
Kendrick and Sarah's Future

The level 79 Spiritual Saints next to Minos were open-mouthed, looking at their leader, shocked to see him manipulate space for the first time.

Minos was not a Spiritual Sage, but he had several abilities related to the Special Laws, which gave 9th-stage cultivators the ability to manipulate space and travel through wormholes. 

But it wasn't only because of his techniques that he had achieved this!

Because the Natural Laws condensed into the giant skeletons in the Spatial Kingdom, which Minos had been absorbing for years, he had greatly advanced his ability to manipulate space. 

That had not given him great mastery over space. He couldn't open wormholes and travel long distances. Still, with this, he could manipulate space to small distances, as he had just done.

His subordinates were not aware of this, as Minos had never shown this before, so they were open-mouthed at his demonstration of power.