
The Rise of the Domineering Son-in-Law

A beautiful CEO marries the disdained second son of a noble family, enduring scorn and ridicule without leaving his side. She stands by him until, after years of lying low, he rises to prominence in a single day, stirring up storms and becoming the most powerful husband. Marrying you was the wisest decision I have ever made in my life.

FromCat · Urban
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160 Chs

The Intruder

"Lin Zhi life, look at you, have not seen a woman!" How many big waves and waves of Yangma outside the battlefield, have not seen you through the nosebleed ah, how to think a few times your own lady you have a nosebleed!" Lin Zhimei chagrin to his face is a slap in the face, and then quickly take the paper to plug up the nostrils.

After that, there was a noise from upstairs.

Lin Zhi looked upstairs, Lin Wan son put on a lovely Pikachu pajamas, and Yao Jing is wearing silk lace lace pajamas.

Yao Jing seemed to have no intention of going downstairs, so she did not add anything in her pajamas, she stood upstairs and said to Lin Zhi, "I will sleep with Wan Er at night, you can rest early."

After saying that, Yao Jing turned and walked back to her room.

Lin Zhi raised his head and looked at it stupidly.

When Yao Jing wore this pajamas before, it was with underwear, today because just after taking a bath, and did not plan to go downstairs, so there is no underwear.

Even though it's a few meters away, but... Lin Zhiming's eyesight is too good, or clearly see a lot of things that can't be seen before.

When Yao Jing turned back to the room, Lin Zhimin only feel the other side of the nose a cold... Another nosebleed came out.

A two-pronged approach, the shroud of evil...

This little episode? , but did not affect Lin Zhi sleep.

The night is thick.

Lin Zhiming lying in bed, faintly smell a wisp of fragrance.

Lin's eyes swung open, then he opened the drawer, took out a small white bottle, and sniffed it under his nose.

A cold taste poured into the nasal cavity, so that Lin Zhimin some deep brain instantly woke up, then, Lin Zhimin out of bed, quietly to the door.

Meanwhile, Yao Jing's room by the bed.

A petite figure rolled in.

Physically, this is a woman.

She did not pay attention to Lin Wan son on the bed with Yao Jing, because before coming into the house, she has been in the house into the vertigo incense.

Now it's estimated that even if the house is torn down, the people in the house will not wake up.

The woman rummaged in Yao Jing's room, seemingly looking for something.

Yao Jing's cosmetics, jewelry and what were turned out one by one, but it seemed that they were not what the other wanted.

The woman frowned, turned to the head of the bed, first rummaged Yao Jing's nightstand, and then went to Lin Wan son side, crouched down to look at Lin Wan son side of the nightstand.

Two nightstands, again nothing.

The woman frowned in doubt, then casually glanced aside.

At this sweep, the woman was stunned.

Next to her, on the bed, a girl was leaning over to face her, and to her greatest surprise, the girl was looking at her with her eyes wide open.

These eyes are as pure as snow, without a trace of impurities.

"Auntie, what are you doing?" "The girl asked.

The woman was shocked, rolled aside, rolled a few meters away, and then she stood up straight, looked at the girl warily and said, "Who are you?" How did you get there?"

"I am Wan 'er, this is Uncle Lin's house, Aunt who are you?" Why is it here?" Lin Wan son doubts asked, in her cognition, there is no thief concept.

The woman then noticed that the girl was a very young girl, about four or five years old, and looked very thin and harmless.

The woman was relieved that she was not afraid of the girl Shouting, because everyone in the house was in ecstasy and could not wake up.

No, No, No!

The woman gave a sudden start and looked at the girl.

Logically, everyone in the house should be under vertigo, but how come this girl didn't pass out? And it seems to be very energetic.

"You... Why are you still awake?" 'the woman asked.

"I hear your footsteps, Aunt, from there." Lin Waner pointed to the woman turned in the window.

"You hear that? " The woman is more surprised, she is the best at sneaking in the organization, even if ten products Wuqing lying in bed tonight, in their own vertigo incense after it is impossible to detect themselves, how such a child in the vertigo incense can also detect?

For a moment, the woman knew that this little girl was not simple, and she was only five years old!

"Little girl, will you go with your aunt?" "Asked the woman, feeling a moment of love.

"Ask Uncle Lin." Lin Waner said.

"Your uncle Lin is still sleeping, aunt tell you oh, aunt is a very powerful person, that is, can beat several bad guys, as long as you go with aunt, aunt can also make you become a person like aunt!" In addition, aunt will give you a lot of sugar to eat oh, as much as you want to eat!" "Said the woman.

"Uncle Lin is not sleeping!" Lin Waner tilted his head and said.

"Not sleeping? How can it be? Auntie's ecstasy, no one can escape that... Except for you, of course, you must be gifted!" The woman said with some embarrassment.

"Uncle is not sleeping, he is coming." Lin Waner pointed to the door.

The woman looked towards the door, and then she heard the sound of the door opening.

Squeak, and the door opens.

The woman was stunned.

A man was standing in the doorway with a gentle smile.

"Wan 'er, what are you talking about with your sister? I heard it downstairs." Lin Zhiming asked with a smile.

"How can that be! Women are going crazy, she carefully developed, and it is very confident of the vertigo incense, this evening was only dizzy one, the other two not only did not have any signs of poisoning, but also alive, which is simply subverted her years of cognition.

What, is this place full of talented people?

"What's your name? What do you want to do in the middle of the night, when you are putting out incense, searching things, and deceiving children?" Lin asked.

The woman didn't say anything, just turned and jumped back.

In her estimation, she could have jumped out the same window she came in.


There was a crackle.

The woman banged her head against the window.

I don't know what kind of material the window will block the woman tightly, not even a crack appeared.

The woman fell to the ground with a cry, and then immediately got up and pulled out five or six strange-shaped bottles from her waist.

'Look at that! With a low drink, the woman threw all the bottles out.

Her intention is to smash these bottles, the bottle of poison smoke, poison powder will be released, although not life, but it will make people uncomfortable, so that she can take the opportunity to leave, the result did not expect, she threw out, and flew in different directions of all the bottles, unexpectedly was caught!

Yes, caught by the man with the gentle smile!

He was extremely fast, moving several steps back and forth across the room in the blink of an eye, taking down all the bottles before they smashed.

"Professional poison? No wonder the scent makes me a little dizzy." Lin said as instructed.

"Lin Zhi Ming, who are you? " The woman stared at Lin and asked.

"You know me?" Lin Zhiming asked with a half-smile.

"Who in Straits City does not know Lin Zhiming's name? You are only a businessman on the surface, where did you get your skill?" 'the woman asked.

"Since you are also curious about me, how about this, we go to the living room, you take off your mask, I give you a cup of good Yiwu City Dahongpao, we talk about it, how about this?" Lin asked.

"Talk about you big head! Lin Zhi orders, if you don't want to cause trouble, let me leave here, otherwise, you can't afford the consequences!" 'cried the woman.

"I can't afford the consequences?" Lin Zhimin raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you have any back hands?"

"I can tell you, I still have no use, if you have to force me, then I can only kill!" The woman gnashed her teeth.

"The bottom card? Show me!" Lin said as instructed.

"You think beautiful, Lin Zhi fate, I remember you, see you later!" The woman shouted and turned her head to run to the window again.

This time was different from before, the window that had been secretly touched by Lin Zhi, suddenly came a burst of sound.

There were numerous cracks in the window.

The woman threw herself into it, shattering the window, and then jumping out the window.

Lin Zhi went to the bed and looked out.

The woman had disappeared.

Lin Zhi reached out and touched the window.

A strange corrosive liquid had been glued to the window, causing the bulletproof window to crack.

"And reinforcements?" Lin Zhimei smiled slightly, turned to Lin Waner's side, touched Lin Waner's head and said, "Wan Er, don't tell your aunt Yao what you saw at night, this is our secret!"

"HMMM! Lin Waner nodded, raised his hand to look at Lin and said, "Uncle we pull the hook."

"All right, pull the hook!" Lin Zhimin smiled and stretched out his little finger to hook up with Lin Wan's little finger.

"A hundred years on the hook."

"Ok, Wan 'er, go to bed." Lin Zhiming said with a smile, turned and walked out of the room.

As soon as he left the room, Lin Zhiming's soft smile completely disappeared, replaced by a cold grimness.

Just if not Lin Wan 'er has been watching, he said can not have taken the other side, Lin know life can regardless of others, but is not willing to easily in front of Lin Wan 'er, after all, Lin Wan 'er is still a child, this time the adult's word and deed, will leave a brand on the child, in the future has been affecting the growth of children, he intends to cultivate Lin Wan 'er, But never so early let Lin Wan son see the fight kill.

Of course, the most important is because the woman has no intention of killing, whether it is ecstasy incense, or she found Lin Waner looking at her. This is also the woman to create their own vitality, if she found Lin Wan son will be under the killer, that Lin Zhi life can not be said in advance to let Lin Wan son see the cruelty of the adult world.