
The Rise of the Blood Mosquito

"A blood-sucking mosquito possessing the soul of a university student, rises from weakness to strength for revenge, step by step, from the inconspicuous life-bearing planet 'Earth,' dominating the entire universe! 'The liquid core of this planet ahead contains a high concentration of alloy material, perfect for treating wounds on my exoskeleton surface!' 'So, to obtain the core material, we must obliterate this planet entirely!'"

sckyh · Fantasy
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280 Chs

Chapter 7: The Metallic Monster Strikes Again!

The woman, unaware of the creature's existence, furrowed her brows slightly. For her, it was roughly certain that the creature on the other side of the aircraft was indeed an 'evolutionary beast' born on Earth. However, she couldn't explain how this obviously only a few months old creature could grasp human language!

In fact, the monitoring of Jia Yan by this flying craft began only when it arrived in the Wei Country. At that time, the attention of the world was drawn to the strange creature. The owner of this flying craft, Daifuni, noticed that the creature might be the 'evolutionary beast' mentioned in the records of the 'Empire'. Therefore, she monitored Jia Yan's actions to a certain extent thereafter.

However, she didn't understand what happened before that. She only knew through analysis where the creature had been before and that it had encountered some opportunities in the underground world. But this couldn't explain how this giant mosquito creature could understand and even read human language and text!

"Perhaps there has never been communication with an evolutionary beast in its early stages in the history of the Empire! Those evolutionary beasts, even if they can communicate when they evolve to a high degree, already possess strong personalities. For this giant mosquito creature to communicate now is probably a very rare occurrence!"

"Anyway, evolutionary beasts are very mysterious subjects of investigation even in the Empire. If this giant mosquito understands language, I don't need to think too much. I just need to enhance its combat power and use it for my benefit, which is a better outcome!"

The woman stopped thinking about Jia Yan's strangeness and focused on what would happen next!

"I have been on this Earth for three hundred years since I was created. For me, Earth is not the ideal place. The world of the Empire is where I want to live! This incident is a crisis, but also an opportunity! If I discover the existence of star condensate on this Earth and it is known by the Empire, will I be given the status of a normal resident of the Empire? If that's possible, it would be the best!"

Thinking of the vast civilization seen only in videos and articles in the flying craft, the woman showed a strong longing!

However, this expression didn't last long. Her expression returned to normal. She clicked left and right on a seemingly transparent screen in front of her, and under her control, the aircraft accelerated continuously!

While operating the aircraft, she also glanced at an observation screen beside her. On this screen, a huge monster was attentively reading a book.

The woman smiled slightly.

Jia Yan was indeed immersed in his studies!

However, this time was different from when he had previously read about the so-called 'evolutionary beasts'.

As he watched the book in front of him, he continued to experience various methods described in the book within his body!

"Brain waves are a power originating from the brain. This power is clearly evident in evolutionary beasts with strong brain energy. However, because they instinctively activate these powers, they often take many detours and unscientific methods in their training and progress. The purpose of this textbook is to allow citizens of the Empire with brain domain talents far lower than those of evolutionary beasts to have the opportunity to acquire or enhance their brain domain powers through practice!"

Jia Yan read slowly.

The first chapter was an explanation of how to unlock the so-called brain wave power!

For those who had not experienced brain wave power, this explanation was very difficult to understand. However, after seeing the description, Jia Yan understood. The power he had felt when he was attacked by the flying saucer was indeed brain wave power!

So he understood the description above!

"The primary stage of brain wave power can be understood as a way to resonate and interfere with things through brainwave resonance."

Jia Yan tried to use his brain power to see if he could create brainwave interference!

"No, the feeling of this power is just a pure use of force. It says above that the activation of this power is a process of releasing one's own brain power. The whole process feels like flowing like a clear spring. Although I don't understand what the feeling of a clear spring flowing is, it's definitely not the feeling of hitting power into the brain!"

Jia Yan felt that the first step was very difficult.

He continued to strive.


Today was a memorable day for countless people!

As the sunset glow of the Chinese country was about to completely disappear.

Streams of red light appeared in the sky!

These red lights seemed to be chasing something in the sky. Some witnesses claimed to have seen a flying stick-like aircraft that had been frequently appearing all over the world. This aircraft seemed to be the target of these red light attacks!

However, it seemed that the aircraft had not been hit!

Just as humans felt amazed...

The attacks by the metallic monsters, which had stopped for half a month, resumed!

A large number of metallic monsters assembled into military formations and marched swiftly towards the location of humanity!

These metallic monsters were no longer scattered everywhere like before but gathered on the ground, forming a huge formation, advancing towards large cities they had never reached before!

The Earth was in a state of emergency!

At this time, one after another, major countries, nuclear powers, disregarded international treaties, and considering the chaotic state of the Earth, the status and role of the United Nations had been weakened to the extreme.

Therefore, various types of missiles, nuclear bombs, and even previously unexposed bizarre weapons were all deployed!

Missiles were launched towards the metallic monster army!

For humans, it was a good thing that the metallic monsters had gathered together. It meant that they no longer had to brainstorm to figure out how to attack them massively. It was not cost-effective to use cannons to kill mosquitoes. Now that the metallic monsters had gathered, if there was a weapon with huge destructive power that could hit them, the damage caused to the metallic monsters would definitely be significant!

However, at this critical moment, what humans were most worried about happened!

One by one, relatively weak red light beams seemed to shoot from all over the Earth!

They shot at the bodies of those attacking weapons, each shot extremely accurate. Even if they were not accurate, there were follow-up units attacking, covering the sky!

Under the interception of these red light attacks, the weapons launched by the Earth's military almost had no success!

However, the United States succeeded once, and China succeeded once. Their attacks hit the densely packed areas of the metallic army...


The scenes shown by the satellites left the top military officials of the Earth dumbfounded!

The metallic army attacked by the United States numbered ten thousand in total, and they were indeed densely packed, almost all gathered in a small square kilometer area!

The missile hit the center of this group of metallic monsters army!

A huge explosion sounded in that place, the state of the mushroom cloud was several times larger than the atomic bomb dropped by the United States on Hiroshima and Nagasaki! This indicates that the power of this atomic bomb is several times greater than the power of the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki!

The United States had even more powerful nuclear weapons, but those nuclear weapons either had not been approved for use or were intercepted halfway. This remaining nuclear bomb represented almost all the hopes of the military!

China's scene was similar, but what they attacked was a small city that had already been deserted. This county-level small city had been completely occupied by metallic monsters. Today, for some reason, a large number of metallic monsters gathered here, with a number of at least tens of thousands!

And luckily, China's nuclear power also broke through the interception of those red lights and hit the top of these metallic monsters!

Two huge mushroom clouds rose slowly on the surface of the Earth.

However, what made those top military officials of the Earth feel speechless was that the achievements of these two mushroom clouds were more due to the nuclear power that was hit and exploded in the air by those red lights!

It can be said that countless explosions and mushroom clouds were not eye-catching!

But they carried the hopes of the military and humanity!