

The Rise of the Fallen empress follows the story of Chen Lihua the spoilt princess of the Chen Famiy, she has always been willful and stubborn had has never had to struggle for anything in her life, she has the best of everything at her beck and call. She is ruthless and cunning and doesn't trust anybody apart from her best friend and boyfriend, after she took over her family business, Paradise Entertainment Agency she made it China's Largest Entertainment Agency. Will her perspective of life change when she gets involved in a ghastly car accident that renders her completely incapacitated, will the great Chen Lihua be brought to her knees when the people she trusts the most betrays her. Can the fallen empress rise again Jiang Zihan otherwise known as The Elvis, The Music Superstar, Hollywood movie legend, the heartthrob of millions, The movie and Music King and China's most eligible bachelor, devilishly handsome, smart and rich, the Heir to the Jiang family, the CEO of Tiana Empires. What happens when this high mighty man gets involved in a contract marriage with Chen Lihua the fallen empress, could this be the beginning of a beautiful love story. ......... "You are a fallen empress Lihua so just look for a cage to hide yourself in, you can never rise again" "Five years ago I did it, five years later I can do it again, just make sure you are prepared" the woman in the wheelchair said and wheeled herself out. "Mr Jiang, what do you think you are doing", "Nothing I am just touching my wife", "Stop it", Chen Lihua said with clenched teeth, and the man just raised her chin to look at him "Let down the walls you have built around yourself Lihua, embrace life again. Don't die before your death you are an eagle you are meant to fly not a sparrow to be caged. So fly very high and if you ever get tired and want to land just come down I will be here to catch you", the man said looking straight into Chen Lihua's eyes and she felt her heart beat a million times faster.

Mujeebah_Salman · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter 13

An hour later the array of cars pulled up in front of a large Mansion on the outskirt of the city. The Jiang Family Mansion was located away from the city center to avoid the hustling and bustling of Beijing, the large Mansion covered around five acres of land surrounded by greeneries, apart from the Main Mansion there were four large villas at the back of the house one of them belonging to Jiang Zihan.

There was a large queue of servants in front of the Mansion and in between them was a middle aged woman in a red qipao, she had a strikingly beautiful face that even age hasn't been able to hide, she had big beautiful brown eyes and long black hair.

"Zihan", she shouted Immediately Jiang Zihan stepped out of the car, Jiang Zihan approached her with a big smile

"Mom", he said pulling the woman into a hug, if there was anyone he missed in the Jiang family home they were the women his grandma, mother and younger sister.

"Oh you silly brat, I haven't seen in you so long", Qin Nuan said patting her son's cheeks, Qin Nuan was the only daughter of the Old Master of the Qin family, Qin Siting father was her only older brother.

"Why have you grown so thin, you shouldn't work so hard Zihan, you know you can always come back home right", Qin Nuan said looking dotingly at Jiang Zihan, this son of hers was her pride.

"I know mom", Jiang Zihan said hugging his mom again, his family never wanted him to get involved in the showbiz industry they would rather have him take over the family business but singing and acting were his passion.

"Come on let's go in", Qin Nuan happily pulled him inside the house, he was still at the door when a figure jumped into his arms, he would have definitely fallen if he didn't steady himself soon.

"Big Brother, you are back", Jiang Yishi yelled hugging her brother tightly, she has missed him so much.

"Yishi be careful your brother could have fallen" Qin Nuan scolded her daughter and smacked her forehead.

"Mom leave her alone", Jiang Zihan said and hugged his little sister tighter, Jiang Zihan was ten years older than Jiang Yishi and she was the only girl in his life who could always break down his walls, he pampered her to know end ever since she was a child.

"I missed you so much big brother", Jiang Yishi said blinking cutely at her brother, even though she saw him a few months ago during her shoot in London she still felt like she hasn't seen him in years

"I missed you too, Yishi", Jiang Zihan laughed and let go of her, "I bought you some gifts, go check them", Jiang Zihan was saying to her but Jiang Yishi had already ran outside by the time he finished his statement, he and his mother laughed behind her.

"Oh my grandson is back", the Matriach of the Jiang family Yang Chan-Mi walked down the stairs gracefully with her walking stick, even though age had taken a toll on her, her face still had the remnants of beauty and grace its obvious she was a very beautiful woman in her youth.

"Grandma", Jiang Zihan said and ran to support his grandmother down the stairs

"Ai, this old woman is still very strong, I have to see my great grandchildren after all", Yang Chan-Mi laughed happily and took a seat on the couch.

"How have you been grandma", Jiang Zihan asked taking a seat beside her, Yang Chan-Mi held his hands smiling happily.

"I feel much better after seeing you. You haven't been home in so many years, this old woman really missed you"

"Sorry Grandma", Jiang Zihan apologized feeling guilty about not seeing his mother and grandmother in so many years even though he always called them he hadn't seen them physically in so many years and it was all because of Grandpa Hitler.

"Its okay as long as you are here now",

"Bang", that was the sound of a flower vase falling on Jiang Zihan's shoulder from above.

"Zihan, are you okay", His mother ran frantically to his side and held his right shoulder

"Old man are you trying to kill my precious grandson, what if it had fallen on his head", Yang Chan-Mi yelled looking up at her husband who was standing by the railings upstairs. The Patriach of the Jiang Family Jiang Hongwen was once a General in the army, cold and strict. Old age has left his mark on him but it couldn't hide his inborn grace and aura, his old eyes seemed to contain a lot of wisdom and experience, he was someone with a lot of principles, he wouldn't tolerate any form of laziness or disobedience from the males of his family but he pampered the women to no end especially his granddaughter.

"That was exactly where I was aiming for, maybe if it had fallen on his head it would have reset that stupid brain of his".

"Your beloved grandson hasn't stepped foot in this country in five years let alone come home, say why is he here now?", Jiang Hongwen yelled coming down the stairs, why are the male descendants of his family so useless and this grandson of his topped the charts.

"Grandpa.....", Jiang Zihan greeted but Jiang Hongwen hurled his walking stick at him.

"Fool, who is your grandfather I don't remember having a useless grandson like you", Jiang Hongwen yelled

"Dad, please calm down", Qin Nuan begged holding the old man's hand to help him take a seat

"My Xiao Nuan is so good, couldn't you be like her why did you have to inherit your stupid father's genes", Jiang Hongwen yelled turning to look at his grandson again.

"Well father inherited his stubborn genes from you as well", Jiang Zihan murmured but everyone still heard him

"You stupid brat are you trying to anger me to death right now", Jiang Hongwen yelled raising his walking stick again but Jiang Yishi came in time to hold it.

"Grandpa don't hit big brother", Jiang Yishi begged pouting at her grandfather, she knew he would never refuse her.

"Here is my good granddaughter", Jiang Hongwen said rolling his eyes at Jiang Zihan and he snorted in response.

"Grandpa, why did you send so many people to bring me home", Jiang Zihan asked taking a seat opposite his grandfather.

"Where you not going to come home if I hadn't", Jiang Hongwen asked glaring at him

"If you knew I was going to come back home either ways why did you ask for me to be brought back",

"To make your coming back faster", Jiang Hongwen replied calmly taking a sip of the tea in front of him..

"Why", Jiang Zihan asked again

"Are you asking me that right now boy, don't you know the reason why you left this country five years ago and never entered again",

"Are you still on this issue grandpa", Jiang Zihan said opening his mouth in shock, this grandfather of his was really persistent.

"If I wasn't on it, why did I keep on chasing you around the world, did you think I loved you so much to play hide and seek with you, whenever I found out you were in a country and decided to come get you, you would have already disappeared by the time I got there, say are you a scared mouse running from the cat", Jiang Hongwen said and Jiang Zihan snorted in response, "why wouldn't he run talking alone was never enough to make this oldie understand anything, he was just too idle".

"Grandpa can't you drop this discussion, I am not ready to get married", Jiang Zihan said to his grandfather for the umpteenth time even though he knew he wouldn't listen. Who would believe the topic of his marriage was the reason he didn't step foot in China in five whole years, it was a tradition in the Jiang family that the heir to the family had to get engaged when he was 23 and married once he turned 25.

"You stupid idiot, you broke our family's tradition and refused to get engaged at 23 and you still didn't get married at 25, now you are 28 are you still going to run", Jiang Hongwen glared mockingly at his grandson

"Grandpa I really am not interested in an arranged marriage", Jiang Zihan said frustrated at his situation, why is this grandfather of his so hard to convince.

"I am not compulsing an arranged marriage on you, your father also had a love marriage, the problem is that you are trying to avoid getting married as a whole. Do you have someone you like bring her home let's meet her", Jiang Hongwen said looking at him.

"Anyways there is no way I will let you step out of this country until you get married", Jiang Hongwen replied calmly stunning Jiang Zihan.

"Is this man placing me on country arrest, but I still have to find Chen Lihua", Jiang Zihan thought and he suddenly got an idea.

"Grandpa I have someone that I like", Jiang Zihan said and the old man choked on his tea while everyone else in the room turned to look at him with eyes opened as wide as saucers.