
The Rise of the gamer:Uzumaki Naruto

Uzumaki Naruto awakens on his 12th birthday to find that he has become a player he uses this power to become the greatest ninja is to ever walk the Elemental Nations

creatorofall · Anime & Comics
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It is currently 7:04 AM 10th October in the morning we flash to a certain blond Uzumaki in his crappy apartment

POV Naruto

Naruto:*getting up from his bed that is barely holding itself upright*

Naruto:Why do I feel so full of energy? *Shrugs it off and goes to the bathroom to wash his face when he notices something above his head the his broken mirror

"Name:Uzumaki Naruto



Naruto:(is the trauma of getting beaten so much getting to my head!?!)*Calms dowm*

Naruto:no mabye this is one of the cool ninja things what is it call genbutsu gengutsu genjutsu? How do you break it again? And why am I so calm about this?

A blue transparent screen appears a feet infront of naruto's face

"The player is this calm because of a skill the user possess say skills to figure out more"

Naruto:❗*almost screams but is calmed down*

Naruto:(what the hell is this but hey what do I have to lose?)Skills?

The screen infront of him is replaced with another


Gamers mind (passive)LvL:max

Gamers body (passive)LvL:max

Naruto:❗*almost screams and jumps in surprise but is calmed down*

Naruto:(what do they do and what does passive mean and lvl too? I ha-)

4 screens appear 2 on 1 side of the skills screen and 2 on the other side

" Gamers mind (Passive) LvL:max

This skill allows the user to be able to process information like a sponge and also most of the time keeping you calm"

"Gamers body (passive) lvl:max

This skill allows the user to live through anything as long as the have at least 1 Hp remaining it also allows the user to regrow lost limbs over night as long as the user sleeps"

" Passive means that this skill is always active"

"LvL give rough estimate of how strong someone is or it tells the player how good they are with skills"

Like the system explained he took in the information like a sponge understanding it perfectly too expect for

Naruto:what is hp❓

All the screens disappear and are replaced by another

"Hp is the life force that the player lives of of you can only die if you lose all your hp say stats to find out how much hp you have"

Naruto:stats? *Starts washing his face*

A screen appears replacing the one before it

"Name:Uzumaki Uzumaki













Money:1200 Ryo



-2 Str per lvl -3 vit lvl


+200 hp per lvl +200 Cp per lvl - chakra control


+100 hp per lvl + 100 Co per lvl increases effectiveness and Exp gain for fuinjutsu by 50%"

Naruto:*Flinched at the sudden appearance of a large screen but reads through it*(THIS what is it? DARES TO DERESPECT THE FOOD OF THE GODS SAYING THAT I'M MALNOURISHED FOR EATING IT EVERYDAY FOR EVERY MEAL ok that does sound unhealthy BUT IT TAKEN WHO CAN RESET EATING RAMEN)and

Naruto:*Is now in his living room on his crappy couch*what are points?

A screen appears next to stats screen

"points are what the player uses to upgrade there stats you can upgrade your stats by manually doing it or by telling me through either mental or physical commands.Stats are as followed

Str:influences how much weight you can carry how hard you can hit

Agi:influences how fast you run

Dex:influences how good you are with a hand held weapon or equipment

Vit:influences how much damage you take

Int:influences how much information you can process and increases how.much you can remember

Luk:increases you chances of something of anything good outside of battle"

Naruto:put 3 points into Str and 2 into Agi? *Suddenly feels like a light shower is gently hitting his body refreshing it*

Naruto:ahhhh~ that felt good and both stats have gone up the same amount I asked *looks at his body and notices that his muscles are way more defined from his previously non existent musucle and checks under his shirt to see and starting abs form?*If I continue putting points into are will I eventually become a walking talking sack of pure musucle? Naruto:*Shudders at that thought*let's bath *Goes to the bathroom*

Timeskip 10 minutes later

Naruto:*walking to the hokage building*(I can't wait to tell the old man about my new powers)

??:*tabs Naruto's shoulder*

Naruto:*turns around*he-

??:DIE DEMON! *punches Naruto in the face*