
Find him and the reward room...

When Adrian was almost 2km away from the chest he looks around but cant find him. "Where is he? He cant be serious!" said Adrian and went further. After 10 minutes of walking he went straight into a invisible wall. "Ouchhh..." He said and looked around but cant see anything, only white. Adrian felt in front of him and touched the wall in front of him.

"What...Why is here something invisible?" Adrian asked himself and went into the left direction but with a hand on the wall. "Interesting! It seems like a wall that block something...Or hide something behind." Adrian thought and went further alongside the wall.

After Adrian went the wall for almost 1 hour along he stopped and screamed in anger: "Wwwwwhhwhhhhhhhhyyyy!!!! Why must be a invisible wall here?!". Adrian got angered because of the wall..... after he went further the wall along he end in a corner. "What?? Dont tell me the room is not a circle!" Adrian thoughts after he run into the wall.

"Where the fuck is he?!" Adrian thoughts and went the other wall (also invisible) along but after he traveled a few more minutes he his feeling of cold, smooth stone or what ever it was, was not more. "Why does it feeling like wood here?" Adrian thoughts and got ready to destroy the thing out of "wood" with his fists.

But before he can even strike the "wood" the white room fall apart and then he and his teammates where standing infront of a huge monster. "What? How? Wasnt it the reward room?" Franz screamed after he saw the huge monster in shock.

The monster infront of them was like a huge taurus with demon like horns, bat like wings and yellow fur. It was 2.3 meters tall and when it breath out it greated a huge blue flame.

"Run!!!" Alexander screamed, who has awake at few minutes before. "Run!" he screamed again but before anybody can do something the taurus run straight at them, with the head low, so that the horns can impale somebody.

"What is going on?!" the young man screamed. "Something!" Franz replied who dodged the attack from the taurus in hair width. But before Franz can say anything he saw Adrian in shock standing their, in the way of the taurus. "Adrian go out of the way!" Alexander screamed.

When Adrian came back to his senses he felt the power around of the taurus and smiled. "You dare?!" Adrian said and before even the taurus came in 1 meter radius, the taurus went berserk. And with that Adrian starting to laugh and starting to dodge the attacks from the taurus like their where nothing.

"You arent as strong as you think!" Adrian thought and took one of the horns of the taurus before he aktivate his dragon kataners and with that the skull of the taurus got pierced. "And stupid as fuck!" Adrian thought after he saw that the taurus fell down on the floor dead. "Where is the next one?!" Adrian asked before he looked at the other one who where shocked to see Adrian defeat this monster alone.

"Can you please explain what happend?" the young men asked and looked at Adrian who where standing like nothing has happend. "Well.... I impaled him with my kataner. That what happend!" Adrian said and looked back in a questioning look. "That wasnt what I mean. I mean how you can dodge him so easily!" the young man replied.

"Well... I had a feeling where he would be next." Adrian explained but hide the truth. He went into the future and learned the pattern of attacks and jumped back to the now to used the dodge the pattern of the taurus.

"You had a feeling?!" Franz asked inquiring. "Yeah!" Adrian answered and looked at Alexander who looked at the monster in interest. "Well... it doesnt matter afor now! But this beast shouldnt be here!" Alexander said and coninued: "It is at least C-Rank or maybe even B-Rank from the immunities alone."

"But what for a rank does our friend here has then?!" the young man replied. "S-Rank? Or A-Rank?". "Nothing like that. C-Rank but I am myself also not sure if he is not an A or S-Ranker." Alexander replied and Franz looked at Adrian in aw.

"S or A-Ranker! That is something not anyone can get!" Franz said and want to continued but got interrupted by Adrian: "Said the one who has an A-Rank!". "Well..." Franz said but didnt continued.

"So where are we?!" Adrian asked and looked at the cave pattern. "Somewhere in a dungeon!" said the young man. "yeah. But what was that about the reward room..s?" Adrian asked. "We got more items, so does it matter!" said the young man. "it is true but I am so interested in because it has not happend. Ever." Adrian replied.

"That is true." Franz and the young man replied. "It has happend one time before!" Alexander said. "But the higher ups let us sigh a silence form. It happend in North Korea! You know the dungeon break?" Alexander said what shocked everyone. "The problem is their is only one try..... but 4 way to go out!" he continued.

"And what are the ways?" Franz asked in interest. "Through a portal, through dying or through destroying special crystals or through clearing the dungeon. But when we go out we destroy everyone in western europe and maybe even eastern europa!" Alexander said.

"So we must clear it?! Or it will cause a dungeon break?!" the young man asked. "Yeah..." Alexander said who wasnt happy at all. "I hope that we can clear the dungeon before we die!" Franz said and looked at Adrian who looked very interested in the dungeon.

"Do you know how much the circle turns itself?" Adrian asked. "Well.... not really. But what I know is that the North Korean Hunters died after the third circle!" Alexander replied. "So the dungeon has a minimum of 3 circles!" Adrian replied. "That is ineresting!".

"The one who will die first must inform the people outside!" Adrian said and looked to Alexander. "Well...that is impossible!" replied Alexander. "We spawn in the same time when the dungeon break will happen!" continued Alexander with a shake.