to kill you" he said seriously

"Okay, but why do you need to attack me?" I asked

"I wished to be sure that your power is enough to protect them" he said to me

"Hoh, such a good king even takes care of rebellions" I said jokily

"Whatever" he said to me

"I wish to ask you a question" I said

"You can ask" he said while looking at me

"The hierarchy of dwarf race works in the way height? That the highest is in the higher position and opposite" I said with a smile

"Funny" he said