
The rise of the shadow monarch in tensura

A person born in Tensura world doesn't reincarnate or been summoned into this world, and he doesn't know the future or the past, so let's see his path in the ancient times of the Tensura world where the first heroes and demon lord started to rise, unique races that exist in the past of this world and more. This is my first fanfic and English is not my language

Helo_Hiiiii · Anime & Comics
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Basara vs Zenon 3

The muscles of Basara started to grow and his physical power raised accordingly but I felt that he started to exhaust

'This art is working quite simply, you need to consume magicules through the air and these magicules strengthen your muscles and physical power but this art is exhausting the body after all these magicules are not his so these magicules damage him but this is only helping me after all if I exhaust him he will stop rampage' I thought while Basara punched the ground once again but this time is going to be much stronger

"AAAAAAA" he screamed and his punch made Earth quirk that was 12 times stronger than the previous time

I used [Uriel] to protect myself and put various barriers around him to block his movements for a while, he easily destroyed them but I started to cast magic that even giants can't block

"Abyss Annihilation" I said and after some seconds dark gravity started to appear this magic crushed Basara into the ground and combined with my ultimate skill [Stolas] the gravity was stronger. I was very satisfied with this performance after all it was the first time I used it 

Abyss annihilation is an ultra-powerful technique that taps into Dark Magic to summon minus energy from the bottom of hell and mixes it into Gravity Collapse, creating a devastating attack that can tear down entire dimensions and even erase the stars

At first glance, it looked easy but in reality, most of the demons are able to use it only in hell and even this is on a limited level only a few demons can use this magic in the cardinal world but the consumption of magicules is too high but the damaged area is too small and exist easier ways to do things without this magic so the only existence that able to use this magic in the best way and control in the cardinal world is the primordial demons so I asked Testarossa to teach me it and she agreed but warned me that this magic is dangerous and after some time I learned this but I wasn't able to practice the magic because of her distraction power