
Selection Results

After the fight of the young Alina, the week of battles of the last part of the selection ended in the blink of an eye. Today, on the third day after the end of this competition, the new soldiers had finally finished joining Minos' force.

In total, of the 2,400 vacancies offered in this edition of the Black Plain Army's selection, 2,155 of them had been occupied by the competitors.

From this group, following the order of the 1st stage until the 5th, there were 312, 697, 751, 352, and 43 new soldiers in each of the first five hierarchies.

Due to this new addition of personnel, the numbers of the young Stuart's army had reached the mark of 4,555 soldiers in total, of which 334 were Sergeants, individuals from the 5th stage of cultivation.

The majority of this group, Spiritual General, was at level 40. However, there were several of them at level 41, and the strongest, except for Eda, was at level 43.