
The Rise of the Blood Mosquito

"A blood-sucking mosquito possessing the soul of a university student, rises from weakness to strength for revenge, step by step, from the inconspicuous life-bearing planet 'Earth,' dominating the entire universe! 'The liquid core of this planet ahead contains a high concentration of alloy material, perfect for treating wounds on my exoskeleton surface!' 'So, to obtain the core material, we must obliterate this planet entirely!'"

sckyh · Fantasy
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280 Chs

Chapter 12: Negotiations on the Train

Though the words were bold, Jia Yan still hadn't figured out how to put them into action...

Avenging oneself as a mosquito, especially as a male mosquito, was proving exceedingly difficult.

Thinking about the international metropolis that would be reached in just ten hours.

Thinking about the most significant figure after this rebirth, the biggest wish before his short life expired, was drawing nearer and nearer.

Yet Jia Yan still hadn't come up with a feasible plan, which made him somewhat anxious.

"Infecting the virus seems to pose many challenges, but as long as there's a viable method, I will definitely try it, even if it means going down with Yu Yuan in the end!" Jia Yan affirmed his conviction!

As he flew into the passenger car, almost all the passengers had already boarded.

This car was entirely seated.

As a new batch of passengers entered, they searched for seats and stowed their luggage, making each car quite noisy for a while!

However, the train had already begun to move slowly.

An express train, dedicated to seizing every moment!

Jia Yan first stabilized his body, firmly grasping the wall in an inconspicuous corner.

When the inertia of acceleration passed and the train gradually quieted down, he flew out from the inconspicuous corner...

"Mom, there's a mosquito!"

Unexpectedly, a seven or eight-year-old girl with watery eyes spotted Jia Yan's presence and immediately screamed.

Uh... Jia Yan was startled by the girl's scream and almost fell to the ground.

I say, little girl, if you see me, just see me, why scream? If you end up scaring me to death, I'll definitely haunt you even in the afterlife!

Jia Yan quickly flew upward, landing directly on the luggage rack, hidden by piles of luggage, making his figure invisible to anyone.

Of course, in such a space, no one would pay attention to a mosquito. Even if it flew in front of someone, they might swat at it, but climbing onto the luggage rack to swat a mosquito? Whether they would actually do it aside, they would definitely be considered odd!

So Jia Yan was fortunate not to face further pursuit.

"So, this car is definitely not suitable. Many passengers mean many eyes and potential danger, not to mention the poor air quality!" 

Jia Yan was a mosquito, and mosquitoes could sense carbon dioxide and various odors.

Now he could perceive that this car was filled with various smells, some toxic, some not, almost suffocating him!

"To the sleeper car!"

The noise from the crowd below gradually subsided as people began to admire the scenery or play on their phones, with some even dozing off in the middle of the day.

Jia Yan controlled his wings, flying at a height close to the ceiling of the car, swiftly exiting!

This height was basically unreachable for humans, even if there were 'tall people' comparable to Yao Ming, it was unlikely they would jump out in front of everyone to swat a mosquito, right?

So, flying through the crowded cars was relatively safe.

During this period, some people did see Jia Yan flying by quickly.

But at most, they just glanced, as there were too many insects flying around all day long. Even the mosquitoes in their own sleeping rooms couldn't be swatted, so who would care about a fast-flying fellow like this?

Jia Yan flew past several cars like this.

"Sleeper car!" Finally, he found the place he was looking for.

The sleeper car had four beds in one room, fewer people, and relatively clean air.

Jia Yan surveyed the various rooms in the sleeper car, waiting for someone to open the door so he could sneak in unnoticed.

Meanwhile, in a sleeper car not far from where Jia Yan was...

Two men sat facing each other!

Apart from them, there was no one else in this sleeper compartment.

These two men also had some luggage like ordinary passengers, but upon closer inspection, one would notice that their luggage contained very few daily necessities, and they were exceptionally light in weight.

Clearly, they were just for show!

"Northeast Tiger, you brought what you promised me, right?" The speaker was the relatively thin man. He had a lean figure, sunken eye sockets, prominent cheekbones, and a pair of cold eyes, giving off a chilling aura.

"The famous 'drug addict' in the industry asked me to bring something. How could I dare not bring it? But this antibacterial peptide, you should understand how valuable it is, right?" The man called 'Northeast Tiger' was a typical northern strongman, over six feet tall, with bulging muscles and biceps that could rival the arms of a skinny man.

However, from his words, one could sense his fear of the thin 'drug addict', even saying he didn't dare not to bring what was asked of him.

"I naturally understand how valuable the antibacterial peptide is, and the type you possess is even more exceptional, isn't it? I've heard about it from friends. Now, I just want to ask, what are your conditions for giving me this antibacterial peptide?" The drug addict's thin cheeks showed a hint of desire in the dim light.

"Wait, let me check if it's safe outside." Northeast Tiger pretended to be nervous as he stood up, but there was a hint of mockery at the corner of his mouth.

He intentionally smiled for the drug addict to see.

Northeast Tiger stood up and opened the door of the sleeper compartment.

He pretended to scrutinize the outside slowly, checking for any potential threats or suspicious individuals.

But in reality, he knew perfectly well that this sleeper compartment was safe!

Several days ago, some of his men had already started taking long-distance trips in this sleeper car, even investigating for bugs or other surveillance devices.

And now, the area around their sleeper compartment was completely under their control!

Northeast Tiger's intention was to deliberately tease the drug addict, making him understand that it wasn't him who needed the drug addict, but the other way around!

"Oh, this sleeper compartment seems nice! There are only two people inside, and neither of them smokes."

What Northeast Tiger didn't know was that when he unnecessarily opened the door of the sleeper compartment... a male Chinese mosquito, buzzing with joy, seized the opportunity and flew into the room!

"Alright, Tiger! Stop playing games with me and state your conditions!" At this moment, a slightly suppressed anger could be heard in the drug addict's voice.

Finally, Northeast Tiger laughed openly.

The drug addict had a big reputation, and if he didn't give him a bit of a hard time now, the subsequent transaction would be much more difficult.

He closed the door and returned to his lower bunk.

Across from him was the drug addict.

"Drug addict, I understand your situation! You were tripped up by someone not long ago, injected with poison, and now, without my antibacterial peptide, you're in dire straits, right?" Northeast Tiger said lightly.

"How do you know!" The drug addict frowned.

The two people engaged in this cold conversation had no idea that at the same time, a mosquito that had just stopped in the gap between the upper bunks suddenly froze!

Uh... What are these two people talking about?

Could I have stumbled upon something terrifying!

Jia Yan quickly shrank his body even more cautiously.

Actually, this was also a matter of inevitability in coincidence. Humans would

 never guard against mosquitoes. Jia Yan might not see some dark sides today, but someday, he would witness similar events.

"I naturally have my sources of information." Northeast Tiger waved his hand dismissively. "I say this to let you know that I am sincerely treating you with honesty! You, the drug addict, are a top-notch assassin in the domestic killer world, and I, Northeast Tiger, you should have heard of me too! What I want isn't just a small collaboration; you understand what I mean, right?"

"Northeast Tiger! In recent years, relying on the pharmaceutical industry, you suddenly emerged as a rising star. Some friends even speculated that you must have obtained some special medical knowledge, otherwise, how could you suddenly produce new drugs that many medical professionals couldn't solve..." The drug addict's thin face, under the dim light, was sharp and cold as he spoke.

"But you've been rapidly expanding your influence using the drugs in your hands. It's only been a short time, and your reach has extended even to the capital. Are you implying that you want to be my master for a long time?" The drug addict suddenly smiled, but this smile was filled with a bloody taste. "I just want to ask, Northeast Tiger, do you think you're worthy?" 

"Hahaha!" Northeast Tiger burst into laughter. "I, Northeast Tiger, am not worthy at all! Senior Drug Addict, let me tell you, I'm not trying to be anyone's master. Over this past year, I've just been muddling through, and now, this dumb kid wants to have a long-term partnership with you. There's no master or servant here. We won't distinguish between high and low. As long as you don't take on other business while cooperating with me, whatever you want, Northeast Tiger won't even bat an eyelid. Do you understand what I mean?"

As he said this, Northeast Tiger, without any regret, took out a seemingly common bottle of medicine from his bag and smiled, standing up to place the medicine on the drug addict's lower bunk!

"One is an assassin! The other one seems to be a big shot in the pharmaceutical industry? Is this a movie being filmed?" Jia Yan, hiding in his concealed spot, was filled with uncertain question marks.