
The Rise of the Blood Mosquito

"A blood-sucking mosquito possessing the soul of a university student, rises from weakness to strength for revenge, step by step, from the inconspicuous life-bearing planet 'Earth,' dominating the entire universe! 'The liquid core of this planet ahead contains a high concentration of alloy material, perfect for treating wounds on my exoskeleton surface!' 'So, to obtain the core material, we must obliterate this planet entirely!'"

sckyh · Fantasy
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280 Chs

Chapter 13: Speed of 1,800 Kilometers per Hour?

If flying at full speed, how fast would that be?

"This..." Jia Yan was shocked.

He knew, of course, that breaking the sound barrier might not be particularly fast for ordinary fighter jets. After all, the F-15J he dealt with a few days ago had a theoretical maximum speed of 2,700 kilometers per hour! Compared to this terrifying speed, the speed of 1,200 kilometers per hour was completely different.

But Jia Yan was not at his fastest speed now either! Jia Yan could even feel that he could barely maintain this speed and maintain at least half an hour of cruising flight!

It's worth noting that normal aircraft typically fly at speeds close to the speed of sound, around 900 kilometers per hour. It's not that they can't fly faster, but breaking the sound barrier leads to significantly increased fuel consumption, damage, and so on. So even though most aircraft can exceed the speed of sound, and even fourth-generation fighters like the F-15J can exceed it by more than double, their cruising speed is still only around 1,000 kilometers per hour!

Jia Yan used his own strength, so he wasn't worried about so-called "fuel consumption" issues as long as he had the strength.

"This is another advantage of mine. I just don't know how fast my maximum flying speed really is!"

With this in mind, Jia Yan increased the speed of his flight!

What Jia Yan didn't notice was that when he continued to exert force, a faint blue color suddenly surged up in the wing muscles on his abdomen!


The vibrations of the large mosquito's wings became even more intense, emitting a noise remarkably similar to a jet engine, echoing through the sky. It shook the surroundings!

Boom! Boom! Boom! -

The body of the large mosquito, which had already exceeded the speed of sound, accelerated again! And the degree of acceleration this time was also considerable!

Jia Yan only felt that the scenery around his body was rapidly receding!

At this moment, he was still flying at an altitude of over 2,000 meters, and he only felt that this altitude was the true place to soar, with its delightful scenery, fresh air from the earth, and vast emptiness. This kind of grand and bold way of flying was exactly what he wanted!

After speeding up to exceed the speed of sound, the land of the Wa country behind him was rapidly receding!

Jia Yan couldn't estimate his own speed anymore, only knowing that it was much faster than when he broke the sound barrier earlier!

Whooo! Whooo! Whooo! -

The sound hadn't even formed in his "antennae ears" yet, but it was already thrown far behind. Jia Yan found that although he should have made a lot of noise, he couldn't hear much of it.

It was as if he had entered a soundless world.

The surrounding air felt icy.

After all, the speed at this moment was too fast, and the intense cold wind made Jia Yan experience a coldness surpassing what he had felt at an altitude of 4,500 meters before!

"Alas, it's still limited by temperature. I actually feel like I could go faster."

Jia Yan felt helpless, then controlled his body to gradually slow down.

As he slowed down, he experienced a sensation: the side of his body that was originally silent suddenly had more noise, which was the sound of his vibrating wings, very intense!

Then Jia Yan finally descended below the speed of sound.

He twisted his wing muscles and glided silently towards the distance!

"Goodbye, Wa country. The things here are already done. Although I didn't see your so-called divine object, my goal has been achieved. Let's leave the divine objects of Wa country and the underground world of Huaxia for next time!"

Jia Yan's compound eyes looked back at the land behind him.

He had experienced quite a bit in this Wa country, killing members of the Self-Defense Force and even destroying two Wa country fighter jets!

Of course, what Jia Yan didn't know was that his greatest "achievement" indirectly triggered the eruption of Mount Fuji!

And the metallic monsters released then were still rampaging on the Wa country's land to this day. Moreover, for unknown reasons, these monsters had spread to a global scale, although Jia Yan had yet to see them.

The large mosquito flew away, and of course, his appearance was also revealed on the Wa country's radar.

"The mysterious object has left. The speed is decreasing, only about 370 kilometers per hour."

The personnel at the radar station breathed a sigh of relief. If this mysterious object continued to advance into the Wa country's territory, they would have to report it to the higher-ups, and then they would definitely have to send fighters to intercept or launch interceptors such as missiles or anti-aircraft guns. After all, judging from the speed and size of this thing, it was not ordinary. If it were really a threatening weapon, interception defense must be achieved.

But now this thing was gradually leaving the range of the Wa country's island.

Now they could relax!

The internal war in the Wa country had already reached a very intense level. The entire country, centered around Mount Fuji, had almost turned into scorched earth! If something else were to come to the Wa country now, they really wouldn't have the energy to deal with it!

That's right! In just this short week, the Wa country had suffered huge losses from those metallic monsters! Even if it was because this was the first place in the world where the metallic monsters erupted, the number of metallic monsters in the Wa country had exceeded... three hundred thousand!

Three hundred thousand metallic monsters, and they were the kind that couldn't be stopped by swords or spears and had extremely powerful attacks! Even if these monsters would "shut down" due to excessive attacks, if a metallic monster didn't continue to attack, no one knew how long its energy could last!

Apart from these metallic monsters that had become immobile due to excessive attacks, the metallic monsters eliminated by the Wa country's military strength were extremely few, probably not more than a thousand in total, including those eliminated by the Self-Defense Forces and civilians in various ways!

And the metallic monsters immobilized due to energy depletion are estimated to exceed ten thousand in number! Adding those eliminated by the Wa country's people, the combat effectiveness lost by the metallic monsters is only about one-thirtieth. There are still a staggering two hundred and ninety thousand metallic monsters waiting for the Wa country's people to eliminate!

But can they really eliminate the three hundred thousand metallic monsters roaming the mountains and plains in groups of three to five?

Highly unlikely!

Of course, the people in Wa country had no idea that the strange creature displayed on their radar was the giant mosquito monster that had caused a huge impact in Wa country just a week ago!

Although the commotion at the time seems like an appetizer compared to the current appearance of the metallic monster army, it was still a very hot topic at the time, and many people still remember that giant mosquito! Some even believe that everything started because of the appearance of this giant mosquito monster! So this giant mosquito monster should be named "Genesis" by the people of Wa country!

Of course, all of this is just speculation among the people of Wa country, who have no idea that their mention of "Genesis" is actually quite fitting with Jia Yan, because a large part of the chaos in Wa country now is caused by the giant mosquito monster that detonated Mount Fuji!

Looking at it this way, almost the entire world's wars can be said to be thanks to this giant mosquito monster!

Of course, Jia Yan himself still doesn't know about the world's upheaval.

And even if he did, he wouldn't think his fault was that significant!

Just damaging the metal pipes and then killing one metallic monster that pursued him, no matter how you look at it, doesn't seem to be too much of a fault. He couldn't have predicted the massive retaliation from those metallic monsters just because he killed one of their kind!

Of course, perhaps there are other reasons hidden beneath all surface evidence, but speculation is just speculation, and who knows the real reasons?

The giant mosquito continues to fly!

Whoo, whoo, whoo!

Transforming into a gliding flight mode, Jia Yan finds that even in this passive flying mode, his speed has increased!

It seems that after mutation, his body shape is more aerodynamic, and his wings are even larger, with much greater strength. As long as he reduces his speed a bit, a little effort can further increase his descending speed.

"I couldn't estimate the speed just now, but now I can probably estimate it. Maybe it's about four hundred kilometers per hour," Jia Yan speculates on his cruising speed while flying.

This speed is twice as fast as his previous cruising speed! This is the most energy-efficient way of flying, Jia Yan can feel that if he is willing to exert a little more effort, this cruising speed can be increased, and even cruising speeds of up to five hundred and fifty kilometers per hour can be achieved!

And now, because this flying mode is really not tiring, and the energy consumption is not much, for him now, flying around the Earth might be achievable without the need for rest or food!

In other words, the endurance of this giant mosquito, Jia Yan, is enough to support him circling the Earth without needing to rest or eat along the way!

It's simply an unbelievable miracle!

Of course, Jia Yan was already a monstrous giant mosquito to begin with, so it's only natural that he became so powerful after mutation.

"Alright, I've arrived at the island where I hid the notebook."

Finally, after a period of flying, Jia Yan arrived at the small island where he had hidden the notebook.

This island is very remote, originally only having a few households, but when Jia Yan flew to the island, he suddenly saw that there seemed to be many more people on the island!

These are all people who came to this place to escape from the metallic monsters on the island of Wa.