
The First Part of the Independence Plan

Quickly four days passed...

At this time, it was early morning in the Black Plain region, and the temperature was pleasant, typical of this period of the day.

But while the local climate was stable, with a bluish sky extended for hundreds of kilometers, a group of carriages approached the Dry City from the south side of the wall.

This group consisted of three carriages typically used for human transport, which were being pulled by spiritual beasts from the 2nd stage of cultivation, the most common to be found in groups like this one on the roads of the northern region of the Central Continent.

At the same time that such a group approached the southern post of the local wall, a young woman pursued them from afar until she finally told her beast to stop running.

Almost immediately after she gave her command, the beast slowed down, and the green-haired young woman leaned forward, with her hair swaying in the breeze.