
The Rise of the Rune Master

Did you ever ask yourself what kind of person you are? What if you got yourself in a difficult situation where you need to choose whether to sacrifice one person for the lives of many, or risk the lives of many just to save one person? What would you choose? Alfred was a normal teenage college student. He has nothing special, his looks, voice, height, background, and talent. All of them are average. The only thing unique to him was his curious mind. If something piques his interest, he will find out everything he could about it and overanalyze it to make a theory in his head, even if it's useless and he will never use it in his entire life. One day Alfred found himself in this new world, where danger is everywhere, and death is a daily occurrence. He will be forced to make difficult choices and decisions that will challenge his integrity. Can he survive until the end? or he will be consumed by the madness of sadness and guilt that will accumulate in his heart? Not all was darkness in this world, there are also some things that will give Alfred hope. He will learn a mysterious power called a rune that will give him the power to protect his life and his people. Can this mysterious rune become the savior of Alfred and his people? or this mysterious rune will be the reason for their demise? [Author's note. English is not my main language. I'm trying to study more, and expand my vocabulary to improve my work. If you like my story, please add it to your library, I will upload a chapter every day. If you want to support me please give this work a vote thank you.]

Numero · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Chapter 27: New Tribesmen.

Chapter 27: New Tribesmen.

Chief Viren furrowed his eyebrows, he clearly didn't believe what Dara said. inside the head of Chief Viren was a thought.

'If the problem of our tribe can easily be solved then we already solve it a long time ago.'

But he didn't want to disrespect Dara. So, he entertained this topic.

"Can you please explain what can your people do to help my tribe's food problem?"

Even though Chief Viren didn't show it, Dara can feel the doubt in the Elder's voice.

"My tribe specialized in planting different kinds of plants and herbs. We can grow plants that can be used as food sources for this tribe. Not just that, we can also grow medical herbs that your tribe can use to treat those injured.

However, there is a plant that is much more valuable than those 2. This plant is a secret of our tribe, I would not say it until you accept us as your tribesmen, this plant was too valuable to us just to give it to others I hope you can understand"

"Nonsense! A lot of our ancestors tried planting before, but all of them failed because it is impossible to keep the plant alive after it was been pulled out on the ground." Shaman Catori interrupted.

"Yes, that is correct it is hard to keep the plants alive after it is been pulled out on the ground, but my ancestor found a way to keep a plant alive. This method has been passed down by our ancestors to us, I can confidently say that we are the only ones who knew this method of planting."

All the Elders became interested, they all started to believe Dara because of her confidence. Dara's offer piques the interest of Chief Viren.

"How can you prove to us what you are saying was true?"

"I cannot prove it to you right now, even if I want to show you how it is done it will take a long time to see some results. The only thing I can do is to tell you the secret method of my tribe, but I am only going to tell you that if you accept us to your tribe. My father did not give this method to the Blood Tribe even if it means the destruction of our tribe, that is how important it is to my tribe."

All the Elders frowned when they heard the name of the tribe that they hated so much. Elder Ahote was so angry by just hearing the name that he stood up.


Dara and Alfred were surprised by Elder Ahote's reaction, the other people inside the tent knew why Elder Ahote was this worked up. Because Elder Ahote was not the only one who was mad at this, the other 2 Elders were just better at controlling their emotions, while Vir already vented some of his anger to the young man.

But to Alfred, this was the first time he saw Elder Ahote this angry, he became more curious. Alfred wanted to know what was the history of the Phantom Tribe to the Blood Tribe, his curiosity on this topic was too much that he started to become fidgety from holding himself from asking the question.

Dara was also curious why the Elders have a strong reaction by just hearing the name Blood Tribe, but her curiosity was not as strong as Alfred's. Therefore, she set aside this issue for now to answer Elder Ahote.

"That is right the Blood Tribe attacked our tribe to take the secret method of our tribe. Yet, my father refused their demand for the reason that we do not trust them. You may think the decision of my father is stupid, sacrificing the whole tribe for just a secret method, but all of us support this decision because this secret method was the lifeblood of our ancestors, and we will not let it fall into the hand of those we do not trust.

The reason we are considering giving our tribe's secret method to you is that Vir helped us fend off the Blood Tribe chasing us, and also for the hope that you will accept my people to your tribe."

Chief Viren shifted his attention to Vir.

"Did what she said true? Did you fight the Blood Tribe?"

"Yes, Chieftain we did."

"Why did you not say anything?"

Vir looked at Dara, then looked back at Chief Viren.

"I am planning to report it later because this might become a problem for our tribe."

All the people inside including Dara understand why Vir didn't report it earlier, he didn't want to say it because Dara was still an outsider. Chief Viren looked at Dara

"Dara can you please excuse us, I will let Vir tell you our answer to your request"

Dara stood up and bow her head to the Elders. Chief Viren ordered one of the tribesmen guarding outside to escort Dara back to her group. After Dara left, Chief Viren encourage Vir to tell them everything that happened in the confrontation with the Blood Tribe.

Vir explained everything to the Elders from the start until the time he crushed the head of the son of the Chieftain of the Blood Tribe, Vir also asked the Elders for punishment for losing another 3 lives due to his decision. Elder Ahote became agitated and stood up again after listening to Vir's explanation.


This time because of the loud voice of Elder Ahote, the sleeping Cari was awakened in Shaman Catori's lap.

"Please calm down and lower your voice Elder Ahote, I know you are angry, but can you control your voice you woke Cari up." Shaman Catori confronted Elder Ahote

Elder Ahote embarrassingly sat down.

"I also approved your decision of fighting the Blood Tribe. I do not see why we have to punish you for making the right choice." Shaman Catori calmly said while caressing Cari's fur to calm him down.

"The 2 Elders were right, your action in that situation is the best one. If the Blood Tribe had taken the 2 Life Stones our Tribe might be put in a difficult situation. Therefore, I reject your request for punishment." Chief Viren made a decision.

Vir was not satisfied with this decision, so, he tried to convince the Elders one more time.

"Elders, I maybe did the right action in that situation, but my intention is selfish. I made that decision not because I thought it is for the tribe, but because I did it for myself. I want vengeance, and this selfish desire of mine cost us 3 lives. Therefore, I am asking you again, please punish me."

The 2 Elders didn't say anything and just let Chief Viren make a verdict. Chief Viren sighed because of Vir's stubbornness.

"If you feel like you need to be punished then I will give you one. in one "moon" you will stay in the tribe to help the tribesmen do their chores, especially the family of the 3 Arrows that died in the confrontation, is that good enough?"

"Thank you, I will accept the punishment."

"Then if this discussion is finished let us proceed to Dara's request."

"Father what about the Blood Tribe?"

"We do not have to worry about them right now, they do not know who is the tribe responsible for killing the son of their Chieftain. It will take a long time before they discover who we are, but when that time comes, we have already prepared for them. So, let us focus on the problem that must be solved right away."

"I understand father."

"Elder Ahote and Shaman Catori what is your thought about letting Dara's people join our tribe?"

"Well, Dara seems a good person, I do not know about her people, but if they have the solution to our food problem, we need to consider it. We do not know if the situation in the forest will last long, worsen, or get better. So, my decision is to give them a chance." Elder Ahote's opinion.

"I am very interested in the secret method Dara mentioned earlier. Also, I do not believe they will betray us, they do not have a choice but to seek shelter from us because the Blood Tribe is looking for them. They need an ally to protect themselves, if they can really solve our food problem, I think accepting them is a good decision." Shaman Catori said her thought.

Chief Viren stopped thinking and shifted his attention to Vir.

"What do you think of those people?"

"I believe those people were telling the truth, even though I only get to know them for a few days. I observed that they have a strong bond with each other, and this quality can not be obtained if they all are bad people. Besides our tribe is now lacking hunters, accepting them will also solve this problem."

"I see, then tell Dara that they are now one of us. I will announce this before we sacrifice the Life Stone to the Guardian Tree."

Chief Viren was about to end the meeting, but Alfred finally cannot stop himself from asking, he raise his hand to garner the attention of the people inside the tent.

"Uhm… before we end the meeting can I ask what is the history of our tribe to Blood Tribe?"