
The Rise of the Blood Mosquito

"A blood-sucking mosquito possessing the soul of a university student, rises from weakness to strength for revenge, step by step, from the inconspicuous life-bearing planet 'Earth,' dominating the entire universe! 'The liquid core of this planet ahead contains a high concentration of alloy material, perfect for treating wounds on my exoskeleton surface!' 'So, to obtain the core material, we must obliterate this planet entirely!'"

sckyh · Fantasy
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280 Chs

Chapter 23 Supersonic Lightning Attack, Unleashed!

The massive creature's body slammed fiercely into the metallic monster before its eyes!

Just a moment ago, it was battling in the frontlines!

However, after dealing with one metallic monster, his soaring figure heard a young male voice!

The voice of this young man was incredibly sorrowful, as if he had encountered the most tragic thing under the sun!

So, Jia Yan made a decision to help this boy!

And now, what unfolded before him was the scene of him crashing into the metallic monster in front of him!

And now, the injuries on the giant mosquito's body didn't seem as terrifying anymore!

Its body, filled with coagulated liquid, was rapidly wriggling. This movement was no longer the slow pace it usually was; it was extremely fast. It seemed as if they were afraid their master would die, desperately writhing and swiftly repairing the damaged parts of their body!

And it was at this moment that those azure-blue substances seemed to reveal themselves for a moment, like a victorious general who quickly receded after resolving Jia Yan's great crisis, then rapidly sinking down.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!!!

Jia Yan slammed the metallic monster into a partially constructed building!

The metallic monster, like all its kind, was extremely tough, and the one before him was no exception. The red flashes from the barrels on its head glinted rapidly, and at that moment, Jia Yan's horn-shaped appendage had already pierced into what served as its 'heart' in its chest!


The struggles of the metallic monster stopped abruptly!

Its body ceased struggling; it was evidently dead.

"Very good. One strike, one kill, a satisfactory completion!"


The giant mosquito stood up from a pile of collapsed building bricks.

It gazed at the scene outside with its compound eyes.

A middle-aged man and the young figure swiftly disappeared down a small path.

The boy supported his father, and although their figures were somewhat unsteady, they still steadfastly made their way towards the outside world.

"Alright, let's just escape like this!"

Although Jia Yan didn't know the specifics of the situation, he could probably guess what had happened.

This kid's voice was really loud; he could still hear the child yelling even while in battle. 

Jia Yan didn't know why, but he instantly came to help!

Actually, maybe it was the hoarse voice of this child that touched some soft spot in him?

Perhaps it was the profound emotions in the boy's voice that attracted Jia Yan, prompting him to help!

At that moment, upon hearing the child's voice, the mosquito, who originally had no intention of saving anyone, made the decision to lend a hand to the child!

Anyway, the metallic monsters here. They were all supposed to be dealt with by himself, right?

Jia Yan reasoned with himself about his actions, but for the mosquito, it was just a small matter.

At this moment, the mosquito immediately stopped thinking about this incident.

Its attention was still focused on the remaining dozen or so metallic monsters about to engage in battle!

For him now, saving a human life was just a decision he could make on a whim.

After all, none of the humans here were really enemies. Save those you want to save, kill those you want to kill. For Jia Yan, it was entirely up to his own discretion.

"Alright. The matter with this big boy is settled. Now, about what's next…"

Jia Yan's gaze focused outside the building at the dozen or so metallic monsters following.

"It's just you guys left! I've already taken care of half of you. Do you still think you have a chance to kill me?"

The mosquito's body rose high, welcoming the approaching metallic monsters!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!!!

The fierce battle resumed!

Explosions lit up the sky!

In the distance of this fiery glow, two figures were slowly making their way.

It was a child and a slightly exhausted middle-aged man.

"Dad, I told you just now! That giant mosquito isn't a monster that harms people. You saw it, didn't you? It even saved you!" Wu Rongbin supported his father, but the big boy didn't seem too excited at the moment.

Of course, it was a joyous occasion that his father was saved, but he also learned the news of his mother's passing. This news left him unsure whether he should cry or smile!

"Heh, you were right, just like you said. That giant mosquito is a creature that saves people. I misunderstood it." Wu Rongbin's father was also very emotional at the moment, but unlike his son, he was weak yet joyful. After all, he had promised his deceased wife to take good care of their child and could now continue to do so. This was a good thing!

Father and son continued on their way towards the outside world, unaware that behind them, what they considered a dangerous place was rapidly diminishing in metallic monsters!

This was Jia Yan's doing!

Jia Yan, this giant mosquito, had truly clashed with the metallic monsters!

Clang! Clang! Clang!!!

After several intense explosions, one metallic monster was swiftly swatted away by the mosquito's forelimb!

The weight of this metallic monster was not light, yet it was still swatted away by Jia Yan!

Compared to before, Jia Yan's strength had increased significantly.

He continued to fight on!

Only a few metallic monsters remained before him.

In this situation, the mosquito became even more proactive in its attacks!

You guys explode, don't you?

"Come on! If you think you can outpace my forelimb, then try it!"

Jia Yan's body continuously changed direction in the air. Just as a metallic monster he approached was about to launch a violent red light, it suddenly exploded!

Unexpectedly, this metallic monster didn't give Jia Yan a chance to attack. It immediately initiated its self-destruct sequence as soon as he approached. However, what this metallic monster didn't anticipate was that Jia Yan's body didn't come towards it; instead, it flew over it, heading towards another metallic monster behind it!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!!!

This metallic monster had no choice but to detonate itself after initiating the explosion, ending its life in solitary loneliness.

It only emitted a final brilliant flame!

Jia Yan looked back calmly.

"I knew you would choose this move."

There was a thoughtful gleam in Jia Yan's compound eyes. In his view, although these metallic monsters were not very intelligent, they were certainly not idiots. After killing so many of them in succession, these metallic monsters knew they couldn't defeat Jia Yan. Therefore, they chose to explode when Jia Yan approached, and this was something that could be anticipated!

And it could be foreseen that these metallic monsters would continue to choose this mode of attack!

Even if they self-destruct, they would still choose to go down with him, Jia Yan!

"Should I consider it an honor, or should I say you guys are terrifying!"

Jia Yan looked down at the metallic monsters standing solemnly below. At this moment, even the red lights they emitted became scarce. This was not only because their energy was diminishing, but also because they intended to use their strongest energy to go down with Jia Yan!

"Your determination is commendable, but sorry. I don't have the intention to die with you!"

Jia Yan

's compound eyes gleamed with a hint of thought.

His figure continued to accelerate in mid-air!

Instead of attacking downwards, he just kept accelerating!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!!!

Finally, in the low airspace, this giant mosquito's speed reached a factor!

Breaking through this limit, his speed entered another realm. It was simply frighteningly fast!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!!!

The mosquito's figure became dazzlingly confusing in the air!

This was his tactic!

In the previous battle, Jia Yan had already figured out the limits of these metallic monsters' reactions!

Every creature and every machine had its limits of reaction, and metallic monsters had their own reaction limits, which was normal!

Even if an average person calculated the metallic monsters' reaction limit speed, it would be impossible to utilize it. Because that reaction speed was too fast!

But Jia Yan was different. His greatest advantage was that he was a flying creature!

And not just any flying creature, but one with extremely fast flying speed!

Breaking the sound barrier. Let's see if you can keep up!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!!!

The mosquito's speed became even faster!

Following that, the mosquito, like an attacking fighter jet, swooped down!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!!!

Its body, surpassing the speed of sound, was dazzlingly fast!

It was simply impossible to react!

To attack something on the ground at a speed exceeding sound, and not with missiles or projectiles, but with a part of its own body!

Such a thing, any pilot would consider it a mythical feat.

And the giant mosquito just did it!

Although it was only done for the first time, Jia Yan had no worries in his mind!

Because why?

Because he was a born flying creature!!

If flying creatures died due to flying accidents, it would be too embarrassing!


Near its antennae, there was a strong gust of wind!

The things seen by its compound eyes had almost turned into blurry streaks due to the speed!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!!!

The compound eyes of the mosquito gleamed with excitement!

An attack at the speed of sound. Even a slight mishap, even if it only grazed the ground, wouldn't be a simple minor injury!

But that's exactly what it wanted!

The wind blew against its exoskeletal body, and even the tiniest specks of dust in the air collided with its body. This sensation was too exhilarating!

A slight mistake would result in being flung away!

At supersonic speeds, the distance between the mosquito and the metallic monster could be said to close in an instant!

Too fast for them to even consider initiating self-destruction!

In the midst of its high-speed flight, one of Jia Yan's forelimbs, shaped like a knife, slowly rose.

The target was within reach!

The giant mosquito's supersonic lightning attack, unleashed!!