
The rise of the shadow monarch in tensura

A person born in Tensura world doesn't reincarnate or been summoned into this world, and he doesn't know the future or the past, so let's see his path in the ancient times of the Tensura world where the first heroes and demon lord started to rise, unique races that exist in the past of this world and more. This is my first fanfic and English is not my language

Helo_Hiiiii · Anime & Comics
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100 Chs

Basara vs Zenon 5

'[Solomon], what is the effect of [King of Fury Aeshma]?' I asked while continuing to fight with Basara

< [King of Fury Aeshma] strength the skills, soul, body, and all the attributes of the owner but if the holder of this ultimate skill uses too much he will enter berserk mode and start to rampage> [Solomon] said

'So this is the reason for his rampage' I confirmed to myself

<I recommend using [King of Fury Aeshma] on [black heart] and [Satanael]> [Solomon] said

'Are you crazy? Ren is on the verge of losing control over these magicules if you going to increase the amount of generated magicules he is going completely lose control' I screamed in my head

<Master, believe me> [Solomon] said and I felt that he is confident in himself

"Okay, I am going to believe in you" I said with a smile and I felt that the generation of magicules was bigger 

I ran towards Basara and started fist fight with him, Basara has four arms so he has the upper hand but I have [Solomon] so we are on the same level

While we thought the surrounding area changed several times from the earth's quirks but while we thought I had one question in my head

'[Solomon], Basara is on a rampage now but he is fighting like a conscious person and only screams every second' I asked him while fighting with Basara

<The individual Basara slowly started to regain his consciousness> [Solomon] said

After that, I continued to fight with Basara.

Basara tried to attack me with one of his arms but I blocked it after that he attacked me with his second arm but I successfully blocked it and he tried to attack me with his third arm

<Master, Basara try to distract you with this attack and he is going his four arm> [Solomon] said

After that, I dodged his third arm and dodged his fourth arm and counter-attack him and he flew for some time and after that, I ran towards him to attack him but Basara also attacked me

Basara strained forward to attack me I easily dodged but for some reason, I still got damaged and flew for some time until I landed and looked at my wound in the chest
