
The Rise of the Domineering Son-in-Law

A beautiful CEO marries the disdained second son of a noble family, enduring scorn and ridicule without leaving his side. She stands by him until, after years of lying low, he rises to prominence in a single day, stirring up storms and becoming the most powerful husband. Marrying you was the wisest decision I have ever made in my life.

FromCat · Urban
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160 Chs

Shall I Speak

Lin Zhi twist big bag small bag came to Song Siqing's home.

When Song Siqing saw Lin Zhimin such an identity of the man as a domestic woman with a dish into the door, the moment seemed to return to their childhood.

At that time, her father often went out to buy food, and then her mother waited at home.

Every time she bought vegetables her father had to buy for a long time, and later she knew that there was a fox spirit who sold vegetables.

This is what Song Siqing's mother told her...

"What did you buy?" Yao Jing surprised to go to Lin Zhimin front, while taking things while asked.

"Bought potatoes, eggplant, cabbage and so on, the same bought a catty." Lin said as instructed.

Yao Jing helpless covered his head and said, "We are only three people, can not eat so many things, this cabbage, buy a half jin is enough, meat, half jin is OK, and tenderloin is good, you buy such a piece of fat what... Two potatoes is enough to fry a plate of shredded potatoes, one eggplant tear, tear, make a small portion of eggplant braised just right, you bought too much."

Lin Zhimin scratched his head awkwardly and said, "Not buying a catty always feels wrong."

"Is this how all your men shop? Buy the same bag?" Ms. Yao asked.

"I don't know about that." Lin Zhi Zhi shook his head and said, "I'll cook, you go with Song Siqing."

"You cook?" Yao Jing surprised looked at Lin know life.

"Don't worry, I cook, the skills are good!" Lin Zhi said, looked at Song Siqing, nodded, and then walked into the kitchen.

Yao Jing returned to the living room, sat beside Song Siqing.

"I envy you." Song Siqing said.

"There's nothing to envy." Yao Jing shook her head and said, "You don't know what it's like to live four years as a husband and wife with someone who doesn't have any feelings, maybe it's gotten better recently, but... I don't want to remember those four years of my life."

Song Siqing sighed, she does not know what Yao Jing's four years of marriage life is, but if it is with a person who does not feel for four years, it should really make people despair.

"Did you ask him that question?" Song Siqing suddenly asked, if Yao Jing did not ask, she will persuade Yao Jing not to ask.

'Yes! Yao Jing nodded.

"Did you?" Song Siqing's pupils shrank slightly, and then said, "Then what? What did he answer?"

"He said he would save his mother first, and then... He will die with me." Yao Jing said.

Song Siqing froze, she didnt expect, Lin Zhimin face of this problem, would be such an answer.

"Zhou Wenwei just sent me a message, and he just found out that he is going to be a father. Now he and He Shuhui have reconciled, and He Shuhui went to the hospital for a check up, and there is no big problem." Lin's voice came from the kitchen.

Hearing this, Song Siqing was relieved.

"Good luck!" Yao Jing said.

"I'll send a message to Shuhui right now and apologize to her." Song Siqing said.

"Call me. You are wrong about this. If you do something wrong, be honest about it." Yao Jing said.

"Make a phone call?" Song Siqing hesitated for a moment, then took the mobile phone, went to his room.

Yao Jing got up and went to the kitchen.

As soon as they reached the kitchen door, they heard a crash and a flash of fire shot up from inside the pot.

Lin Zhi life silly holding the iron pot, looking at the enchanting fire in front of him.

Yao Jing could not help but smile, go to Lin Zhilife in front of pick up the pot cover on the iron pot.

"Don't fry vegetables when the oil temperature is too high, and, generally cooking, vegetables are fried in the back, because it is easy to fry, or I come, you go out." Yao Jing said.

Lin smiled awkwardly and said, "I've watched so many food shows that I thought I was a chef."

"Cooking is not that easy." Yao Jing shook her head and took an apron around her body.

Lin Zhi turned and walked out of the kitchen.

In the living room, Song Siqing was not there.

Lin Zhi picked up the remote control and turned on the TV.

The TV is playing a pure little white was barbershop pit tens of thousands of dollars of news, Lin Zhimin changed a few channels, nothing new, so he also gave up the idea of watching TV, picked up the mobile phone.

At this time, Song Siqing finished the phone back to the living room.

"Jing, Shu Hui, she forgives me!" Song Siqing cried excitedly with tears.

"Forgive you, and do less of this kind of thing from now on, really, for nothing but yourself." Yao Jing said.

"I see." Song Siqing nodded, then sat on the sofa opposite Lin Zhimin, looking at Lin Zhimin.

Lin Zhi also looked at Song Siqing.

"I don't like you very much, but I have to admit that you are a very nice man." Song Siqing said.

Lin Zhi Zhi nodded, just want to speak.

"Don't get too excited." Song Siqing solemnly said, "Quietly is my best bestie, I can see that she has accepted you, but it does not mean that she likes you, so I hope you can continue to maintain respect for the quiet!"

Lin Zhi opened his mouth and wanted to speak.

"Wait till I'm done." Song Siqing continued, "You must be good to quiet, very very good kind, can not let quiet suffer a little grievance, can not be ambiguous with other women, more can not have an affair, men have money to become bad, you are too rich now, must not become bad."

Lin Zhi sighed.

"There is no cat in the world that does not cheat, even if you really steal and cheat later, I also hope you can hide it forever, I don't like to be hurt quietly, sometimes a lifetime of being in the dark, it is far better than knowing the truth!" Song Siqing said.

"Can I speak now?" Lin asked.

"Well, you say, as quiet's best friend, I this pass, now you are passed, you want to say what." Song Siqing said.

"Your dress... It's a little short." Lin said as instructed.

Song Siqing froze for a moment and looked down.

At this sight, Song Siqing's face instantly turned red.

She went to work today to wear a professional dress, skirt tightly wrapped around the thigh kind, just now she was at home with Yao Jing, natural scruples, after Lin Zhimin came, she also forgot this, now sitting opposite Lin Zhimin, from the line of sight of Lin Zhimin looked over, that... I really saw everything I could or could not see.

Song Siqing quickly closed her legs and turned her body.

"You... Why didn't you say so before?" Song Siqing said excitedly.

"I wanted to, but you didn't give me a chance." Lin said helplessly.

"I... I..." Song Siqing a face long red, although she is extroverted, but also know how to tease men, but by a man to see, that is the first time!

"You... You didn't see anything, did you?" Song Siqing asked.

"I saw everything." Lin said as instructed.

Song Siqing froze for a moment, according to common sense, Lin Zhi should not say I didn't see anything?

"If you didn't see it, it would be too false, maybe you didn't see it?" Your legs are so wide and your skirt is so short." Lin Zhi said with a shrug.

"You!! Song Siqing this time anger, Lin Zhimin said dont see, although she wont believe, but at least can comfort yourself, the result is good, Lin Zhimin directly admit what have seen, what is this you? Teasing me? Or do you flirt with me?

"I take back what I just said, in my level, you have not passed, and you will never pass!" Song Siqing gritted his teeth and said.

Lin know life disdain skimming mouth, said as if he with Yao Jing object also have Song Siqing promised.

See Lin Zhixin appearance, Song Siqing is more and more want to gas, but it is completely helpless to Lin Zhixin.

"Dinner! Yao Jing walked out of the kitchen with a few dishes.

"In the living room?" Lin asked.

"Well, Siqing's home does not have a dining table, they eat in the living room, you go get some bowls and chopsticks, Siqing, you go..." Where are you going?" Yao Jing saw Song Siqing to the room, asked.

"I'm going to change my pants." Song Siqing said, walked into the room and closed the door.

"Change your pants? Why change your pants?" Yao Jing is a little confused.

"Maybe the dress is cold and the air leaks." Lin said as instructed.

Yao Jing was a little confused, but did not ask much.

Meals are laid out, simple home cooking.

Song Siqing dinner, did not say anything.

Yao Jing thought Song Siqing was affected by things just now, and did not ask much.

Halfway through the meal, Song Siqing suddenly said, "Quietly, I want to give myself a vacation." I don't want to go to work for a while."

"Yeah, okay." Yao Jing nodded.

"I want to travel. Will you come with me?" Song Siqing said.

"Travel? I don't have time." Yao Jing shook her head.

"Our girlfriends have not traveled together for a long time, remember when you were not married, we had to go out once every six months, and now, four years, no one has gone out, and you and the honeymoon seems to have no?" How about you and your husband go out together, and I'll take a break from your honeymoon?" Song Siqing said.

A honeymoon?

Yao Jing in the heart slightly shivered, she and Lin Zhi married also did a banquet, no wedding photos, no honeymoon travel, nothing.

In the past did not feel what, now Song Siqing put forward, it seems that these things are really necessary, after all, two people did not intend to divorce, but also trying to accept each other more.

Yao Jing looked at Lin Zhimin, found Lin Zhimin also looking at her.

"Honeymoons, young people's stuff, stupid, unnecessary, too much work to do." Lin said as instructed.

Lin informed words, let Yao Jing frown.

After two seconds of silence, Ms. Yao said, "Yes, I'm getting old."

"I didn't say you were old, just that kind of stuff doesn't suit us!" Lin Zhi hurriedly explained.

"HMMMM... Young people's things are not suitable for an old married woman like me." Yao Jing nodded, grilled a mouthful of rice, no side dishes, so dry chewing.

"I didn't mean that... Well, why don't we go somewhere and hang out for a few days?" Lin asked.

"Look at it." Yao Jing put down her chopsticks, got up and walked to the side.

Looking at Yao Jing leave, Song Siqing could not help but say to Lin Zhi, "master!"

Lin Zhi Ming smiled and said, "Where."