
the Rise of the king of Mutants

In the beautiful comic world, superheroes are infinitely beautiful. Mutants who also have super powers are extremely sad. Lynn came across time and became a student of the Academy of Mutants with the ability to create magic. Apparatus, Avada Kedavra… Glacier Spikes, Ember Storms… God Slayer Magic of Fire, Dragon Slayer Magic of Thunder… True mirror image, dimensional leap, elemental mysteries, time stillness… After ten years of accumulation, Lynn has mastered countless splendid and terrifying magics, but he knows very well that it is meaningless for Professor X to let the students act as thugs to save the world in order to allow humans and mutants to coexist peacefully. The only way to change the living environment of mutants is to increase the right to speak! Where does the right to speak come from? Strength is the foundation! Money is on the left, power is on the right! So, he approached Professor X and proposed a package plan to establish a mutant consortium and gain power through money: The first step is to create “Oasis” and create a second world!

oni_Wolf · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 24

It is difficult to see the whole picture of the giant pit in the photos taken at close range.

So he thought for a while, and added: "If the earth is a huge watermelon, then what I see now, it seems that someone dug a big spoonful of it in the place where Xavier Manor is... so you can understand Right? Boss?"

Nick Fury fell into three minutes of silence.

He seemed to be looking at his phone, and he seemed to be asking for news.

"Colson, you are so funny!"

The voice came again, but he couldn't help but swear: "fuck! I saw this huge crater through satellites! But can you tell me why such a large place disappeared without warning? ?!"

"Not without warning, sir."

Coulson didn't care about the boss's fury, and faithfully reported: "Ten minutes ago, I felt a strong shock and thought it was an earthquake, so I stopped on the side of the road for a few minutes..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted roughly by Nick Fury.

"Are you trying to tell me that someone dug such a big hole in the earth, and it took just a few minutes?!"

When he said this, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. was visibly extremely irritable.

Of course he knew that the X-Men were very powerful, and Professor Charles was one of the most powerful mutants in the world.


The handwriting in front of me is too big!

The most important thing is that while he was talking, he had already started the various departments of S.H.I.E.L.D. at full speed, but the information that came back was that there was no other movement except for the shock that lasted for several minutes in Twister City!

All the satellites under the control of S.H.I.E.L.D. searched with all their strength, and found no clues!

It's like a large piece of land that has been dug away...

Just disappeared out of thin air!

"I think so, sir."

Coulson still responded honestly: "Besides this, I can't think of any other possibility. It seems that about Xavier College... a powerful force that we don't know about has appeared!"

Nick Fury took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the emotions in his heart.

The brain is running fast.

"This power is definitely related to the X-Men!"

"They just rescued so many people at the Hammer Industries Expo, and a few hours later, the entire Xavier Academy disappeared..."

"This is definitely not a coincidence..."

"So, it's not that there is an external force that erased the entire Xavier Academy from the earth, but that this force belongs to Xavier Academy..."

"It made the entire academy disappear from everyone's sight..."

"What is this for?!"

Thinking of this, Nick Fury felt his head start to ache.

In the top-secret information of S.H.I.E.L.D., the degree of threat of Professor X has always been far beyond that of Magneto. His psychic ability is enough to erase the brain waves of countless human beings in an instant. He is an existence that is a hundred times more terrifying than nuclear bombs.

Such a powerful mutant leader who was originally friendly to humans...

Suddenly hid his base camp...

Does this mean that his attitude towards humans has changed?

But looking at the performance of the X-Men, it doesn't look like it?

"Anyway, this is not a good signal!"

Nick Fury deserves to be the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. He pondered for a while, but still couldn't come to a useful conclusion, so he stopped thinking about it and ordered Coulson:

"No matter what they want to do, there will definitely be a next step to increase the monitoring of mutant incidents. As long as the X-Men show up again, they will report as soon as possible!"

"In addition, let the weapons department speed up the manufacture of anti-psychic helmets!"

Hearing this sentence, Coulson's expression changed slightly.


He was about to speak when Nick Fury's deep voice came into his ears.

"Colson, we must prepare for a war!".

Chapter 34 Make a fortune, make another fortune!

A few days later.

Lynn returned to the Second World headquarters again.

He was in a pretty good mood, because when he woke up this morning, what came to his mind was a five-ring magic.

Super dynamic visuals!

Another powerful magic that can stabilize one's body!

Now, the passive magic on his body is seven rings [Steel Body], seven rings [Spiritual Immunity], and five rings [Early Warning], which have initially taken shape to become a fort mage.

But in this world, there is no lack of the ability to go at such an outrageous speed.

It is necessary to keep a [Super Dynamic Vision] magic.

Moreover, this magic will continue to superimpose!

"In the next three months, it will be a constant once a day, at least to the level of the seventh ring!"

Lynn made a decision immediately.

Entering the conference room, Phantom Cat, Li Qianhuan, Iceman, Colossus, and Roberto have all arrived, including Phoenix Girl.

In addition, there is Luis, the head of the X Fund.

And the financial team hired from Wall Street with high salaries.


Seeing Lynn, Louis was the first to stand up and greet him, his tone and attitude were much more humble than before.

Because just last night, Professor X called him and officially dismissed him as the head of X Fund, and appointed him as the chief operating officer (COO) of the second world technology company instead!

The president and CEO of Second World are Lynn, so his job as chief operating officer is to assist Lynn in managing the company's daily operations.

To be honest, Louis was extremely puzzled by this.

He and Mr. Xavier have been working together for many years and have always enjoyed each other, and the X Fund is doing quite well.

So he doesn't understand what Mr. Xavier thinks at all, as if this second world is much more important than Xavier's family fund...

It's fine to invest a lot of money, but now you have to transfer yourself?

The X Fund doesn't care anymore?

When Louis received the call, his first reaction was that he was fired, but when talking about salary, Mr. Xavier offered him a price far higher than before!

He was dumbfounded at the time!

Then she faintly understood that this was her trust in him!

It is precisely because of the foundation of many years of cooperation that this job will fall on him!

It can be seen that Mr. Xavier attaches great importance to the second world far beyond his imagination!

After figuring this out, he spent the night adjusting his mentality, and when he saw Lynn again, he had already entered the working state.

After contacting for a while, he knew that Lynn didn't like nonsense, so he immediately looked at the person in charge of the financial team: "Let's start reporting!"

"Mr. Lynn..."

The person in charge nodded and reported excitedly: "According to your instructions, we invested 100 million in small shares in batches, and made the largest double leverage to short the stock of Hanmer Industries several times in a row..."

"Since Justin Hammer was arrested, the stock of Hammer Industries has fallen off a cliff. During this period of time, the funds in all accounts have exceeded 500 million!"

[ps: After checking, it seems that shorting US stocks has a maximum leverage of twice as much, and a maximum profit of 100%.

Lynn is not surprised by the gains in the stock market.

Thousands of well-known spectators almost died at the gunpoint of the steel soldiers of Hammer Industry, and the impact was too great and bad.

Even if it is found out afterwards that the manipulator behind the scenes is Ivan Vanke, Hammer Industries cannot get away with it.

Justin Hammer is about to face extremely serious charges!

After all, his "performance" that night proved that he and Ivan Vanke were in the same group, and the act of blaming Wolverine under the eyes of everyone even ruined everyone's favor!

Stock prices plummeting... nothing more than normal!

In such a situation, even if the other shareholders mobilize all their energies, it is impossible for the military leaders who have interests in them to come forward to help at the risk of the world!

Even, I don't know how many people, wishing that Hanmer Industry would be left alone...

Those capitals who came here after smelling the smell showed their greedy fangs without hesitation!

All in all, because of limited funds, Lynn earned only a drop in the bucket!

After the report was completed, the person in charge concluded: "According to the current situation, Hanmer Industries' share in the arms market is being divided up rapidly. If there is no accident, there is a high probability that it will go bankrupt, so we continue to short. It doesn't make sense anymore..."

"Hammer Industries will not go bankrupt."

Lin En waved his hand, and under the puzzled eyes of everyone, he slowly said: "After closing the position, 20% of the funds will be used for company expansion, and the rest will be used to buy the stock of Hammer Industries. One time... we go long!"

As soon as these words came out, not only the people in the financial team were stunned.

Louis was also dumbfounded.

"Buying the bottom?"

His eyes flashed, and he quickly realized: "Boss, do you have any inside information? Is it possible that the military will end and keep Hammer Industries?"

Lynn shook his head and stretched out three fingers: "Three days later, Stark Industries will announce to the public that it will start the process of acquiring Hammer Industries!"

He's not worried about leaks.

These few members of the financial team will stay here for a period of time, and they will not be able to leave at all.

External information and phone calls will also be monitored by Alice.

No word ever gets out.

As for Louis, he is considered half of himself now, and if he wants to follow suit, he can naturally make a fortune...

This is the chance for him!

Lynn is very clear that only benefits can make people die. As the chief operating officer of the second world, Louis will earn ten times or a hundred times more than before!

At that time, even if he knows that he is working for a mutant...

Instead of feeling angry, he will become a pioneer in supporting mutants!

Sure enough, when he heard Lynn's words, Louis's eyes immediately lit up with joy: "The Stark Group is going to acquire Hammer Industries? As soon as the news comes out, the stock price will definitely rise sharply!"

As he spoke, awe grew stronger in his heart.

The methods of this young new boss are simply terrifying!

First, he made a lot of money by shorting Hammer Industries. Now, when everyone is not optimistic about Hammer Industries, he is doing the opposite, preparing to buy the bottom and make a fortune...

In the stock market, the profits of long positions are much higher than those of short positions!

At that time, the 400 million invested will at least be multiplied several times!

This is not just knowing some inside information, you can do it!

More like, create conditions to make money in the stock market!

The hidden secrets... It makes one's scalp tingle just thinking about it!

"No wonder the boss said that the funds he controlled were never 100 million..."

"And such a large sum of money turned out to be just the start-up capital of the Second World..."

Thinking back to what Lynn said when they first met, Louis was stunned secretly, but he still didn't understand that serving as the COO of the Second World might be the greatest opportunity in his life!

This thigh must be hugged tightly! .

Chapter Thirty-Five Talent Joins! Felicity and Skye!