
The Rise of the Blood Mosquito

"A blood-sucking mosquito possessing the soul of a university student, rises from weakness to strength for revenge, step by step, from the inconspicuous life-bearing planet 'Earth,' dominating the entire universe! 'The liquid core of this planet ahead contains a high concentration of alloy material, perfect for treating wounds on my exoskeleton surface!' 'So, to obtain the core material, we must obliterate this planet entirely!'"

sckyh · Fantasy
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280 Chs

Translate: Chapter 11: The True Face of the Monster!

This creature has a dark clot defense layer covering its entire body.

A pair of compound eyes emitted a faint refracted light.

Only when you see its fierce mouthparts does it give you a slight feeling of resembling a mosquito.

This is a giant mosquito!

Anyone who sees it would exclaim "monster" at the sight of this creature.

Jia Yan controlled his body, exerting force with his six legs, crawling to the dark area of ​​the construction site underfoot!

"Encountering another guy with such accurate marksmanship. I was flying at such a fast speed, yet he managed to hit my abdomen with a shot!"

Jia Yan felt his abdomen shaken violently, making it somewhat unbearable.

The firearm used by the foreigner wasn't as large-caliber as the Desert Eagle, but it wasn't the small caliber used by the addicts a few days ago. It was somewhere in between. So when Jia Yan was hit by this shot, his body was slightly injured.

He looked down at his bullet-hit abdomen.

The bullet was still stuck on the clot layer. This time the bullet penetrated four layers of defense, almost breaking through the fifth layer of defense.

After the fifth layer of defense is his exoskeleton. Jia Yan didn't know how strong his exoskeleton defense was now. Although theoretically it shouldn't be weaker than the clot defense, nothing is absolute, so he must be careful not to provoke such strong opponents in the future!

"I really didn't expect that even with my flying speed being so fast, he could still hit me. Last time, the addict didn't attack me when I used the inertia of the bullets to escape. It should be because he couldn't react in time. But this time, my high-speed flight speed wasn't slow, yet that foreign youth could still hit me instantly. It seems that this guy is also a master at the level of the addict!"

"I just don't know why these two foreigners dare to confront the soldiers of the Huaxia Nation in the city. Even if they are strong, it's impossible to win against a team of soldiers in the territory of the Huaxia Nation, right?"

Jia Yan thought of the conversation he overheard on the street before, understanding that these two foreigners had been walking conspicuously in the cities of the Huaxia Nation for three days without being caught, which was quite unusual.

Naturally, he didn't know that this was because the identities of the two foreigners were special, and the Huaxia Nation adhered to a cautious attitude, so they hadn't taken severe measures yet.

But today, the two foreigners went too far. Not only did they cause several soldiers to be seriously injured, but they also endangered the lives of the civilians. If it weren't for Jia Yan suddenly appearing, the little girl would have already died!

What Jia Yan didn't know was that he had been captured by countless cameras at a glance, becoming a hot topic on the Internet!

Even though it was late at night, there were still countless night owls active on the internet!

These people directly hyped up the battle video and the "monster that saved the little girl" to the hottest level on some video websites!

"What kind of monster is this after all? Could it be the latest biological weapon developed by our Huaxia?"

"Upstairs is an idiot. This is obviously an ancient mythical beast, emerging recently to save humanity!"

"Upstairs and upstairs are all idiots. This is clearly my pet that went missing the day before yesterday. If anyone sees it, please add QQ34365**336, there will be a reward!"

"Haha, I'm here just to see the stupidity of those upstairs."

"Fire pliers leaving a mark!"

"Peanuts and melon seeds! Selling peanuts and melon seeds! Don't miss out."

"I am a student majoring in biology. Although the appearance of this monster is unclear from the video, through simple judgment, it is obviously an insect-like creature. But I have never known of any existing insects in the world that can grow to such a size, and it also has very prominent needle-like mouthparts, which are just like the mosquitoes we commonly see. However, mosquitoes cannot grow this large, as there is neither the necessity nor the external environment for it. Therefore, forgive me, but I have doubts about the authenticity of this video. Could it have been fabricated by someone bored on a computer?"

"Upstairs, I am a computer science major. I briefly examined this video, and there is no trace of forgery. Moreover, the incident involving those two foreigners has caused such a big stir. Tomorrow's news will report it, and maybe some major websites will launch a special page for this flying creature soon. This can't be faked. Let's wait for the experts to explain!"


Countless comments flooded the entire internet.

At this time, in the offices of two news media companies, the leaders on both sides received a message: their professional cameras captured a relatively clear image of that flying creature!

Immediately, the top executives of these two news media companies sprang into action!

The next day, the photos captured by these two media companies were quoted by countless other media outlets!

It was an image of a mosquito that seemed to have been magnified countless times. The compound eyes on the side emitted a faint light under the dazzling lights.

In the darkness, it clung to the shoulder of the endangered little girl with its four long legs.

Its wings flapped rapidly, to the extent that the camera could only capture a series of light and shadow effects!

Even though it was captured by professional cameras, due to the lighting conditions, the photo was still blurry!

The release of this set of photos heralded a more intense wave of discussion!

In this wave, there were doubts about the authenticity of the photos, questions about what this giant mosquito-like creature really was, and of course, some people criticized the government for not taking action, saying that even saving people required the intervention of a monster!

Amidst this wave of discussion, Jia Yan, the center of this wave, had been hiding in the depths of a construction building...

He was healing.

"The injuries in the internal organs are gradually improving, and this process only requires a certain amount of energy consumption!"

In the depths of a pile of construction materials, Jia Yan's body of over twenty centimeters lay there.

Two days had passed since that night of madness, and Jia Yan had spent two days lying in the depths of the construction materials.

He originally thought that the internal organ injuries might be troublesome because they were internal matters, and there might be some hidden illnesses left behind.

But after two days, he found that the injuries in his internal organs were mysteriously repairing themselves slowly!

"It's called slow, but compared to the healing of human injuries, it's many times faster! Is this because of the mutation? Or is it because mosquitoes themselves have such strong self-healing abilities?" Jia Yan's compound eyes flickered.

Perhaps both reasons contributed to this. After several mutations, Jia Yan's self-healing ability had undoubtedly been strengthened to some extent. But this enhancement was also based on the conditions of mosquitoes as creatures!

It's just that ordinary mosquitoes are too small to show it. With Jia Yan mutating to such a huge body, the formidable aspect of this self-healing ability was instantly magnified!

Mosquitoes, as creatures, have been studied by humans because of their harm.

However, when Jia Yan

, this giant mosquito, appeared under the lens, their exposure rate increased countless times!

With such a high exposure rate, as a university student in Shanghai, he naturally couldn't have not heard of it!

"Huh, this mosquito..."

In her dorm room, Ye Tongyu, holding her recovered laptop, was watching the news online.

The news that attracted her the most was the picture in the text!

In the picture, there was a picture of a giant mosquito!

Although the size was completely different from the one that had saved her, the more Ye Tongyu looked, the more she felt that this large mosquito was very similar to the one she had seen before!

At this moment, her phone rang with an electronic tune!

"Ye Tongyu, hello, I'm Zhang Shiming. Have you seen the recent news? I suspect that the large mosquito is the one that saved us before. Although I don't know how it grew so big, the overall appearance looks very similar to me, and the location is also in Tumen City, which matches completely!"

Zhang Shiming's low voice came through the phone.

"I also think it's very similar, but after all, it's a bit different from the one we saw. The main thing is that the size is too different. Do you think it could be his kind or something?" Ye Tongyu agreed with Zhang Shiming's words, but still raised a question.

"Although from my professional perspective, this large mosquito shouldn't be the same as the one that saved us, but did you see that he's saving people again? Do you think there will be another mosquito in the world that is desperate to save people?" Zhang Shiming was startled.

Ye Tongyu was at a loss for words.

"So I think this is the one!"

Zhang Shiming's tone was slightly excited.

It seemed that he was very grateful to the large mosquito that had saved him that day.

Ye Tongyu opened her mouth, but still shook her head and sighed.

Although she was thinking that this highly anticipated mosquito probably wasn't the one that had saved them, Zhang Shiming wasn't wrong.

In this world, besides that mosquito, would there be another mosquito desperately trying to save people?

She fell into contemplation.

"Zhang Shiming, I think I must go to Tumen again. Are you going?" she suddenly said.

"You're going back there again?..." The other party was surprised.

"Yes, as a future journalist, how can I not explore good material? Since I have such a connection with that large mosquito, I must dig to the end! Yes, I will be the exclusive paparazzi team for that large mosquito in the future, hehe!" she smirked.

"Uh, okay, I'll accompany you." Unexpectedly, after a moment of silence on the phone, Zhang Shiming actually agreed.

The journey of the two to trace the large mosquito officially began!