
The Rise Of The Four Graces

In the ancient world, there existed only four stars in the midnight skies until they combusted and rained down to earth, descending as the "Four Fallen Graces". The folklores of the earth revealed four gods. Each of them possessing control of fire, water, air and earth. Twenty years after the stars' disappearance, tragedies would await the four prophesied men who was chosen as the next four gods; one as a Prince, a thief, a beggar, and a son. Would the four strangers finally meet? WARNING: This novel is not appropriate for young readers and sensitive viewers. It contains gore, murder, cannibalism, trauma and suicide that may cause emotional triggers to the readers. Please read at your own risk.

ancientnarrator · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter 12: The Slave Auction House

Content Warning: Mentions of blood, Trauma, Mental Abuse, Human Trafficking, Death, Mass Murder, Intense Violence.

The time feasted upon the midday and yet no light was present inside the darkened room of the eighteen year old thief which was staring at himself in front of the mirror with cold red eyes, rubbing the black ring around his fingers. His hands trembled at the substance that coated his palm. A red, warm and sticky liquid that haunted his mind on each day of his life. A life filled with solitude, agony, and death.

He had lived his life following orders, time by time taking away lives in the shadows and trying to be a normal being in the day light. His lips quivered and his throat felt tight and dry. Lev quietly watched himself bleed his heart, as his tears silently rolled down on both of his cheeks, suppressing the regretful cries coming out of his mouth with both of his hands, blocking the sound of his voice that was begging for help, a cry for help for the light to come to his rescue; to the ghosts of the people he had killed for the past years that was tailing by his shadow everyday. Each and single night, following him to his sleep, and creeping up to him on his nightmares.

Lev was snapped back to reality from the sudden knocks at his door, the blood disappearing on his palm. "You're being summoned by Lord Svarozich. You're expected to come down to Lord Raius' tower immediately." Someone spoke outside Lev's room, a man's voice belonging to the right hand of Raius Svarozich, the mysterious right hand who always wore huge clothes. A few seconds after, the sound of his heavy footsteps faded away along the hallway.

Slicking his hair back, he inhaled deeply and prepared himself quietly, putting on his robes and fastening his boots, trying to suppress his last sobs and wiping the tear marks at his cheeks.

"Did you somehow decoded it, Lili?" mumbled Lev under his breath while walking along the hallway, rubbing the black ring around his finger.

In a long walk around the Svarozich mansion, he had finally reached the room of his master and went inside. It was a big and spacious room, unlike his, it was totally bright and grand, sparkling with the treasures Svarozich somewhat displayed within sight inside his room. Lord Raius Svarozich and his right hand was seen dining at the long table.

Lev stopped walking and knelt down, "Lord Svarozich, i am here as you asked."

The nobleman brightened his face, "Oh Lev! Come join us!" Lev then furrowed his brows and then shook his head.

"Thank you for inviting me, but im afraid i can't. I have no appetite to eat." Said Lev quietly, putting his gaze at the floor.

Lord Svarozich then kept slicing the stake on his white plate, then munching on it. "Shame! this meat is really good! right Hugo?" Called out Svarozich to his right hand, Hugo.

With his cloak down, Lev could see his face, his rectangular shaped jaws, thick black brows and his neck being incredibly thick. Then Hugo curved his lips up, munching at the juicy meat. "haha! you really have a special taste Lord Svarozich."

"Moreover, what did you summon me for, Lord Svarozich?" Coughed Lev, intently looking at his master.

"Oh! actually its not that important. But I just need you to pick up new lowborn children on the streets and register them inside the orphanage run by the Svarozichs." He then waved the knife fashionably at the air, its twinkling light blinding Lev a bit.

'Again huh..' he thought. 'Its been twice this month.. to recruit homeless children.'

Thinking of the best for the children, he bows. ".. as you wish."

"Ah-ah! Lev come here, have a taste." Lord Svarozich waved his hands happily at the air notifying his servant to prepare one plate for Lev.

Its fresh and warm meat's emitted smoke that was full of aromas, and yet Lev says; "It's fine, sir."

Now his master's face changed slightly, with a lower tone, he orders; "i said come here." With Lev feeling powerless in front of his master, he steps up and tastes the soft and warm meat.

"so, how is it?" Smiled Svarozich with his brows raised.

As honest as it can go, Lev just blurts; "It tastes sweet."

Then his master suddenly looked excited, asking, "dont you want to know what kind of meat—"

"when will i get bigger missions?" Cut in Lev impatiently.

With a small pause, Svarozich says, "... haha! I know you're an excellent man now, time will come for you to go inside the palace again, so dont get too impatient.."

"Lord Svarozich, you're well aware that i always execute your orders perfectly. Isn't it time for me to—"

"Tsk." Svarozich's knife dug through the meat, adding, "Don't get too cocky on me, Lev. Remember last time i sent you there, you failed getting the treasure and anyone could've seen you by the time you went back to my mansion. What if suspicions with the Svarozich name arises huh?"

Lev reasons, "That was five years ago. I'm different now. I definitely would not fail you."

His master then laughs, "Well besides the risk that you fail and shame goes to the Svarozich name, knowing you being experienced in stealing for the past years would certainly be reassuring, considering the fact that you've killed quite a number now HAHAHAHA!!" Lev's heartbeat paced, his palm turning into a fist behind his back.

Svarozich smiled again, "Quit that awful face! At sunset we will leave. We will host an auction, you must come with me, Lev."

Looking down, he answers, ".... As you wish.."


[three days ago]

Lev who was wearing costly clothes under his black cloak walked around the streets of a small and dirty town crawling with criminals and thieves. No one in the upper class ranks had walked the streets of rats, even trying to venture at a commoner's pavement had been treated like a nightmare inside their minds. Instead they shoot out eyes of disgust and laugh along at the thought of the lowborns. Unlike any other nobles who never had stepped foot in grime and blood, Lev somehow felt uncannily normal walking at the gloomy city, just as if he belonged to this trash decorated town.

At the side of the road, just beside a smelly stall, Lev saw a malnourished little girl rummaging at the pile of rotten apples swimming with worm and dirt. He noticed her trying to pick red and decent ones to eat, if he ever finds some, she was to put the few of the saved apples on her brown torn clothes which also served as bag for her food that was necessary to get her through the day.

In the next seconds, a boy, maybe years younger than Lev, was walking towards the fruit stall, and just in a flash, five to eight apples had been placed inside his hand held bag. Just as if nothing happened, the red headed boy continued walking swiftly, the owner never noticing that he had just been robbed.

This obviously had piqued the interest of Lev, an experienced thief. The red haired boy quickly disappeared to one of the small and dark alleyways, which Lev immediately followed to. Walking along the dark passage, he raised his hand and focused on his palms, the magical red light appearing as fires crawls on his right palm. With this, he could see a little bit better under the black hood he was wearing.

Just in a few distance away, he could hear soft munching and muttering, of maybe three to five people, he closed his palm and the fire disappeared but it was quickly replaced by one of the soft orange lighted lanterns inside the children's nest.

Then suddenly a thud of someone standing up made Lev look up, he saw the red haired boy, and recognized the little girl who was rummaging at the heap of rotten apples just earlier. The boy in alarm shouted, "who are you?! what do you want?!"

In a quiet voice, Lev spoke, "I've seen you." his voice echoing softly around the dark hideout.

"what?" spoke back the red haired boy in a small voice.

Lev walked forward towards him and pointed. "and your hands.."

A sudden voice full of rage exploded, "So- so what of it?! are you going to punish me for stealing?!" The tallest boy, the red haired one gathered the four small children at his back, shielding them from the new newcomer.

Lev stepped back, trying to ease up the boy and then looking at the four, thin, and scared looking kids behind the figure in front of him.

"..No. What you did-, it was for the necessary. For them to live and survive." He then removed his hood, Lev's face were shown, and at his forehead, a diadem sparkled.

Then the boy yelled again, "what does a noble like you want from us?!"

"I want all of you to come with me."

"You will live on an orphanage under my name."

"Under my care, you will not feel hunger, you will be sheltered, clothed, and i assure you that those four will never experience suffering ever again." said Lev, the boy paused hesitantly ag the offer thinking it was too good to be true. And yet he kept looking back at the two boys and two girls behind him.

Lev raised his palm and blew on it, orange sparks circled his palm and two figure of human fires danced around his palm. Frozen and shocked as the five stood, they watched the two human fire figures play around Lev's palm. Lev looked up and saw them naturally dumbfounded and surprised, causing him to chuckle. "There is no need to be afraid." Said he in a soothing voice, and smiled, taking away the fire that made the five speechless on the spot.

Lev scratched his nape, with drops of awkward sweat running down his forehead. "I pray i didn't scared all of you, haha.."

Then all of their eyes bulged, puking their loud reactions after, "What?! What was that?!—"

Lev cut in, "I really want to help you, so would you please maybe put a bit of your trust in me?" Then he smiled awkwardly, the boy going silent again.

"I want you to come with me. And I will protect all of you." In a serious voice, he determinedly held the boy's smaller hands and gave it a little squeeze, trying to reassure security. The red haired boy flinched, shocked at how warm Lev's skin felt.

After a long pause, the boy turns around and caressed the faces of the four small children in front of him with a pained yet gentle look at his face, "I know, I've always known that i could never do this alone, I... last time I had prayed in one of the god's temples, and asked them to save us, even just these kids. And maybe.. maybe you were the answer that i seek, maybe you're the one they sent. I-its you right? We can trust you right?.... So please, please take care of them, they're the only family i have in this world and i cant afford to lose my family again... " The boy gripped his hand back even tighter, then Lev nodded.

"Leave everything to me." Lev patted the boy's head, then the little girl at the fruit stall peeked behind her brother's back.

Lev smiled and sat down, asking gently. "Little girl, what is your name?"

The small girl comes out of her brother's shadow, "Nami. My mother calls me Nami, and this is my twin sister Hukomi!" Then she pulled out another girl behind her that smiled awkwardly.

"Your mother?" Asked Lev.

"Mm! I just remember that i am always called by my mother Nami! But.. but i.. my mom she.."

Lev saw the nearly crying face of Nami, immediately, he says; "Do you know? You both have such nice blue eyes. Just like the droplets of rain."

Nami and Hukomi smiled widely, "We do? My mom gave them to us!"

Lev laughed, "Your mom is really kind!"

"Ah! what is your name big brother?" Asked Nami.

"I am called Lev. Lord Svarozich gave it to me"

"Suva- Svalo... what such hard name to say, Lev brother!" Nami frowned while Lev giggled.

With the three of them laughing, Lev pats their heads, "haha! indeed you're right!"


"Five copper rudian for Lot A!" A man shouted within the crowd, his face behind a white feathery mask. Lev stopped breathing, his eyes glued to the stage where the prize stood for the bidding; And he is not mistaken, for in ten seconds of staring at it, he recognized that it was a fifteen year old girl named Mirian that he rescued just three weeks ago to the orphanage. On top of the stage, three cage stood erected and three kids were inside each one of it including Mirian who is wearing a white dress, her wrists chained and is tied to a pole, her face were entirely pale, afraid of what's happening.

Behind the mask that Lev was wearing along the crowd, he stood there, unmoving and shaking. In his horror, he thought;

'It was never an orphanage, it was a host to a human auction. Not a horse or material auction, but a human slave auction.'

"fifteen coppers!"

'Lord Svarozich lied to me!'' the color faded inside his eyes, and he went pale, his heartbeat pouncing even louder.

"twenty-five coppers!"

'No... No way..' He shook in horror, thinking how many children had been sold in human auctions under his name. The hopes shattering knowing that they were not adopted, but sold away.

"fifty-five coppers!"

"please take care of them, they're the only family i have in this world and i cant afford to lose my family again... "

"I really want to help you, so would you please put a bit of your trust in me?" His voice echoing inside his head, remembering the things he said to each and one of the children he sought out for, he was filled with horridness and loathing for himself. Shaking in fear and anger.

"ten silver for the sweet virgin girl!" Shouted one man in white, Lev hearing the masked nobles laughing at his remark, except it was so evil that he could not breathe, everything is spinning.

"I want you to come with me. And I will protect all of you." Lev stepped back, realizing that he lied to them, he could not protect the children. He only fooled them and dragged them further in hell.

"ten silver for lot A! no other biddings?" Shouted the organizer, the nobles not daring to make anymore higher biddings for the girl they think is not worth spending silvers.

"Sold! lot A for the man in the gray hat!" Then they clapped, "what are you?— no!! noooooo!!! let go of me!! no!!" the girl screamed helplessly as chains binding the girl clanged loudly, wriggling and kicking around as two men dragged her away, pulling her chains.

"Congratulations! now for lot B! let the bidding start!" Starting from this second, every sound seemed to fade and Lev's ear shut off his hearing. Completely blank but he could hear is heart thumping very loudly.

'No... no! this couldn't be true!'

'you have to be kidding me!'

'all those children I've sought and brought to the orphanage! don't tell me all of them?!'

'what's the meaning of this?!'

'i lied to them! I gave them false hopes on living a better life! What do i do?!'

'I have to find Lord Svarozich..'

Lev turned around, his robes flapped along the air as he hurriedly walked at Raius Svarozich's direction. His master was talking to his tall right hand man as they were walking with visible smiles on their faces, strolling to a one long hallway away from the auction site. Lev's closely followed them on a long walk, then to suddenly disappear behind a huge painting.

Tapping it, Lev knitted his brows curiously. ''This must be another passageway. But why do they have to go somewhere secluded?' Sliding the painting away, across him revealed a dark and narrow passage, lit by green lights and different scent.

'For what reason is this passage for?'

As cautious as Lev can get, he walked stealthily, trying to soften his steps at each of his advance. With his guard up, he tapped the walls for traps and cautiously scanned the floor, also taking note of the steps he took and how long he was walking. Though he could not hear Svarozich's and Hugo's footsteps anymore, he decided to should take his time on analyzing things carefully since he now knows to his bones that Lord Svarozich, someone Lev hated, so ruthless he could not even think straight. Svarozich's is a man with many faces, unsurprisingly, whom could also mostly be involved into a more shady business, just as foul as he is now.

Seeing structures of rooms at last, Lev looked closely. In the many rooms unexpectedly built inside this auction building, it was entirely silent and not far from where he was standing, one door creaked open, and the green light inside escaped the room. Lev taking care of his footsteps, he pushed the door open silently and walked inside.


"you.. you have to be kidding me.."

With his red eyes in a huge bulge, almost popping out, his breath shook and his whole body were trembling. In front of his eyes were jars of different sizes, inside of it were different human organs, mixed on it were fingers, eyeballs, skin, heart and brain. Hung on the ceiling were butchered pieces of a child's skin like suit. A child's body, arms, and legs were dripping of blood as if it was just freshly chopped away. On the side laid a bloody mess, as he can tell it was meat chopped in cubes, with long intestines messily kept in a corner.

Lev felt his heart sink, identifying a pair of familiar eyes at one of the jars infront of him. A sign under; Purest Love of Blues. He stepped back, two big blue eyes seemed to stare back at him, as if screaming in pain, agony, and wrath. Lev stared in horror, his body twitching all over. It was Nami's eyes, the little girl he took in three days ago.

"You both have such nice blue eyes. Just like the droplets of rain."

"I do? My mom gave them to us!"

"Your mom is really kind!"

"Ah! what is your name big brother?"

"I am called Lev. Lord Svarozich gave it to me"

"Suva- Svalo... what such hard name to say, Lev brother!"

"haha! indeed you're right!"

"Brother Lev. I thought you said you were gonna help us.." He fell down in fright, a voice seemed to talk inside his mind, his eyes still locked at Nami's.

"You.. you lied... The man in black said my eyes were pretty.. just like you said.. but then he said he wants it.." Nami cried out in her small voice, sniffing and stuttering.

Then she made a horrible noise, "Brother, my eyes are gone.. brother Lev! Brother Lev help me! BROTHER LEV!" Screamed Nami in pain, Lev gripped his head, breathing hard.

Lev mumbled, "N-nami.."

"You lied!!!!!!"

"Oh Lev! how odd of you to be here!" Raius Svarozich spoke behind cheerfully, giving Lev a eerie smile with moon eyes. Lev snapped back his head, facing his master yet couldn't make a noise.

He pointed, "t-this... What are these?!"

Svarozich eyes followed Lev's finger. "Oh that! such beautiful blue eyes arent they?" Svarozich caressed the jar lovingly with two pair of blue eyeballs floating inside it.

"oooh!!! i named them, 'Purest Love of Blues' Lovely screams it was! the twins deserve to be in my collection!!! You really have a nice eye in valuable things Lev!"


Cut in Svarozich, "You see, you see, Lev, i needed to get new stocks of meat these days- i needed you to go fetch me some soft meat! thats why i sent you to find new children, and they really did the job on satisfying my taste!—" Svarozich clapped happily, confusing Lev in hopeless hell.

He manages to mutter, "where... w-where are the twins? the children?.."

Lord Svarozich pointed at the pile of chopped meat and laughed. "There they are!"

"—oh come to think of it! you've also eaten their meat right? that blue eyed girl's flesh was so sweet just as you said! it was as if she was fed by fruits for forever!-"

Lev's mouth and throat went dry, his entire body shivering at the very thought, now his entire face went pale. "joking.... you.. you're joking right..." Denied him while his master laughed at him.

"joking? this gallery of mine is a masterpiece! This is art! I've collected and fed you meat of my orphaned children to you almost everyday! have you not even noticed? HAHAHA!!"

Lev breathed even harder, his heart palpitating and his head seemed to spin very fast, he kept coughing and spitting, as if wanting to puke everything out of his system, he kneeled down, seeing the meat in the table and hearing the screams of Nami and all the children he took away.

"Nami. My mother calls me Nami, and this is my twin sister Hukomi!" Nami's voice echoes inside Lev's head, making him go insane bit by bit. Crouched down, Lev cried, his hand gripping his stomach and started vomiting.

Un-bothered his master was, he even adds, "You see i was also thinking that maybe i should send you to the palace again soon and have another blue eyes added to my collection. Just how many gold rudians would they pay for the Prince's eyes?! HAHAHAH millions! Millions Lev!"

Lev stands up, everything drained his face. His body seemed to give up, and his hair were out of place to block his eyes. With his mask long gone, Lev started feeling intense hatred and and endless pain in his heart. He gritted his teeth and his fists held his dagger he always kept at his boots. Then he stared silently at Svarozich.

"That's it! You should go to the palace and—"

Lev laughed psychotically, his voice in a hoarse cold voice roaring with wrath. The entire room seemed to be filled with violet blazing aura. Lev couldn't see properly when everything looked so red. His vision glitched and he felt extremely hot at his palms. He bore his teeth, staring straight at Svarozich's frightened eyes with his burning fierce and red glowing eyes. Raising his palms with blue flames that kept eating away his skin, with tear marks along his cheeks, he growls angrily; "I won't allow you have your way with Jian Li. If you want new collection to this sickening nightmare, then I'll pluck your eyeballs out myself."