
One Month Fighting Two Wars

After this month, Minos again participated in battlefield fights between those two organizations and developed more of his black hole.

Because of this and the fact that the Gray Clouds Sect had unanimously rallied around Minos, that organization publicly announced the change in its control. 

That led to all the other powers of this state finding out about this unexpected and shocking change, making many wonders what was going on in that organization.

Even old enemies of Oswald were in doubt as to what this fellow was up to. But none of them believed that such a person had gone senile.

Oswald was one of the most lucid in the empire. He had a terrifying power that made him a fantastic warrior, but it also stimulated his mental abilities. 

So instead of preparing for the decline of that sect, the rivals of that organization and Oswald were preparing for the opposite, some move on this sect's part.