
Promotions and More Promotions

In the three years since the agreement with Tiolos, Minos had talked to his family about his plans to go to Uzira with Tiolos. Obviously, he didn't want to make this journey alone, for in a century—as the Supreme had promised—they should be much stronger than they were now.

Minos had already planned his departure in 100 years, but he hadn't considered that he would be away from his family on this journey. Therefore, Abby and the others saw no problem with his plan and were already preparing for such a future.

Their situation in the guild was already good, so in 100 years, it should be better for them to think about such a match.

Not only that, but as far as Minos knew, some elders of Armhands had interests in Uzira, so he could take his family to the primordial continent for a mission, not just a personal trip.