
Chapter 1: The Dragon Legend

[Year 1224]

"Shall we proceed?" A young man in knightly attire spoke, his lips vibrating furiously.

He looked towards the man, dressed in a long blue robe with blue hair and blue pupils. His attire closely resembled Japanese clothes presenting a strong sense of honor and strength.

The man in question turned back towards the knightly man. He flinched, trembled, and slowly moved backward.

The blue-dressed man faced him with eyes of confusion unaware of the Knight's phobia. He then slowly turned to a multitude of men dressed in black clothes.

They immediately gasped and turned their faces away from the blue-dressed man's countenance.

"May that be so? Is that the cause of their fright?" He thought, burying his confusion beneath his serious face, "Then let us press forward!" He continued with great resolve.

He took the lead, sprinting towards a desolate land in the north-east direction of their rendezvous.

The multitude of men including the knight waited behind for a few minutes, forging a distance between themselves.

The knight took a peak at the man, assuring that he was still in sight, and arose from his trembled state.

"I shall go on now, follow my lead!" He shouted and the men followed.

A desolate building stood firm withstanding the harsh conditions its owner must have left it in. It was evident that time had told its tale on the structure. Snow had fallen upon all its corners.

"It isn't surprising as this land has been cursed to see snow all its years," the man mumbled.

He looked around baffled by the sight of his homeland; a battleground of dead creatures against humans.

"My fellow brethren are like dead creatures to those demons and malicious beings. They have no chance against them!" He stopped, slowly rubbing his eyes.

The wind blew dramatically, his robes hung in the chilly air and the man quivered in the sudden surge of cold air. He observed further and to his least surprise, a blizzard was heading near.

"I shall save this land!" Those were his final words before he stormed into the cabin.

The door made a sound as it opened, the planks on the floor were as well full of sound. He walked slowly to a fireplace lit it up, and sat beside it.

Wondering the location of his men who had prepared to fight with him, he stood up and made himself a light dinner with the meat of wandering animals.

He ate it as though it was his last sustainance which was not so far-fetched. After all, he was about to face someone with far greater strength than him.

He gripped the bones firmly and through them in rage towards the door.

"Why can't I be stronger?!" He screamed.

Immediately, the door opened once again and the knight stood at the door surprised at the fun time the man was having with a fireplace and food at his feet.

The man looked back at him, giving him a warm smile, whereas, the knight immediately started sweating from all his pores.

"Why do you jitter when you see me?" The man asked.

"Aren't you aware of your strength?" The knight replied, "You're aura is so powerful that you unknowingly implant fear in the hearts of weaker ones."

"Only if that was strong enough," the man muttered.

He was in his early 30s, 32 to be precise but his face and stature suggested he was around 20 years old with a daring face and a muscular build.

But, today he was looking awfully weary and only the knight could understand his pain.

The knight slowly stepped forward, trying to console the man saying,

"We'll surely win!"

They both stood up and went down a hatch. A few minutes later, the multitude of men arrived at the house and went through the hatch to the underground base.

"Base ADC-02! One of the most marvelous sightings a man could ever dream to see. With its deep depths and advanced technology, it's truly a dream!" A man exclaimed as others were awed at the sight.

"There, a string telephone. Highly advanced I must say," another man exclaimed.

They slowly walked deeper into the four corners of the iron walls, amazed at every item they laid their eyes on.

The man rushed towards a platform where a cylindrical tin rested. He pulled it from the platform, untangling its strings.

"No response yet? At least we're early," he thought slowly stepping away from the platform.

He walked towards a small wooden chair, sat on it, and rested his head on it. As his eyes gradually shut, he felt a vibration, simultaneously hearing a muffled voice.

Quickly, he opened his eyes and sprung up from his seat. It was clear that the tin can had sourced the vibration. As he walked towards it, he heard a dying voice,

"He's here!"

"What!" The multitude of men including the knight screamed.

They immediately began rushing to the surface, navigating their way to the one referred to as "he" - the demon lord.

"Where could he be?" they thought, sprinting to the direction the call was made from.

*In a tin can telephone connection, only one string is used per user as technology at the time was not advanced. It was compulsory for all Anti-Demon Officials to know the location allocated to a string for a connection.*

With that knowledge, they headed in the direction of the officer which they had already assumed dead.

After a few minutes of running, they saw an elevated figure in a silhouette from the moon's light.

They quickly ceased all movements and slowly observed the creature. It had long purple hair and his clothes shared the same hues. His aura was slightly more frightening than the man who dressed in blue.

"Oh no! Is that him?" The men screamed in fear. At the same moment, their hearts accepted fear, and they all dropped to the ground dead.

Over a thousand men were killed just by a simple gaze at the figure. Only the blue-dressed man and the knight stood firm.

"Sir, shall I dispose of him?" The knight quickly requested.

"Try you're best," he replied.

The knight at an astonishing speed stung up to the sky, disregarding the weight of his armor. He looked at his side, determined to land at least a single blow.

Still, in mid-air, he noticed a strange grim on the figure's face resembling more of a smirk. The figure raised his left hand, and a strange mark appeared on the knight's torso.

Blood suddenly emanated from that mark and the knight fell to the ground unable to harm the creature.

"So that's the demon lord? I'll kill him!" The blue-dressed man said.

He faced him dead in the eye and set himself in motion in a big to attack the demon.

He then screamed, "I am Ryan Kimawari. Here to behead you and disassemble your body!"