
Losing Control of the Situation 4


The four people simultaneously used low-level grade-2 shields to cushion their falls as they landed at four different points around where that Spiritual King was running.

Earlier, they had talked to each other, planning this attack in question. That consisted of a group of baits being thrown by the rest of the soldiers to hold the opponent. At the same time, the others prepared themselves, just as they had already tried against Minos in a military exercise.

And for that, a certain amount of soldiers from the young Stuart's army had protective items, as in the examples of shields and arrays, which basically served for the baits to act as in this situation.

These four people had protected themselves with their shields before being hurled into the air by their companions' attacks. After such a thing, in just a split second, they had reached the surroundings of that target, ready to act as baits!