
The Rise of the Domineering Son-in-Law

A beautiful CEO marries the disdained second son of a noble family, enduring scorn and ridicule without leaving his side. She stands by him until, after years of lying low, he rises to prominence in a single day, stirring up storms and becoming the most powerful husband. Marrying you was the wisest decision I have ever made in my life.

FromCat · Urban
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160 Chs


The night thickens.

After such an incident, I came home downstairs and it was already 9:30 at night.

The lobby on the first floor was empty except for two people reading newspapers.

The security guard at the security booth at the edge of the hall did not know where to go, and the security booth was empty.

Seeing this, Lin Zhimei corners of his mouth slightly turned up.

Yao Jing did not notice anything strange, she went to the elevator with Lin Zhimin, pressed the up key.

At this time, the two people who were reading the newspaper stood up and walked to Lin Zhimin.

At the same time, on the other side of the corner, two men also came out.

A total of four men, one left and one right, came over to Lin Zhi life package.

At this time Yao Jing also found something wrong, she looked left and right, whispered, "These people, there is a problem."

"HMM." Lin nodded his head.

With a ding dong, the elevator doors opened.

As the elevator door opened, the left and right four people pulled out a steel knife from their waist and rushed toward Lin Zhi.

Lin Zhi pushed Yao Jing into the elevator and said, "Go up and call the police."

Say that, Lin Zhimin turned, back to Yao Jing, will block the elevator door.

Seeing this scene, Yao Jing pressed the 10 on the elevator, and then quickly pressed the elevator door key.

"Hold on." Yao Jing's voice came from behind.

With a clang, the elevator doors shut.

Lin Zhiming looked at the four people surrounding him and said with a smile, "Brother, I'll give you how much money you want, no eyes under the knife, don't hurt me."

"I want you to have a leg." One of the swordsmen said, directly raised his hand toward Lin Zhiming's thigh to cut.

"Murderous." Lin Zhimin suddenly lifted his foot, and after avoiding the knife, he stepped down and directly stepped on the knife.

The powerful force came from the foot of Lin Zhimin, and his feet fell to the ground under the pressure of the other side's knife.

With a clang, the blade hit the ground, and the knife hand was also a reel.

Lin Zhimin made a fist with his right hand and blasted the other side in the jaw.


The other person is flying back on his back.

A hit did not let Lin Zhimin get carried away, he suddenly squatted to the ground, just avoided a knife, after, Lin Zhimin grabbed the steel knife on the ground up a block.

With a clang, the blade of the steel knife just caught the blade of the other steel knife cutting down from the top.

The blade had almost cut Lin Zhiming's neck, but it still did not touch.

The reaction of the two blades colliding, leaving each other's hands out of control? It bounced up and off.

Lin Zhiming wrist shake, blade across.


There was an immediate scar on his wrist.

Pain, let each other not loosen their hands.

Lin Zhi ordered the other hand to fish for this, and grasped this steel knife.

In the blink of an eye, two knife operators were injured, and Lin Zhimin was a knife in each hand, two knives against each knife operator.

"Hard idea, kill him!" A knife hand drink a loud, brandishing a steel knife toward Lin Zhiming.

Another knife-wielding man also came.

"You know why I let Yao Jing go first?" Lin Zhiming looked at the steel knife chopping at himself and said faintly, "Because, I don't want her to see me kill people."

Voice fell, Lin Zhiming left and right hand at the same time a shake.

Two steel knives like flowers in general bloom, a knife shadow, the two want to put Lin Zhi life in the death of the knife hand enveloped.


Two muffled sounds.

There was a blood stain on the neck of both cutters.

The two swordsmen stood in place, one hand covering the neck, the other hand pointing the knife at Lin Zhimin, their eyes were full of panic.

Lin Zhi looked up and saw that the elevator had just reached the tenth floor.

Lin Zhi picked up his mobile phone and called out.

"Come in and get rid of some of the bodies. I'll keep one alive to see if I can get anything out of him, and get rid of the cameras here, too." Lin said as instructed.


There was a flop and two knifemen with their necks slit fell to the ground.

After a flop, the man, who had his veins cut open, took a few steps and fell to the ground.

Further away, the man whose jaw had been shattered by a blow, and whose head had been battered, was already on the ground foaming at the mouth.

A few seconds later, a group of men in black suits entered through the door, some carrying the knife away, others using special objects to clean up the blood on the floor.

Lin turned to look at the elevator.

The elevator has descended to the fourth floor.

"All right." Lin Zhi clapped his hands and said, "Let's go."

The crowd left in an orderly fashion.

The elevator came to the second floor.

Lin Zhi Ming raised his hand and slapped himself twice, then picked up a knife and cut several holes in his clothes.

With a ding dong, the elevator doors opened.

Yao Jing rushed out of the elevator with a kitchen knife.

When Yao Jing saw only Lin Zhi a person, she froze.

"And those people?" Ms. Yao asked.

"I beat him to death!" Lin said as instructed.

'You're not hurt, are you? Yao Jing went to Lin Zhimin front, nervously looked at Lin Zhimin, found Lin Zhimin in addition to the face a little swollen, the clothes on the body have a few knife, and no traces of injury.

Yao Jing was relieved.

"Those bastards, what do not learn not scholar robbery, fortunately your husband I have practiced, otherwise it is really in trouble!" Lin Zhi life proudly said.

"Robbery?" Yao Jing doubt looked at Lin Zhimin.

'Yes, robbery! Lin Zhi nodded, he can not let Yao Jing know that several people are to kill him to come, so at least Yao Jing sleep when you can sleep at ease.

"So, no wonder you beat me away so easily!" Yao Jing suddenly realized, recognized the statement of Lin Zhixin, if the few people are not robbed, how can not be so little time will be easily driven away.

"The police came right away." Yao Jing said.

"Not Officer Wang?" Lin Zhi life face strange said.

"Logically speaking... We're in the same neighborhood as my mom..." Yao Jing said.

As soon as I said that, the police sirens sounded.

Deputy Director Wang Zhiqiang, who happened to be patrolling nearby, heard that someone had a knife and took less than a minute to arrive at the scene.

When Wang Zhiqiang saw a face of embarrassing Lin Zhixin, Wang Zhiqiang's heart only left a weak cry.

"Why you again? "

Lin Zhiming once again went to the police station, because of the relationship between the murder weapon, this is no longer a public security case, can be classified into the category of criminal cases, so he must go to the police station to make a record.

It was past eleven when I got home from the interview.

This time there was no accident, and the two returned home safe and sound.

At the same time, the other end.

Straits City, Yue Hao KTV.

Yang Sandao is singing in the KTV.

By his age, money had accumulated almost enough, and life on weekdays was nothing more than eating, drinking and playing.

In addition to Yang Sandao in the box, there are many Yang Sandao's men.

Yang Sandao glanced at his watch, then pushed the girl beside him and said, "Turn off the music."

Someone immediately turned the music off.

"Tie Head, how long have they been gone?" Yang Sandao asked next to a bald man.

"Two or three hours!" Said the bald man called Iron Head.

"No news yet?" Yang Sandao asked.

"No, I'll give them a call!" Iron head picked up the phone and walked away.

A minute later, Iron Head came back.

"Third brother, I can't reach them." Iron head said with a strange look on his face.

"No contact?" Yang Sandao frowned and said, "Didn't you say that those four people are very reliable and won't take money and do nothing?"

"Yes! They are very reliable indeed, they are all in the river and lake to take money to help people, and have always had a good reputation!" Iron head frown way, he also do not understand why they find four people will have no news.

Just then, Iron head's mobile phone rang, he picked up the phone to look at it, and then walked to the side.

After a while, Iron Head came back.

"Boss, just received the news, a few minutes ago, the Jin 'an District police station received a police information, said that there was someone armed in the Jingyuan community, but the police did not find the murderer after the arrival of the police did not find anyone injured." Iron head looked puzzled and said.

"No murderer found? And no one got hurt? Lin Zhi fate is OK?" Yang Sandao asked with a frown.

"Yes, Lin Zhi was ordered to do nothing, and he went to make a statement." Said the iron head.

"Now that's interesting! Yang Sandao squinted his eyes and said, "Four people lost the news at the same time, but someone called the police... Iron Head, you keep contacting those four people!"

'Yes! The iron head nodded.

"A Yong, you send some clever people to keep an eye on Lin Zhi, this man has a ghost!" Yang Sandao said to a thin young man on the other side.

'Yes! The man, named A Yong, nodded darkly and said, "How about I do it?"

"The reason why we let those four outsiders work is that we don't want to expose us... It is said that there is someone behind the Lin Zhi, don't do anything until you find out who is behind him, the Lin Zhi Zhi should have been alert, you should pay attention when you look at him." Yang Sandao said.

"A rich second generation, I grew up in Jianghu, and learned a kung fu from the Shaolin martial arts school, but also a rich second generation?" A Yong looked dismissive and said.

"That is, boss, you take that Lin Zhi too seriously, and the ability of those four outsiders is just like that, I will hang them casually, if they are not relatively cheap, I will not bother to find them." Said the iron head.

"Lin Zhi life is nothing, casually can pinch to death, the people behind him is a trouble... This million, it seems, is not very easy to earn." Yang Sandao said, glancing at the princess, and said, "Sing."


The music in the box sounded again, and a group of people returned to the extravagance and wealth, although Lin Zhimin there went wrong, but no one put Lin Zhimin in the eyes, in their view, Lin Zhimin is a bit of luck, that's all.