
the Rise of the king of Mutants

In the beautiful comic world, superheroes are infinitely beautiful. Mutants who also have super powers are extremely sad. Lynn came across time and became a student of the Academy of Mutants with the ability to create magic. Apparatus, Avada Kedavra… Glacier Spikes, Ember Storms… God Slayer Magic of Fire, Dragon Slayer Magic of Thunder… True mirror image, dimensional leap, elemental mysteries, time stillness… After ten years of accumulation, Lynn has mastered countless splendid and terrifying magics, but he knows very well that it is meaningless for Professor X to let the students act as thugs to save the world in order to allow humans and mutants to coexist peacefully. The only way to change the living environment of mutants is to increase the right to speak! Where does the right to speak come from? Strength is the foundation! Money is on the left, power is on the right! So, he approached Professor X and proposed a package plan to establish a mutant consortium and gain power through money: The first step is to create “Oasis” and create a second world!

oni_Wolf · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 22

So much so that in the plot of the movie, when Professor X and several X-Men were not at home, the college was easily captured by a special force of the military!

This is outrageous!


Storm, Cyclops, and Phoenix were all speechless.

"It's still the same sentence, it doesn't make any sense to hide your head and show your tail!"

Lynn said, and glanced at Professor X: "Actually, if I were the principal of Xavier College, I wouldn't be so low-key at all, and even openly recruit students and raise the banner of mutants!"

Open enrollment?

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the three Storm Girls widened: "How can this be done? What about the safety of the academy?"

"That's not how security works!"

Lynn said loudly, with a look of arrogance suddenly appearing in his eyes: "Professor, I have done another small thing during these years in the academy... Do you want to see it?"

Professor X's heart trembled violently.

In the office back then, Lynn had the exact same look on his face!

This kid is ready again!

At this moment, even Professor X himself didn't realize that there was a look of hope on his face: "Then... have a look?"

"have a look!"

Lin En smiled brightly, and then stepped on the ground lightly under the suspicious eyes of everyone.

hum! !

The void trembled, and dazzling rays of light suddenly appeared, criss-crossing the ground, forming a strange and mysterious pattern, filling the entire room...


Not just the principal's office!

Through the window, the five of them clearly saw a similar pattern of light appearing on the ground of Xavier Academy, and even extended towards the outside of the academy!

"what is this?"

"Magic circle?"

"Lin En engraved a huge magic circle within the entire academy?!"

"And we didn't notice it?!"

For a moment, unprecedented shock and surprise filled the minds of the five people present.

Without waiting for them to ask...

The ground suddenly trembled violently!


It was as if there were dragons rolling and roaring out from the depths of the ground. The desks and chairs in the office shook violently. The teaching building seemed to collapse at any moment, yet it remained weirdly intact.

next moment…

A strange sense of rising came!

Cyclops with the best eyesight suddenly saw that in the extreme distance, at least one kilometer away from Academy X, a mountain that was originally above his line of sight suddenly became shorter!

And at a speed visible to the naked eye, it came below the line of sight, and then...disappeared!

"Great gift crab!!"

An extremely inconceivable and crazy idea suddenly appeared in Cyclops' mind.

The giant magic circle that suddenly appeared...

Put the entire academy on the sky!

Academy X, go to heaven! ! .

Chapter 31 Mutant base independent of the world!

The sudden movement quickly alarmed everyone in X Academy.

As the earth lifted into the sky, the power line broke, and the academy was suddenly pitch black, but this darkness only lasted for a few seconds, and the backup power supply was automatically turned on.

"what happened?"

"Is there an earthquake?"

"Everyone leave the room quickly and go to an open place!"

"Where did the teachers go? Go find the teacher!"

A group of students who were resting in the dormitory ran to the playground one after another, every face was full of panic and panic, even the best among the students such as Burning Man and Bishop were no exception.

This scene, of course, was seen by everyone in the office.

The faces of Storm Girl and the others were a little ugly.

It was just a sudden situation, and the students were so panicked that they all became headless chickens.

This is in a way...

Undoubtedly, it shows the failure of their teaching!

"Jade can't be cut, professor, you protect them very well."

Lynn sighed lightly, not surprised by this scene.

Bao Jianfeng comes out of sharpening.

Mutants are in danger of perishing at any time. Those wandering mutants, such as Wolverine, Polaris, etc., which one has not been weather-beaten and experienced disasters?

Although it may not be possible for everyone to be calm, they will never be in a state of confusion.

On the other hand, these students in the academy may have experienced hardships when they were young, but since they came to X Academy, they have been staying in the ivory tower and never experienced danger again.

This is obviously of no benefit to the growth of the mind.

This has a huge relationship with the college's teaching philosophy. Professor X wants the students to grow up healthy and happy, but he ignores... Although they are teenagers, they are mutant teenagers!

The end result is that the number of students in College X is quite large, they may be called elites, but there are only a few of them!

They were all taken away by Lynn at once!

"I'm in the world of "Oasis", and I've opened up some special dungeons for mutants. Starting tomorrow, all the students in the academy will go in and practice!"

Lynn said, without waiting for Professor X to answer, a mirror image clone shook out of his body, and another apparition appeared in the middle of the playground.

"What are you panicking about?!"

A loud shout shook the audience, covering the roar of the earth, reaching the ears of all the students: "Such a trivial matter, so flustered, the teachers are not here, you are all out of your mind..."

Professor X's eyelids twitched violently.

Things outside are not important, Lynn's attention has always been in the office.

"The range of this magic circle is three kilometers in length and width. Although it is not big, it is enough to expand X Academy."

He glanced at everyone, and said in an orderly manner: "The magic circle is driven by solar energy and can rise up to 500 meters. It has both flight and invisibility functions. It's just that the defense system is still very rough, but it is enough for the time being. If a satellite detects it , all I saw was a void..."

Everyone listened, gasping one after another.

Three kilometers in length and width...isn't that big enough?

If this is expanded... how many mutants can it accommodate? !

Most importantly, an invisible zone that cannot be detected by satellites is still in the sky... Who can be against the X Academy? !

This is simply a mutant base independent of the world!

"Lynn, you bastard, you actually..."

Professor X's complexion changed again and again. Regarding Lynn, even though he had already paid attention to it to the point where it couldn't be more important, he still didn't expect to have such a move!

After ten years of hiding, how much preparation has this student made? !

It's outrageous!

The same idea was also surging in the minds of Storm Girl and the others at the same time.

In this situation, they still don't understand that what happened at the expo was just an introduction... Lynn's real purpose is to change X Academy!

Don't they feel that X Academy is not safe?

Don't you think the X-Men can't be exposed?

Don't you think it's dangerous to start a mutant channel and make an X-Men documentary too quickly?

Don't you think that the college's open enrollment will lead to disaster?


I directly made the academy invisible and disappeared from the world!

Those forces that want to be unfavorable to mutants can only stare blankly at the huge pit that appeared out of thin air!

Is this all right? !

"you you…"

Storm's face was flushed, her breathing quickened, and she didn't know what to say. It was Lin En's handwriting, which was beyond her imagination!

The same goes for Cyclops and Wolverine.

Qin Gray's heart trembled, but she thought of something: "The brain wave enhancer and the Blackbird fighter plane in the underground of the academy..."

"Do not worry."

Lynn snapped his fingers, and a portal quietly appeared.

But it didn't stand still, but swiped from left to right.

The figures of the six people present disappeared instantly.

When it reappeared, it was already in mid-air.

The levitation technique had already been applied to the five of Professor X in the midst of their thoughts, so at this moment, they felt as light as a hair, floating in the air.

But in front of him, there is a huge and incomparably large island slowly rising!

A series of translucent rays of light spread around the island!

The whole island is becoming "transparent" little by little!

"Great gift crab special..."

Wolverine murmured unconsciously. In his eyes, it was as if an invisible hand had dug out a piece of the earth. This "island" was at least a hundred meters deep!

The underground building of Academy X is only fifty meters deep!

So whether it's Professor Charles' brain wave enhancement room, or the X-Men's Blackbird fighter, or even Jean Gray's laboratory...all must be safe and sound!

"There is no need to worry about energy issues."

Lin En stretched out his palm, and an ark reactor appeared out of nowhere in his palm: "The college's backup power supply should be able to last for a few days. After I modify the energy system, I can use this thing as the energy core."

Under Professor X's puzzled eyes, he said slowly: "Based on the power consumption of the college, this thing can be guaranteed for at least a few years. At that time, just build another large reactor."

This is what he picked out from the Mark6 steel suit after he helped Tony take out the shrapnel fragments in his body.

Although some energy is consumed.

It is more than enough for power supply.

"Just such a small thing, how many years can it supply power?!"

Wolverine Logan suddenly felt that the world had changed. Did he sleep in an unconscious state for decades? Is the technology on earth already so terrifying?

No one suspected that Lynn was exaggerating.

What happened tonight has completely convinced them.

"In my original room, there is a teleportation circle. The materials needed by the academy can be sent in from there after purchase."

Lynn smiled, threw the reactor to Logan casually, and looked at Professor X with burning eyes: "In addition, that teleportation circle is connected to the hidden teleportation circle below, if necessary, you can pass through it Send people over..."