
The Rise of the Domineering Son-in-Law

A beautiful CEO marries the disdained second son of a noble family, enduring scorn and ridicule without leaving his side. She stands by him until, after years of lying low, he rises to prominence in a single day, stirring up storms and becoming the most powerful husband. Marrying you was the wisest decision I have ever made in my life.

FromCat · Urban
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160 Chs

The Level of Appearance is the Primary Productive Force

"Big Dragon brother, today's meal said it was my invitation, you take back the money!" Song Siqing quickly said, she can now really is a little dare not bear big dragon brother to her good.

People are like this, before not seeing myself, Song Siqing think big dragon brother is willing to hold her, people are very good, and even sometimes some fantasy, and now see big dragon brother after, she is full of thoughts is how to set aside the relationship with big dragon brother.

This is not to blame Song Siqing, there are many netizens after meeting directly shield, she is already quite polite, at least the face did not show what.

Zhao Dalong naturally can not let Song Siqing pay, he seems to really know the boss of the seafood shop, after talking to the boss, the boss took the money he gave.

Song Siqing had no choice but to put away her money.

After that, Zhao Dalong was very skilled in ordering lobster and crabs, and Lin Zhimin probably looked at the unit price of these things, although it was cheaper than Strait City, but it also had two or three thousand for a table.

"Boss, hurry up, the wine is also quick!" Zhao Dalong said to the boss.

"All right!

"Come on, find a place to sit!" Zhao Dalong said, with everyone to find a position in the middle of the food stall.

All the positions of this food stall are open air, everyone is blowing the sea breeze, eating seafood, drinking beer, very comfortable.

Lin Zhimei with Yao Jing two people sit next to, Zhao Dalong sat beside Song Siqing.

Song Siqing took a look at Zhao Dalong, who was almost next to him, didn't say much, picked up the phone, plugged it in, and began to live.

"Kids, today I met our big dragon brother, big dragon brother invited us to eat seafood oh!" Song Siqing smiled at the camera and said.

Big dragon brother put his face together and almost touched Song Siqing's face.

"Brothers, Siqing baby is mine, you have no chance!" Zhao Dalong said, raised his hand on the shoulder of Song Siqing, with a proud smile.

"Big Dragon brother don't joke, how can you value me!" Song Siqing said, while Zhao Dalong's hand away.

"Ha ha! Zhao Dalong smiled, put away his hands, looked at the bullet screen on the screen and said proudly, "You see what everyone said, everyone asked me to take you away!"

"Babies don't brush the screen, I have a serious friendship with Big dragon brother, which does not involve the relationship between men and women!" Don't be silly!" Song Siqing said.

"Yes, yes, we are a serious friendship!" Zhao Dalong nodded, then turned his face to Song Siqing's side face, shrugged his nose, and said, "You smell really good."

Song Siqing looks embarrassed, but it is not good to say much, after all, this is her list of a big brother, half of her annual income is contributed by this big brother.

Lin Zhi touched Yao Jing with his elbow and said in a low voice, "With short hands, it is Xiao Song that is said."

Yao Jing slightly frowning, she is very dissatisfied with Zhao Dalong with Song Siqing the kind of self-righteously intimate, but Song Siqing once said, Zhao Dalong gave her a lot of gifts, if she came forward to say something, ensure Zhao Dalong will not hold her, it is also a great loss for Song Siqing.

In the end, Yao Jing did not say anything, in the matter of men, her bestie is stronger than her, should not suffer.

Lin Zhimin a face of bad smile, Song Siqing is a goddess, most of the past encounter are some licking dogs, and this time Song Siqing and Zhao Dalong position seems to be different from the past, Zhao Dalong is the master, Song Siqing is Zhao Dalong holding out, the passive relationship completely turned in a direction, plus Zhao Dalong looked a little mixed look, Song Siqing is not at a loss, That's almost impossible!

Now Zhao Dalong can control, so Song Siqing will occasionally be someone close to touch, for a while if you drink some wine, that guarantee Zhao Dalong have to make something to do, after all, Song Siqing look placed there, wearing very cool, is a man facing Song Siqing can not help it.

Can see Song Siqing dented, Lin Zhimei that is quite happy, wicked also need wicked wear, in the eyes of Lin Zhimei, Song Siqing always egg on Yao Jing divorce, but also like to play with men's feelings, this kind of woman, you have to suffer retribution.

Song Siqing naturally is uncomfortable abnormal, but always did not find a good way to let Zhao Dalong far away from himself, Zhao Dalong for her if there is no hint basically to ignore, a careless look.

Fortunately, within ten minutes of sitting down, other fans of Song Siqing arrived, including a woman.

Song Siqing got up and pretended to greet them, took the woman to talk for a few words, and then sat down beside the other person.

The other male fans did not know why, and sat beside Zhao Dalong.

Zhao Dalong was annoyed, but his face showed no sign of it.

Before long, the big lobster and big crab were all on the table, and everyone drank wine while eating.

Song Siqing is also a very dedicated anchor, the whole time in the open live.

Lin Zhimin is actually very curious about this kind of live broadcast, so find Song Siqing fans to talk about it.

This chat Lin Zhi life just know, Song Siqing in a few days ago fans broke through one million, has been counted as a very powerful network red.

"How did you come to like her?" Lin Zhimin curious asked, this Song Siqing do not dance two do not sing three do not play games, what do not have millions of fans, is really some let him understand.


"Beautiful, outgoing!"

The fans have different explanations, but it's basically just appearance and personality.

Just these two things, let Song Siqing harvest millions of fans, which let Lin Zhimin a little resentful.

Is good looks really the first productive force of this society?

Lin told to look at Song Siqing, and took a look at Yao Jing, think Song Siqing compared with Yao Jing is too far.

"Why don't you do something on the side? Just like you, to ensure millions of fans, when the time comes, the monthly income of 1080,000, certainly not a problem." Lin Zhi looked at Yao Jing said.

Yao Jing rolled his eyes, no answer to Lin.

Lin Zhizhuo smiled a little, and then heard Song Siqing happily say, "Thank you for my big dragon brother's super rocket!"

"Are you still painting presents after meeting?" Lin Zhixin looked at Zhao Dalong asked.

"There is a grand ceremony in the middle of the year, Siqing is rushing the list, can not support it!" Zhao Dalong said.

"How much does a super rocket cost?" Lin asked.

"Not much, two thousand dollars!" Zhao Dalong said.

"Two thousand dollars... That's a lot." Lin Zhi life shook his head, for this kind of casually throw two thousand dollars out to the anchor behavior, he can not understand, you take two thousand dollars to the club to do a big... Does he have a problem with health care? The girls in the club are not necessarily as good as those anchors, how many anchors are still transferred from the club to the anchor industry!

Lin Zhimin has never been a fan in his life, so he does not understand what these fans are thinking, but when he sees these fans looking at Song Siqing, he can understand why these fans are willing to spend money on Song Siqing.

When they look at Song Siqing, there is light in their eyes.

This may be another kind of love that is different from love and friendship.

Lin Zhiming felt as if he had learned something again.

Just then, Lin Zhiming's mobile phone rang.

Lin Zhi took a look at the phone, got up and went aside to pick up the phone.

About five minutes later, Lin Zhi came to the table with Lisina.

"My cousin, she just happened to be in Magic City, come and join us!" Lin Zhimin introduced with a smile.

They do not suspect him, have a warm greeting Lisina sit down.

"Guys, some of my friends are from Magic City, they want to ask me something, I'll go first!" Lin Zhi said to all.

"Let them come together, just a couple of chopsticks!" Zhao Dalong said.

"No, they're too crowded. It's inconvenient. Sna, you stay here with your sister-in-law while I go out." Lin said as instructed.

"HMMM! Lisina nodded.

Lin Zhi ordered him to take a drink and punish himself, then turned and left.

Lisina actually has been following Lin Zhimei they, but from beginning to end have not appeared, now Lin Zhimei to go out to do things, can only let Lisina disguised as his cousin appeared, so that he can rest assured to go out to do things.

Under the night, with a slight smell of wine, Lin Zhimin took a taxi to Haitang Bay in phantom city.

Haitang Bay is a district of Phantom City, not the most developed district, but it is also quite good, and the economic conditions of people living here are generally good.

The taxi took Lin Zhi to the gate of a community near the sea.

Around the community is a piece of coconut trees, coconut trees, faintly black? The shadow of the wandering.

Lin Zhi Zhi into the night, quietly close to these shadows.


The shadows saw Lin Zhi appeared, one after another bowed and shouted.

"How's it going?" Lin asked.

"A group of people had been detected looking for a target, and they seemed to be planning an operation this evening, having infiltrated the compound two minutes ago." "Said a shadow.

"Where's the goal?" Lin asked.

"The target is not in the community and is coming back from outside. The target has only her two children at home." 'answered the shadow.

"Two children?" Lin Zhimin said after a moment of silence, "Arrange for the two children to be picked up first, create the illusion of being hijacked on the scene, and wait for someone to shoot at the target before we shoot, remember that the target can not be hurt in any way, but must be sufficiently frightened, understand?"

"What about the attackers?" 'asked the shadow.

"Keep a few and do with the rest." Lin said as instructed.

'Yes, boss! The shadow nodded.

At night, several shadows quietly entered the community.

Not long after, a black golf, slowly into the community.